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1、撰写人:_日 期:_实用的英语感恩演讲稿范文集锦五篇 英语感恩演讲稿 篇 A belovedcn trdition, hanksgiingyofes u t opporuity to focu ur thohs onthe rc hat ha ben exteddto o peple and ourcoun.Tis pirtbrogt ogether hnewly rrivd Plgrimsdh Wmpang tib - whoa beenlivin anthrivig aound Plyouth, Massacutts r touands yes - n n auumn rvest feas

2、 cenres a. his Tankgin Da, werelec on the mson nd coutons of NaiveAmicans, hse skill i agricltehelped the earlyconists suvie, and whoe ric culture oninest a to our Natsheriage. We alspae r norma psuts on thisday and join in asrt of flowship agrttude for th eas ountien lssing. Thaksgiving Day atmch y

3、e, datingbck to our founing, whn wly sie the trubs addisareemets o he daandbowu d hmble rcio f the prvidncebstowd upon our Natio. Aids he cainty of flegng experiment in democrac, reidentGere ahigtondcledtherst Thanksgin inAmerica,recountgthe blesing ornqiity, on,npleny that hine upo o young counry.

4、n thear ays of theivl ar n the fae ofor Uninw doubt, PrsidentAbraha Lncoln rolime a ThansgivigDa,clling fr he mighthan toaland rstor or Nation. Icnfronting thechallenge of ur day, wemus daw stregh rom he resolve f pevous geeatios ho fae te own stuggles adtake omft in knowing biher a hasaways dawned

5、ur at lanAs we saat thelosof n yar and l to thepomis of th t, wlift ourhears ingratitue God f our many ssings, fo oe aoter, an fo ur Natin Th Thngivng Da, weremember tt the reeoms ad eury weenjya American ar prtecte by th ave men anwmn ofthe UitedState Armd Forc. Tesepatrits e iling o la dwnte live

6、n or dfee,an thy nthr ailies eserve our roud graitde fortir serviceand acriice.Thiavest season, we are lo remned hose epriencig th pag huger or tehardsi o ecnomicisecurity. t us rtnhe kinnessandgerosite havesen throuhout te ar by helpin ourfelow citize weather he srms of ourday. As Amerins gathr for

7、 the time-onord hankgvig ay m,e us rjoic n the abndance a gres our tbls, i th ime ift tt mar our day, inhel on wo enrich urlives,a in the gif ofagraciousGd Let us reall thatour foebears met the chaleges with hope nd a nfailng prt, ndlet s esole to do h sae.NOW, HEREFORE,,BAACK MA, resdenf te Unitdat

8、 f Ameca, by virtue of heuthit vested in me bythe ostituio an theaws of te Unitd Sate, do hereby proclamhursday,oebe 5,2X, as Natinal Dy of Thansging.I encouragall the pople o e Unitd Ste to coe ogeter - heher i ormes, plcesof rship, communi cnters, or any le of llowshi or freds nd neihbors - t give

9、 hank for alwe haereceivedin the patyea,to epresappreciation o thosewhose lives enrih ur , andtoshae our bountyiththrs. IWIEEREF, Iaveherunto st y hand this wentthrd ay of omber, in the year o uLod 202,andof he Independnceof the Uited ttes f Ameicathe o hunde and thryifth. 英语感恩演讲稿 篇2 Thnksgivngi rnn

10、g tobete fulcrum, the hear ofthakgiving sagood feein, he world llthingsto l peoplexpressedtheir grattude, reember, thansgiving is a fintaditin of or natio,is peron of integity at leastmoral chrace. hnksgvin is the keo retur. reurn is hefeng, trining, instrun, guidan, help,spport nd ablancethemselv.

11、gratfu, throgh swn1 times, 100 times th py, a repay te ith prail ction. th,as a mil school snt, ho tnksvingfrst hanksgiving hr parnt, beue eveynes lfe is a continuatin of te prens o onblod,all oth parntsgv us love, letusnjoy tehman worldof afction nd hppne, herore,wwoldli t thak th aent. forthe riva

12、l of natues tbs of ll ing, umalife i iseparablfro i 1:5 ctivies, e have the bas nessitis f human ature, a s o ar oinefro te heefore,we sholdbe thnkflnature. tchrs ae ou grt, aourfrins, teach respct, undrsad ad crefr us, i words and deds, let s benefit fr life, we p fr tacher efors anwea, esoudtanksgivig tehrs stuentsstdy theives f our fellowstudents to enourae eac other, hel each oher, o jintl overcoe dffiulies atbaks, the comn taste



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