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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上摘 要本设计以北京市某大厦通风空调工程为背景,在设计中充分考虑经济、节能、环保等实际因素,本次设计主要以夏季建筑物的通风、空调及制冷机房的工程设计为主。主要的工作内容包括方案确定、负荷计算、管路系统的水力计算、设备选型、施工图纸绘制、外文翻译、整个工程说明等工作。本工程总建筑面积18760平方米,是集办公、会议室、客房于一体的综合性办公大楼,地上四层为群楼,塔楼A座九层,塔楼B座九层,地下二层。因为综合考虑了该建筑功能分区比较多,使用时间不统一,过渡季节建筑内冷、热负荷及室外空气状态参数的变化导致的空调的运行情况多变等特点,所以五至十层开敞式办公室是采用全空气系统,其


3、所设计系统的消声、减振、保温和检测调整措施,将噪声和热损失列在考虑范围内,满足室内舒适性的要求。关键词: 空调;通风;制冷;新风;经济性 专心-专注-专业Bei Jing Building Ventilation and Air Conditioning Engineering DesignAbstract Based in Beijing Complex Building engineering background , consideringeconomy, building energy conservation, environmental protection, Nanjing is

4、 not heating because of thesouthern region so designed mainly to the summer building ventilation, air-conditioning and refrigeration engineering design of the main engine room. The fundamental work covers project preparation, loads calculation, fluids calculation for pipeline system, equipment selec

5、tion, construction paper, etc.The total construction area of 18760 sq m, is a concentration of office, conference rooms, lounges, entertainment into an integrated office building, four floors to the ground-floor, Tower Block A 9-storey tower 9-storey Block B, underground layer. As comprehensive acco

6、unt of the building more functional area, the use of time is not uniform, the transitional building cooling season, Heat load and outdoor air state parameter changes caused by the operation of the air-conditioning and other changeable features, 5-10 of the open-air office is using the entire system,

7、 the other rooms optional fan-coil increases the concentration of new wind air-conditioning systems. other selected rooms The fresh new style centralized air-conditioning system .Air distribution system helpes to provide a hygiene, comfort and healthy current of air. The underground floor is well ve

8、ntilated to defend smoke in case of fire. This design is based on reasonable system, which meets the ideal usage standard, lowers the initial investment, and reduces pollution to the environment. This design which meets “Design & Construction Code”, can take guideline for the purchase of the materia

9、l, the gearing of the equipments and construction. Therefore this paper provides guarantees for comfortable and healthy environments that satisfy indoor air requrement and IAQ (indoor air quality). Engine room design is simple and steady, with high automatic control.The design is modeled on the actu

10、al works, related to air conditioning, heating and ventilation standard as the basis, In highlighting energy saving ideas at the same time strive to meet indoor air quality and comfort requirements, guarantee the normal air-conditioning system to operate effectively. Also addresses the design of the

11、 muffler systems, vibration, thermal insulation and testing adjustment measures, noise and heat loss out of the account, meet indoor comfort requirements.Key words: Air-condition; Aeration; New Wind;Refrigeration; economy.目 录引 言随着我国经济的发展,人民生活水平大幅提高,对空调的需求也越来越大。空调不再是过去奢侈品的象征,而是成为人们生活质量提高的重要标志之一。因此,人们


13、室内空气状态参数有不同要求,故需采用不同系统分析比较设计。本设计结合实际工程需要,采用风机盘管加新风系统与全空气系统相结合的设计方法,充分考虑各方面的因素对室内环境的影响,以便达到更好的对室内空气进行调节的目的,以保证人们生活和工作的健康舒适性。毕业设计是一次很有意义的学习过程。通过这次毕业设计,将会掌握工程设计的步骤和基本的建筑规范,尤其是进一步巩固了本专业基础知识,并拓展了知识面,增强了自己综合运用能力和深化所学的专业知识的能力,初步学习到在一般工程中的设计方法;培养了独立分析、解决一般工程实际问题的能力,为今后参加工作奠定了基础。 1 设计资料1.1工程概况本建筑为地上主体13层。地下1

14、层用做车库、制冷机房、水泵房,地下2层主要用做车库。地上1至2层为银行业务大厅,3至4层为银行办公室和会议室,5至10层作为开敞式办公室,11至13层为客房、单元式办公室。总建筑面积:18760平方米。墙体的维护结构如下所示:地下室外墙:混凝土加气混凝土240, k=0.706 w/.地上室外墙:砖墙36-370-3, k=0.59 w/.玻璃幕外墙:6钢+9A+6钢, k=3.009 w/.外窗:单框双玻璃钢窗, k=2.705 w/.节能外门:松木云杉热流方向垂直木纹, k=3.021 w/.屋面:非上人加气混凝土砌块100mm,聚苯板50mm,k=0.055 w/.1.2气象参数设计地区

15、:北京(N3948, E11628),海拔31.2m供暖室外计算温度:-9供暖室内设计温度:18大气压力:冬季102.4kpa,夏季100.3 kpa,年平均温度10.2,冬季:供热-9,空调-12,通风-18;夏季:通风30,空调33.5,空调日平均温度29。室外相对湿度:最热月平均77%。室外风速:冬季2.7m/s,夏季1.7 m/s。冬季日照率68%,最大冻土深度85cm。1.3室内设计参数表1.1 北京市室内设计参数房间名称温度()相对湿度(%)人数(人/m2)新风量(m3/h.人)夏季夏季会议室2665230办公室26550.230客房26600.230银行大厅26600.3201.4动力与能源资料1


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