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1、高考英语应用文写作万能模板01.演讲稿Boys and girls / Ladies and gentlemen,- Its a great honor for me to stand here and give my speech.(表示荣幸) My name is-.(自我介绍) The topic of my speech is-.(提出演讲主题)To begin with, many people suggest that-.(话题或现象列举) Secondly,- Thirdly,-What I want to stress is that-.(首尾呼应主题) For one thi

2、ng, - .For another,-.last but not least, -.(原因或重要性列举) In a word,-.(总结)Thank you for your listening.02.正反观点There is a widespread concern over the issue that -.But it is well known that the opinion concerning this hot topic varies from person to person.(引出话题)A majority of people think that -(观点一) In t

3、heir view there are two factors contributing to this attitude as follows: In the first place, -.(支持原因) In the second place, -.(支持原因) So it goes without saying that -.However,the other people have the opposite view on this matter.They hold the opinion that-.(观点二) From their point of view, on the one

4、hand,- ; (支持原因) on the other hand,-.(支持原因) Therefore, there is no doubt that-.As far as I am concerned, I firmly support the view that-.It is not only because-, but also because -.The more-, the more-.(我的观点) 03.利弊对比Nowadays, there is a widespread concern over-.(引出话题)In fact, there are both advantage

5、s and disadvantages in -.Generally speaking, it is widely believed that there are several positive aspects as follows.Firstly,-.(优点一)And secondly, - .(优点二)Just as a popular saying goes, Every coin has two sides.- is no exception, and in other words, it still has negative aspects.To begin with, -.(缺点

6、一) In addition,-.(缺点二)To sum up, we should try to bring the advantages of into full play, and reduce the disadvantages to the minimum at the same time.In that case, we will definitely make a better use of-.(总结)04.说明原因Nowadays, there are more and more- in some big cities.It is estimated that- (用具体数据说

7、明某现象)Why have there been so many-? There are several reasons accounting for this.The first reason is that- (原因一) Whats more,- (原因二)The third reason is that-.(原因三) To sum up, the main cause of it is due to-.(指出主要原因)It is high time that measures should be taken to improve the situation.For one thing,-

8、.(解决建议一)For another thing, -.(解决建议二)05.问题解决 In recent days, there has been a problem , which is becoming more and more serious.(说明问题及其现状) First,-.Second,-.(进一步阐释现状)We should take a series of effective measures to cope with the situation.For one thing, -.For another thing, -.last but not least, -.(列举

9、解决该问题的方法)Personally, I believe that -.Consequently, Im confident that a bright future is awaiting for us because -.(结尾段,表明我的信心及理由)06.口头通知Ladies and gentlemen, May I have your attention, please? I have an announcement to make.(称呼语及开场白).(正文部分,说明具体通知事项)All the teachers and students are required to atte

10、nd it.Please take your notebooks and make notes./ Please listen carefully and well have a discussion in groups.Make sure youll come on time and dont be late.(说明通知对象和注意事项)Please come and join in it./ Everybody is welcome to attend it./ I hope youll have a nice time here.(再次表明希望大家参加)Thats all.Thank yo

11、u.07.谚语议论 What I have known about is that -.(具体描述某事物)Firstly,-.(描述要点一) (具体阐述要点一) -Secondly, -.(描述要点二) (具体阐述要点二).-As a college student,-.(结合自身描述要点三)All in all,-.(做出总结) Therefore, we should - .(提出建议)08.图画作文As is vividly shown in the picture, -.(描述图画内容)The picture / cartoon informs us of the phenomenon

12、 that -.(图画反映的现象)These may / might be several factors contributing to / responsible for the phenomenon / problem.To start with,-.Secondly,-.Whats more,-.Last but not least, -.(说明原因)In my opinion, the government / the school / measures should be taken to / something must be done to-.Only in this way

13、can the problem be really solved./ Only when everyone can do so , will our world become more and more beautiful.(解决问题的方法) 09.图表作文 As the bar chart shows,-.(说明图表反映的问题)There are several factors contributing to-.To begin with, -.In addition,-.All these rlead to -.(分析问题产生的原因)However,- is faced with some problems.With-, the effect of - is not only discouraging, but also challenging.So my principle is to pay your attention to -, but not just to -.(提出解决措施)10.邀请信Dear ,Im writing to invite you to-.(发出邀请)There are some


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