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1、高考英语阅读理解易错题分析在高考英语试卷的各类题型中,阅读理解和英语作文分值最大,高三学生在复习阅读理解时也比拟吃力,不知从何入手,更不知道怎么进步阅读理解才能及分数。其实,做阅读理解题可以取巧,下面xx就来分析一下高考英语阅在高考英语试卷的各类题型中,阅读理解和英语作文分值最大,高三学生在复习阅读理解时也比拟吃力,不知从何入手,更不知道怎么进步阅读理解才能及分数。其实,做阅读理解题可以取巧,下面就来分析一下高考英语阅读理解易错题。高考英语阅读理解易错题分析1:WANGao and Wan Liqin,two f Chin#9;s tp tabl tnnis player, bothathe

2、World Tae Ten Campionsips shaeove themsles.But herewa nl one pn (冠军) nWag H, 25,wo itlsTesdayinokha,Jan.WangHo,wh thee#;s dubes titlewithe lst onda, pyeditsirttbeat WanLiin1-, 111,115, 1-9Wng Hosai it was hi mntal tohnes(心理稳定) thamade te iffere.I ws isapone bymprormncs n past chamionhips ndte lastwo

3、lmpi Games. But Ihave tried topul myelftoeher ndrepa ell. Tisis th relt.angHao said he has alays untd th iornf phsil raand cnial kils. Now he nowste nee fo mentl raation swellHavg oOmic silvs had left im feing itt(痛苦的). Tbteressprhps exai hy h hanotalays yedat hisbet i thepast.I#9;ve ome to ertand t

4、you a arn imporant esonsroaire, he ai. Ling can il r chaatrand make yo a strongpaer. is nex goal, or dram, it wi the oldedaltthe donOlympcs 202X.Liulin,ead coac of i#; tabl nnieam,sangteprises ofWag a3;icory. Tis isusthe bginnig hrse, sadLi.I9;sthe onidenceboosthe edsto ma furtherprogres1Accrig to t

5、heassae,Wang Hao won_ god meds inthWorldal Tnis Campinhps in okohaa, pan.onl ne BtwoC.threD.fou.Fro Wn H, w can knw e aneaso for his beatinWang Liqn i_.A.his technislls his pyscl tanngChsetalgess Dhisst xrienceWhat is he ex gol of Wng Hao.oi th tleof th chiot te22 OlypicsB.T ba W Liq agin.To roehsfi

6、n th futemtionsDTown ore odsi futue.Wha ca earn rom Wag Hoailue is t mthr osucces.Never ie uutil usuced.C.hee thee isawil, here ia ayDAgo beinngmakagoo ening.1【错解分析】典型错误A.错因分析没有全面地阅读文章,以点代面了。【解题指导】细节理解题。根据文章第一段和第二段可知。此类题可以带着问题在文中采用查读法寻找答案。【答案】此题的正确选项为B.【错解分析】典型错误或B或是。错因分析是没有抓住细节理解题的重点,审题不细。因为题干中有一个m

7、ai.【解题指导】细节理解题。根据文章第三段中的第一句话可知。对于细节理解题的选项的选择,一定要理解题干,并防止以次代主。【答案】此题的正确选项为C。3.【错解分析】典型错误D.错因分析审题不清,D项也许是ng a的远期目的,但是题干是he nexgol。【解题指导】细节理解题。根据文章倒数第二段中的“His nextgo, or ream, s t win he odmedl thLndon miin2可知。注意审题。【答案】此题的正确选项为A。4.【错解分析】典型错误或C.错因分析在于学生对文章的理解不透彻。【解题指导】推理判断题。根据文章倒数第二段可知。推理判断题要认真研读文章,根据文章

8、中的内容来进展推理判断。【答案】此题的正确选项为A。高考英语阅读理解易错题分析2:Hav uever oareergy to bil a bottle ofwate o tea shrv youeer oughttatsoar energ isfa awa fromou dail liYoumay doubtabot th In Japan, there s wondrful gm SolaCit.Slar iy isote8,0metes orhst o Tkyo, amog testawerry fsTs oe Japans sunietpaces.Soa Citcversbut 1,00

9、 square ms. venti prcnothe hme tee are orebysor pans.The government s provid epetre w th solr plsfor fre. In diio,theovenmenhasad 9.7bilion ye tostdy hw tomake fu f soar ery numr o oar enrg comanis havalsgiven oe he thisrogrameole liingin Solar City hug soar pels isa odwayto savemony.Hwe, svnny s no

10、t h ny asn why peol are oving itothicity. We moed heebcause ofh panelst assothn we wntd,aiMika iroshma Semovd to Solar Ciy ith er usbad ad two llchdren bot for yar ao. wl knwn thaJpani coutry tha s t ofeergy, ut Soa ity ogam sbrougtoe forthecountry.Peopl nt sola ener,said nofficilof oar Ciy.Atuallin

11、 olar Ciy, ee ae5 falimaking e solaenrgyatemomen.Allf tesay tha they to epusi lar ergy vnafethe ogam endin202X.I snny days, solrpaels ae ablet pridoe tan enogh enrgfor nrmal mily. owever, lar psare nh useful incoy ys. Desitethis, olar C ssil woneuprorambecauseit inpis ele towisely e the liiteenrg.1.The riteruss te wo qeions at te gining of the pasag to_.test h reaer knowled ab so eegyB.draw eedr attetion to htopic.r itutiont soa eeg is sD.nvie teaders nwere2.he tirdpragapofhe pasge isainl aou_A.he ason wh pep ae ing



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