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1、2022年考博英语-湖南师范大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题I would have gone to the lecture with you _ I was so busy.问题1选项A.except thatB.provided thatC.but thatD.only that【答案】D【解析】考查连词辨析。句意:要不是我太忙,我就会和你一起去听讲座了。A选项except that“除了(名词整体)外,只是(某些细节)”,后面的从句表示前面提及名词中所包含的一部份,也就是对该名词的细节加以修正;B选项provided that“倘若”;C选项but that“若非,要不是

2、”,but that引导从句时,主句必须是否定句;D选项only that“只是,要不是”。这里指的是要是我不忙就会去了,结合语境和用法,D选项only that符合题意。因此D选项正确。2. 翻译题参与并取胜,这就是奥林匹克精神。他表现于弱者勇于向强者挑战,也表现于强者力争取得更好的成绩。胜而又胜,优而更优,这种理想一直鼓舞着运动员奋力前进。有人说竞技者终宄会是失败者,即使是最佳运动员也终将被更强者淘汰。成千上万个失败者才涌现一个胜利者,这个胜利者最终仍将被取代,挤出光荣榜这就是竞技运动的规律。然而运动员却从不为这种不可避免的失败结局所沮丧,仍然力争最佳发挥。【答案】To participa

3、te and to winthat is the Olympic spirit. It finds expression in the weak daring to defy the strong, and the strong striving for ever better performance. Ever betterthe ideal always luring a sportsman forward. It is said that none of the competitors can avoid being defeatedeven the best is bound to b

4、e surpassed by someone still stronger. Thousands of losers set off one victor who in turn will eventually be replaced by someone on the honor list. This is the rule of sports. However, undaunted by the inevitable failure, he is always striving to do the best he can.3. 单选题I shall tell him the truth,

5、_.问题1选项A.no matter whether he likes it or notB.whether he likes it or notC.no matter he likes it or notD.whether he would like it or not【答案】A【解析】考查状语从句。句意:不管他喜不喜欢,我都会告诉他真相。no matter与疑问词who,what,where,when,how,if,whether等连用,意为“无论,不管”,可引导让步状语从句,A选项no matter whether he likes it or not符合题意。B选项中whether意思

6、为“(表示迟疑或两个可能性之间的选择)是否”,不符合语境;C选项中no matter意思为“不要紧”,用法错误;D选项中whether用法错误。因此A选项正确。4. 单选题Nylon is a (n)( )material; it can be used to make a great many things.问题1选项A.compoundB.imitationC.versatileD.crystal【答案】C【解析】compound复合的;imitation人造的,仿制的;versatile多用的,万能的;crystal水晶的,透明的。根据下句:尼龙可以用来做很多东西,说明尼龙用途广泛,选项

7、C符合句意。5. 单选题When working on his novel, he was perfectly cautious not to make even a ( ) of the pen.问题1选项A.slidB.slipC.glideD.skid【答案】B【解析】a slip of the pen为固定搭配, 意为“笔误”。句意:在写小说时, 他非常小心谨慎以免出现笔误。选项B符合句意。6. 单选题One of the reasons for his popularity in our village is that he( )almost everyone every time

8、when he comes back from the big city.问题1选项A.asks afterB.runs forC.brings upD.takes after【答案】A【解析】ask after探问, 问候;run for竞选;bring up提出;take after与相像。句意:他在我们村里受欢迎的原因之一是, 他几乎每次从大城市回来都会问候所有人。选项A符合语境。7. 单选题She should have been here but shes _ flu that is going around recently.问题1选项A.gone through withB.go

9、ne down withC.come in forD.come up against【答案】B【解析】考查短语辨析。A选项gone through with“将(决定的事)做了”;B选项gone down with“得病”;C选项come in for“遭到(批评),受到(指责)”;D选项come up against“面临,碰到”。句意:她本应该来的,但她_最近肆意横行的流感。这里对流感进行搭配,B选项gone down with“得病”符合题意。因此B选项正确。8. 单选题A magicians talk creates a( )of attention so that people do

10、 not see how he does his tricks.问题1选项A.vacuumB.concentrationC.divisionD.diversion【答案】D【解析】vacuum真空;concentration集中;division区分;diversion转移,分散注意力。句意:魔术师的谈话转移了人们的注意力,使人们看不见他是如何表演魔术的。选项D符合句意。9. 单选题Professor Hawking is( ) as one of the worlds greatest living physicists.问题1选项A.dignifiedB.clarifiedC.acknow

11、ledgedD.illustrated【答案】C【解析】dignify使高贵,授予荣誉;clarify澄清,阐明;acknowledge承认,认可;illustrate阐明,举例。句意:霍金教授被公认是当今世界上最伟大的物理学家之一。选项C符合语境。10. 单选题The fireman( )the baby and carried him out of the burning house.问题1选项A.caught upB.seized upC.snatched upD.held up【答案】C【解析】catch up赶上;seize up中止,失灵;snatch up夺取,抓起;hold u

12、p举起,阻挡。句意:消防队员一把抓起孩子,把他从着火的房子里抱了出来。选项C符合语境。11. 单选题The elegant decorations ( )the gym into a starlit ballroom.问题1选项A.transplantedB.transferredC.transcendedD.transformed【答案】D【解析】transplant移植, 迁移;transfer转让, 移交;transcend胜过, 超越;transform改变, 转换。句意:优雅的装饰把体育馆变成了星光灿烂的舞厅。选项D符合句意。12. 翻译题21世纪是一个将我们联系在一起的网络时代。无

13、论我们愿意与否, 我们的社会生活与经济生活已密不可分。我们意识到先进的电子网络使我们能够跨越时空限制, 利用以前难 以想象的商机。这个网络世界己开辟了一个崭新的创新发展的天地, 把我们带入一个前所未有的网络智能吋代。这个网络智能新时代表明, 我们可以将自己的知识和创造力结合起来, 取得经济增长和社会发展的新突破。【答案】The 21st century is a network age binding us together. Whether we are ready or not, our social life has been inseparable from economic life

14、. And we realize that the advanced electrical network can make us cross the time and space limitations to take advantage of the previously unimaginable business opportunity. The network time has opened up a new world for innovation and development, bringing us into an unprecedented era of network intelligence. This new age of network intelligence shows that we can combine our knowledge and creativity and make new breakthrough in the economic growth and social development.13. 单选题With his face ( )by a mask, the fireman dashed into the house on fire.问题1选项A.hiddenB.concealedC.screenedD.buried



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