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1、 北师大必修一,必修二词组强化练习1.switch over 2.go off 3.take up 4.get changed 5.take turns to do sth 关上 响/离开/熄灭 占据/从事 换衣服/更衣 轮流做某事6. be supposed to 7.suffer from 8.put pressure on 9.play a role/part in 应该 忍受/遭受/患(病) 给施加压力 在中起作用10. come up with 11. look forward to 12 in support of 13.as a matter as fact 追上/赶上/想出 期

2、盼 支持 实际上/事实上14. stand for 15 stand by 16. have a preference for 17.in the distance 象征/代表 支持/旁观 偏爱 在远处18. reduce .by./to. 19.meet a challenge 20. go in for 21.go through 把减少了/减少到 迎接挑战 从事/喜欢/参加 浏览/通过/仔细检查/经历22. take over 23. pull through mit suicide e off it 接收/接任 度过难关/使从中活下来 自杀 别胡扯26. lift off 27. ru

3、n out of 28. come to an end 29. get involved with 发射/起飞 用光/耗尽 结束 参与/参加30.let out 31.on ones own 32. be confident of 33.be equal to doing sth发出/泄露/打开/放出去 独自地 对有把握/确信 胜任/与相等/等于34.promote.as. 35.get/win/gain promotion 36.react to 把提升为 得到提拔/等到晋升 对做出反应37.express/have admiration for 38.have a good/high op

4、inion of . 羡慕/钦佩 对评价很高/很糟mit sb/ oneself to doing sth 40.be keen on 41. pull out 42.be involved in 承诺/保证做某事 热衷于/喜欢 驶出/退出 卷入/专注于e to oneself 44.When it comes to (doing) sth, 45. get down to (doing)sth苏醒/醒悟过来 当谈到的时候 开始认真做某事46.get along/on with sb/sth 47. give away . 48.look through 49.look back on/upo

5、n 进展/与相处 分发/泄露/出卖 浏览 瞧不起50.at a loss e to terms with 52.on occasions 53.beyond/out of ones power 不知所措/亏本 与达成协议 有时/偶尔 不能胜任/力所不及55. apply oneself to 56. attend to 57.serve as 58. serve sb with sth 专心于 照料/关怀/注意 当做/作为 给端上59.offer congratulations to sb on doing sth 60. be included in 61.in a mess 祝贺某人做某事

6、 把包括/算在内 杂乱62.in particular 63.be particular about/over 64. in honor of 65.depend on it that 尤其/特别 对挑剔/讲究 向表示敬意 指望/对深信不疑66.put forward 67. put off 68. put up with 69. put out 70. put away 提出(意见/建议) 推迟/拖延 忍受/忍耐 扑灭/生产/出版 储存71.carry on with/doing sth 72. carry out 73.burn down 74.burn.to ashes 继续做某事 实行

7、/履行 烧毁/火力变弱 烧成灰烬75.make a contribution to doing sth 76. make up with II 77.hang on 78.be up to 对作出贡献 与和解/和好 别挂断 做/从事79.be known as 80.consist of 81.in the fresh 89.take action 90.cut off 被称作/被认为是 由组成 本人/亲自 采取行动 切掉/切断91.focus ones attention/eye on 92. do harm to 93.have an effect/influence on 集中注意力/目

8、光/精力于 对某人有害 对产生影响94. settle down to (doing ) sth 95. on (the) average 96.in reality 开始专心/认真做某事 平均起来 实际上/其实97. have a fancy for 98.arrange for sb to do sth 99 Its arranged that sb should do sth 爱好/喜欢 安排某人做某事 安排某人做某事100. get in touch with 101. hang about 102. hang up 103.make up for 和取得联系 闲逛 挂断/搁浅 弥补/

9、补偿104.make out 105.make sense 106. refer to 107.be accustomed to (doing)sth 辨认出/理解 有道理/讲得通 提及/涉及/谈到 习惯于108.at times 109.in detail 110.in some ways e/go into effect 有时/不时地 详细地 在某些方面 开始生效/实施112.be based on/upon 113.in general 114.be combined with 115.be responsible for 以为基础/依据 大体上/通常 与结合 对负责/有责任116. h

10、ave a talent for 117.in a/one word 118.keep ones word/promise 有的才能 简言之/总之 遵守诺言/信守承诺119.in no time 120. at no time 121. at a time 122. at one time 123.in no way 立刻/马上 绝不 一次/每次 曾经/一度 一点也不/绝不124.pick up French 125.add up to e about 127. come across e up(偶然)学会法语 总计/共达 发生 偶遇 被提出e up with 130.fix ones eye

11、s on 131.be deep in thought 132.sort of 提出/想出 注视/凝视 陷入沉思 有几分地133.date back to 134. leave out 135.carry out 136. relate .to 137. cross out 追溯到 删掉/省略 实行/履行 把与联系起来 画掉/删掉138. in view of 139.be in (great) pain 140.spare no pains to do sth 141.in ruins 鉴于/考虑到 非常痛苦/在苦恼种 不遗余力地去做某事 成为废墟142.on purpose 143.for /with the purpose of 144.show mercy to /have mercy on 故意地 为了目的/目的是 怜悯/同情/可怜某人145.at the mercy of sb 146. in conclusion 147. arrive at/reach/come to conclusion 任由摆布 最后/总之 得出结论148.put/lay empha


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