英语 Chapter 5

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《英语 Chapter 5》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英语 Chapter 5(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Chapter 5Word Motivationv What is motivation? v Motivation is the relationship between the structure of a word and its meaning, or the relationship between words and expressions and the things they can be used to refer to.Thought/conceptv Symbol ( word)stand for referent (object in the world) v This

2、 triangle is adapted from that of Ogden and Richards. From this illustration, it is known that the relation between word and thing is indirect, being mediated by the concept. Motivation can occur in the following ways: v 5.1 phonetic motivation / onomatopoeia motivation.v A large number of English w

3、ords can be explained by phonetic motivation. The formation or use of words that were coined in imitation of the sounds associated with the things named are called onomatopoeia, v The association between sounds is caused by the similarity of the sound and the meaning. v At first some words from anim

4、als: v Apes gibber/jabber 猿啼 asses bray 驴嘶 bears growl 熊咆哮v Bulls bellow /low 公牛吼叫 pigs grunt 猪哼哼 v horse neigh/snort/nicker 马鸣/萧萧v Lions roar/ growl 狮吼 tigers growl/ rar/snarl 虎啸 wolves howl/ growl 狼嗥v Dogs bark/bay/yelp 犬吠 elephants trumpet/ bellow 象鸣叫v cows low/moo 母牛哞哞叫v Sheep bleat/ blat/ baa 羊

5、咩咩叫 ducks quack/ squawk 鸭子嘎嘎叫v Cats meow/mew 猫喵喵叫 cocks crow/ cock-a-doodle-doo 雄鸡喔喔啼v Hens cackle/ cluck/ chuckle 母鸡咯咯叫 Chickens cheep 小鸡叽叽叫v Geese gaggle/goggle/ cackle 鹅嘎嘎叫 frogs croak 青蛙呱呱叫v Mice squeak/peep 老鼠吱吱叫 Bees hum/buzz/drone 蜜蜂嗡嗡叫v Cicadas chirp 蝉知了知了叫 sparrows twitter 麻雀叫喳喳v Crows caw

6、乌鸦叫呱呱 cuckoos cuckoo 杜鹃声声啼v Doves sob/coo 鸽子咕咕叫 woodpeckers drum 啄木鸟咚咚v Owls whoop/scream 猫头鹰嗬嗬叫 larks warble 云雀啭鸣v Cranes cry/ whoop 白鹭啼鸣 birds peep/sing/chirp 料v Magpies chatter/clatter 喜鹊喳喳 v swallows chirp/twitter 燕子呢喃v Beetles drone 甲虫叽叽 crickets chip/ chirr/chirrup 蟋蟀唧唧v Snakes hiss 蛇嘶嘶v Secon

7、dly some words come into being by imitating the sounds in the naturev Bang 砰 patter 啪嗒 (雨) tingling 丁零(铃声) ping pong 乒乓 tick tock 嘀嗒 v rumble 雷声隆隆 rustle /murmur/ rattle/whisper 风飒飒/ 沙沙/ 咯咯/ 习习 crack 噼啪 clink 叮当 zip 嗖嗖(子弹)v Thirdly, some words are used for imitation of voice of humankindv Haha 哈哈 ah

8、a 啊哈 gurgle 咯咯 boo 呸 ouch 哎哟 snore 呼噜声 chortle 哈哈大笑声 titter 嗤嗤的笑声v It should be mentioned that onomatopoeia is often adopted by writers as a kind of rhetorical device in order that a vivid and real situation can be presented before the readers. For instance: v Its creaks blending with the squeaking

9、and rumbling of the grinding wheels and the occasional grunts and sighs of the camels.v From the Middle Eastern Bazaar v The ice was here, the ice was therev The ice was all around:v It cracked and growled and roared and howled, v Like noise in a swound ! ( swoon)v From Samuel T Coleridge: The rime

10、of the Ancient Marinerv The onomatopoeia helps to create a scene of echoing sounds at the south pole. v You would see the islands looking dusty through the rain, and the trees thrashing around in the wind; then comes a h-whack-bum! Bum! Bumble-umble-umbum-bum-bum-bumand the thunder would go rumbling

11、 and grumbling away, and quit and then rip comes another flash and another sockdolager ( thunder ). From Mark Twain: The adventures of Huckleberry Finnv In this part, he gives us a vivid scene of rain, wind, flash, thunder. It is worth mentioning that the onomatopoeia helps the plot to reach the cli

12、max. The rumbling and grumbling impinges on the readers ears continually, due to which the readers may feel as if they were on the spot of the thunderstorm. 5.2 Grammatical motivationv Words which were formed by means of grammatical structure belong to the category of motivation by grammar.v A word

13、like door man, it consists of door and man. This word was formed by grammatical motivation. The word teacher is a similar example. The word can be understood by anyone who knows English verb teach and the suffix er. v Therefore, a large number of words in the English vocabulary are formed by grammat

14、ical motivation which has been discussed the fourth chapter. 5.3 semantic motivationSemantic motivation is also called motivation of meaning. From the primary sense the word has developed figurative senses in the course of development of the language. There are a variety of words formed by figurativ

15、e senses as follows: 1) Metaphor (隐喻)a transfer of a meaning, a figure of speech containing an implied comparison, in which a word or phrase ordinarily and primarily used of one thing is applied to another. v it is common that metaphor is classified into three categories:v First, the reference is stated directly, that is to say, the subject is the reference. v A book that is shut is but a brick.v Life is a short of summerv All the world is a stage.v Second, the reference is half covert. The reference is the word


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