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1、165个熟词生义熟记下列词汇在不同语境中的含义A1absent(熟义:adj.不在的,缺席的)He listened to me with an absent expression on his face.adj.心不在焉的2absorb(熟义:vt.吸收)I havent really had time to absorb everything that he said.vt.理解,掌握He lay on the couch,absorbed in his book.vt.专心于3abuse(熟义:v.滥用;漫骂)She is quite a successful career woman,

2、but actually shes much abused at home.v.虐待4accommodate(熟义:vt.住宿,留宿) This hotel can accommodate more than 500 guests.vt.容纳5accompany(熟义:vt.陪伴,伴随)The wellknown singer was accompanied at the piano by Mr.Moore.vt.为伴奏或伴唱6account(熟义:n.账目)There are several accounts of the story in the newspaper.n.报道,叙述Rece

3、nt work pressure may account for his behaviour.v.归因于,解释7act(熟义:v.&n.行动,行为)The act is passed by the Congress finally.n.法案It takes a couple of minutes for the drug to act.vi.起作用8address(熟义:n.地址;v.写地址)It is said that our headmaster will address the meeting.vt.向发表演说;直接向说话9acknowledge(熟义:vt.承认,道谢)He ackn

4、owledged me by lifting his hat.vt.向打招呼10admit(熟义:v.承认;允许进入)The great hall can admit 5,000 students.vt.容纳11affect(熟义:vt.影响)The audience was deeply affected by his lecture.vt.感动Be careful not to be affected with H1N1.vt.疾病侵袭12against(熟义:prep.逆着,反对;倚,靠;碰;与竞争)The picture looks nice against the white wal

5、l.prep.映衬,以为背景13age(熟义:n.年龄)Worry aged him rapidly.vt.(使)变老14aggressive(熟义:adj.好斗的;侵略的)If he wants to succeed,he has to be aggressive.adj.进取的15air(熟义:n.空气;航空)Well be on air in about 3 minutes.n.广播Dont air your troubles too often.v.倾诉There was a comfortable air about her room.n.样子,气氛16alive(熟义:adj.活着

6、的)The streets are alive with people.adj.充满(活的或动的东西)17alone(熟义:adv.单独地,一个人地)She alone was able to answer the question.adv.仅仅,只有18amount(熟义:n.量)The cost amounted to 200.v.(to)共计,达到What you have said amounts to a plain refusal.v.相当于19allowance(熟义:n.允许)His father gave him an allowance of $ 1,000 a year.

7、n.零用钱20appetite(熟义:n.胃口,食欲)He has an appetite for music.n.爱好21apply(熟义:apply for申请;apply to应用于) Apply the cream evenly over the skin.v.涂,敷22appreciate(熟义:v.欣赏;感激;感谢)I appreciate that I may be wrong.v.意识到23argue(熟义:v.争论,争辩,辩论)Jack argued me into buying a new shirt.v.说服24arrival(熟义:n.到达)All stood up t

8、o welcome the new arrival.n.到达的人或物25associate(熟义:v.与相联系)He is promoted to be an associate professor.adj.副的26attach(熟义:v.系,绑,固定;重视)Its easy to be attached to the children you work with.v.喜欢27attend(熟义:v.出席;参加)The nurse attended to him day and night.v.看护,照料B1bar(熟义:n.棒,条;吧间)Poor health may be a bar to

9、 success in life.n.障碍2back(熟义:adj.,adv.&n.后面) If you back your car out of the driveway I can get mine in.v.使倒退3bear(熟义:vt.忍受,容忍)He was badly wounded in the war and still bears the scars.vt.带有4blank(熟义:adj.空白的;n.空白)The stranger returned my greeting with a blank look.adj.没表情的;没兴趣的5blanket(熟义:n.毯子)The

10、whole village was blanketed with heavy snow.vt.以厚层覆盖6bless(熟义:v.保佑,祝福)It is more blessed to give than to receive. adj.幸福的7blue(熟义:adj.&n.蓝色)His songs always make me feel blue. adj.忧伤的8board(熟义:n.木板;布告牌;n.&v.登上(交通工具)He sits on the hospital management board.n.委员会The students board during the week and

11、go home at weekends.v.在校寄宿9build(熟义:v.建设)The athlete has a solid build. n.体格C1capital(熟义:n.首都,首府;资本)The first letter is usually a capital letter at the beginning. adj.大写的2casual(熟义:adj.偶然的;随意的)He was employed as a casual laborer.adj.临时的3cause(熟义:v.致使)We are struggling for revolutionary cause.n.事业4ca

12、ution(熟义:n.谨慎)The teacher cautioned him against being late. v.告诫5chance(熟义:n.机会)The rope might break but thats a chance well have to take.n.冒险6charge(熟义:v.&n.负责;收费;指控) If the light comes on,the battery isnt charging. v.充电7civil(熟义:adj.公民的;国内的)He is a civil person.adj.彬彬有礼的,有礼貌的8class(熟义:n.班级)There i

13、s no doubt that the professional classes do a much better job than those who are not.n.等级9cloudy(熟义:adj.阴的,多云的)Who did it still remains cloudy.adj.不明朗的,不清晰的10coach(熟义:n.教练;四轮马车;长途公共汽车)She coached me in English.v.辅导,指导11comb(熟义:n.梳子)The police combed the woods for the missing boy.v.彻底搜查12commit(熟义:v.

14、犯(错误、罪行)He is committed to playing for the team for the next three years.v.作出决定13concentrate(熟义:v.专注,集中注意力于)I bought some orange concentrate.n.浓缩物14conclude(熟义:v.推论出,下结论)I will publish my results only when I have concluded my research.v.完成,结束15conduct(熟义:v.指挥;带领,陪伴;n.行为举止)Plastic and rubber wont conduct electricity,but copper will.v.传导16contain(熟义:v.含有,包含;容纳)He is too excited to contain his laughter.vt.抑制17correspond(熟义:v.通信)The numbe



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