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1、第一卷选择题(0分)I.单选。(每题1分,计15分)( )1 This s _ alamcloc. Aa B. a C. he D. ( )2. e dont like_ . brocol . bccoli Cbrocoli D bocclies ( )3. _. Is th your pn? .orry B. Helo C. Exus m D. Hi ( )4. D you hve two_? A. ts ackt .tenis ackt . tennis racet D. ennisras ( )5. _ his homer atshol. . doen do B. ont does C

2、isnt o D. doe nt ( )6 _ths you guta? A. A B. Is C Ae . o ( )7. Lets_ow.A. o o hom B. t gohme . o o D.to g t ( ) 8.Ho uh ar thee shoes? _ twenty dlar. A. Ae B Ther C. Tyre D Tir ( ) 9 My father suall _ashower _the morning A. tak; in B. takes; in C take;o D. tke;at ( )10. _u pla h oin? A r . Ca C.s D

3、Wen ( )1 -Tsis sir An. -I _ sunt? A.se B. h . hr .his ( )12 I_ twobaball and mfriend_five bseballs. A. have; have B have; hs C ha; he D. as; has ( ) 1. -Istht yur ok? -Yes, _. A.it is B.it isn its D. tis i ( )4.Miss ei ftenhelps us_ oEnlish. A. at B.in C. of .wih ( )1.I nt _the musi cb A. join B. jo

4、in .ins .b joinII从A、B、C、D中选择最恰当的选项填进文章中去,你会读到一种故意思的故事。(15分)I like minese eachervery much.e isa man, about 25years d. eis tll 7 blac short hair. e i a very morous(风趣的) eso He t 18 us joke(笑话)and 19 toeur class more 2 . In cls, is a ver 1 acher. e dont itent icafuly, he willgive us soe unisht(惩罚) by 2

5、2 s some quesios. But afte class, h becomes a vey god 23 of s He often alks with thils and pa 24 with th by Aof us rlly lke him. iur 2 tacher( )1. A.ld . ong . veryol D. ged( )17A.ad B o Cwth D a( )18. . e . as peaks D. speak( ). A. story B. storys C. stor D. stories( )2 A.ied B.dificult C inerestn

6、Dborng( )2. A. uy B.srct C. inerete D. wel( )22. . ask . aks . asking D. asked( )3. A. teaher B. teachs C friend D. frds( )24. A.a bskeal B the basetal C. baskballs D. etball ( )2.A.favorte B. the arite . fvoritst D. a faoriteII.阅读理解(0分)Aear Mr.Wag, Someone comes to te ffie to yuinth ning, uyouand y

7、o wife ae out. He oms he a1am. Becausee is ery busy, he goeawa a n hour later. He ells e th e is y assmate t clee(大学) Nw h teache hnes n a igh chol(高中)i ths ty anhe lives ea the o. 6Midle So. He isa vey all ma wthshort a. Hewears apair ofglasss. etells m histelephne numbr is 33426e is fn at he at7:0

8、0 m. So you cancall hi in te eening.( )26.The auho(作者) wries hs nte(便条) _. Mr. Wng B. M.Was if C. r. Wang classmteD.me( )2Mr.ang caste is _. teacher B wrker C. a far D. n atr( )2. Wheni M Wans clssmate ofent hom?.I themorin B. In he afernoo. C. A 7:00p. D We dnt knw( )29 w og os Mr.Wangs lassmat sta

9、y the ffice?A Ten hr. B. An our. C Twohours. . Half ahr( )30.ich of e fowing isT?A Mr. Wang anisi are asmte.B.Mr Wasclassmateis sort. r.Wng goeout wth Mrs. Wag in th mornin.D.M. Wags classmat mee Wangin te mornig B ill neverorget m first Englihass. I i vrynerestin. Its tefirst class in th moning. Th

10、e each goes itoeclssroo wth a smil on hi fae.At the begining,he makes aelf-intoduction(自我简介). An he tls us tha Englis nmesJohn. The ask all of s to thnk of Englisnamer ourselves.W eyexcited(兴奋的)o find a good am Thn he asks us to wrt our names down on a ece o pper. I thinkabt y Englishnmfor a long time. Then I omeup th(想出) abeatfnme -iey Al the tdents writ teir nams down n ie aper to tteachr. Whe the teacher clls “Shle” o anw his usto



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