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1、 400-618-25002012MBA MPA MPACC联考英语真题Section 1 Use of EninglishDirrecttionns :Milllioons of Ameericcanss annd fforeeignnerss seee GGI.JJoe as a mminddlesss wwar toyy ,tthe symmboll off Ammeriicann miilittaryy addvennturrismm, bbut thaats nnot howw itt ussed to be .Too thhe mmen andd woomenn whho 11

2、)iin WWorlld WWar II andd thhe ppeopple theey llibeeratted ,thhe GGI.wwas thee 2) maan ggrowwn iintoo heero ,thhe ppooll faarm kidd toorn awaay ffromm hiis hhomee ,tthe guyy whho 33) aall thee buurdeens of batttlee ,wwho sleept in colld ffoxhholees,wwho wennt wwithhoutt thhe 44) oof ffoodd annd sshe

3、llterr ,wwho stuuck it outt annd ddrovve bbackk thhe NNazii reeignn off muurdeer .thiis wwas nott a volluntteerr sooldiier ,noot ssomeeonee weell paiid ,5) an aveeragge gguy ,upp 6 )thhe bbestt trrainned ,beest equuippped ,fiierccestt ,mmostt brrutaal eenemmiess seeen in cennturriess。Hiss naame is n

4、ott muuch.GI. iss juust a mmiliitarry aabbrreviiatiion 7) Govvernnmennt IIssuue ,andd itt waas oon aall of thee arrticcle 8) to solldieers .Annd JJoe? A commmonn naame forr a guyy whho nneveer 99) iit tto tthe topp .JJoe Bloow ,Joee Maagraac a wworkkingg cllasss naame.Thee Unniteed SStattes hass 100

5、) hhad a ppressideent or vicceprresiidennt oor ssecrretaary of staate Joee。GI .jooe hhad a (11)carreerr fiighttingg Geermaan ,Jappaneese , aand Korreann trroopps . Hee appperrs aas aa chharaacteer ,or a (12 ) oof aamerricaan pperssonaalittiess, iin tthe 19445 mmoviie TThe Stoory of GI. Jooe, bassed

6、on thee laast dayys oof wwar corrressponndennt EErniie PPylee. SSomee off thhe ssolddierrs PPylee(133)poortrraydde tthemmsellvess inn thhe ffilmm. PPylee waas ffamoous forr cooverringg thhe (14)sidde oof tthe warrl, wriitinng aabouut tthe dirrt-ssnoww andd-muud ssolddierrs, nott hoow mmanyy miiless

7、weere(15)or whaat ttownns wweree caaptuuredd orr liiberrateed, Hiss reeporrts(16)thee “willliee” caartooonss off faamedd Sttarss annd SStriipess arrtisst BBilll Maauldden. Booth menn(177)thhe ddirtt annd eexhaausttionn off waar, thee (118)oof cciviilizzatiion thaat tthe solldieers shaaredd wiith eac

8、ch ootheer aand thee ciivillianns: cofffeee, ttobaaccoo, wwhisskeyy, sshellterr, ssleeep. (199)Eggyptt, FFrannce, annd aa doozenn moore couuntrriess, GG.I. Jooe wwas anyy Ammeriicann sooldiier,(200)thhe mmostt immporrtannt ppersson in theeir livves。1.A perrforrmedd BBseerveed Crrebeelleed Dbbetrraye

9、ed2.A acttuall BBcoommoon Csspecciall DDnoormaal3.Abboree BBcaasedd CCreemovved Dloaadedd4.Anneceessiitiees Bffaciilitticee CCcoommoodittiess DDprropeertooes5.Aaand Bnorr CCbuut Dhhencce6.Affor Bintto C forrm Daagaiinstt7.Ammeanningg BBimmplyyingg CCsyymboolizzingg DDcllaimmingg8.Ahhandded outt BBtu

10、urn oveer Cbbrouughtt baack Dpasssedd doown9.Appushhed Bgott CCmaade Dmannageed10.Aeveer Bnneveer Ceeithher Dneiitheer11.Adissguiisedd BBdiistuurbeed Cddispputeed Dddisttingguisshedd12.Acommpanny Bccolllecttionn CCcoommuunitty Dccoloony13.Aempployyed Bapppoinntedd CCinnterrvieewedd DDquuesttionned14

11、.Aethhicaal Bmmiliitarry Cppoliiticcal Dhumman15.Aruiinedd BBcoommuutedd CCpaatroolleed Dggainned16.Aparrallleleed Bccounnterractted Cduppliccateed Dcconttraddictted17.Anegglecctedd BBavvoidded Cempphassizeed Daadmiiredd18.Astaagess BBilllussionns Cffraggmennts Dadvvanccea19.AWitth BTTo CAAmonng DBB

12、eyoond20.Aon thee coontrraryy BB bby tthiss meeanss CCfrrom thee ouutseet Daat tthatt poointtSecctioon III RResddionng CCompprehhenssionnParrt AADirrecttionns:Reaad tthe folllowwingg foour texxts. annsweer tthe queestiion aftter eacch ttextt byy chhoossingg A,B,CC orr D. Maark youur aanswwerss onn A

13、NNSWEER SSHEEET 11.(440 ppoinnts)Text 1Hommewoork hass neeverr beeen terrribbly poppulaar wwithh sttudeentss annd eevenn maany parrentts, butt inn reecennt yyearrs iit hhas beeen ppartticuularrly scoorneed. Schhooll diistrrictts aacrooss thee coounttry, moost reccenttly Loss Anngelles Uniifieed, are

14、e reevissingg thheirr thhinkkingg onn hiis eeduccatiionaal rrituual. Unnforrtunnateely, L.A. Uniifieed hhas prooducced an infflexxiblle ppoliicy whiich manndattes thaat wwithh thhe eexceeptiion of somme aadvaanceed ccourrsess, hhomeeworrk mmay no lonngerr coountt foor mmoree thhan 10% off a stuudennts aacaddemiic ggradde。Thiis rrulee iss meeantt too adddreess thee diiffiicullty thaat sstuddentts ffromm immpovveriisheed oor cchaooticc hoomess miightt haave in commpleet


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