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1、 必修四Unit 1 Women of achievements肥城一中 李大刚Warming upPre-reading1. examine the passport/paper/drawing 检查通行证/审查试卷/仔细看图画2. 1) He will make a good doctor. 有素质成为,造就 2) We make him monitor. 使成为,选举 3) The gift made him happy. 使-3. have in common (with sb.) 和某人有共同之处4. a girl from countryside who dressed (hers

2、elf) as a man (打扮成男的) 1) The boy dressed (himself) as a policeman. 打扮成-2) The boy dressed himself in white (clothes) 穿-衣5. She helped drive the English out of France. (把驱赶出去) drive-out of- 把-驱赶出-1) In 1945,the Chinese drove the Japanese(invaders) out of China.把日本侵略者赶出中国。2) Please drive the dog out o

3、f the house. 请把狗赶出屋子。6. She was put to death by the English.(判死刑) 1) put /sentence sb to death 判死刑,处决 2) put a boy to bed 送-上床睡觉_7. improve prison conditions pl.改善监狱条件be in good/bad/poor condition /u/状况/状态良好/不佳 working and living conditions pl.工作和生活条件1) housing conditions pl. 环境、情形2) one of the cond

4、itions of the job /c/ 条件 3) on condition that conj.只要,在-条件下8. top + n. 最好的,最伟大的,顶尖的。 1) a top student最好的学生2)top ten 十佳9. She concerned herself with welfare projects.(关心,关注)concern oneself with 关心 be concerned with/about/for 关心,关系 show /express concern about 关心1) As far as Im concerned, hes wrong. 就我

5、而言,他是错的。2) We concern ourselves (We are concerned)with our life and studies. 我们关注我们的学习和生活。3) Concerned (concern) with our studies, we help each other. 4) Concerning (concern) ourselves with our studies, we help each other.10. He lives on welfare. 他靠救济金生活。11.specially 专门(表目的); especially 特别 (表程度)1) s

6、pecially to see you 2) especially hot/cold12. She devoted all her life to medical work. (献身于)devote/contribute/dedicate oneself to /be devoted to 专心,献身,忠于,很喜欢 1) a devoted friend 一个忠实的朋友2) The man devoting (devote) his life to education was praised.3) The man devoted (devote) to education was praise

7、d.13. Her work encouraged many other women to become doctors. (鼓励)14. become a/turn doctor15.human being(s) /c/ 具体;区别动物、鬼神 man(he/his/him) sing. 泛指“人类”;前不加冠词 mankind(it) /u/ 含义广泛“人类”; 无冠词16. found an international campaign 创立一项国际运动1) found-founded-founded 建立2) find-found-found 发现17. She also worked

8、hard to make as many countries as possible agree not to use them. 她努力劝说尽可能多的国家同意不使用它们(地雷)。1) You should make as few mistakes as you can in your writing. 在写作中,你应该尽量少犯错误。2) In order to support a large family, he worked hard to earn as much money as possible. 为了养活一大家人,他卖力工作尽力多挣钱。 3) as many books as po

9、ssible; 4) as much water as possible 5) many more books; 6) much more water 7) as many as 2000 books; 8) as much as 2000 dollars18. Its an organized (organize) trip.19. rather than 而非,而不是Reading1. 1) The group is (be) big. 2) The group are (be) discussing.2. 1) He likes his father very much. 2) He i

10、s (very) much like his father. 3) How much is he like his father? (提问2)划线部分)3.比较-ing 结构并翻译句子1) Following Janes way of studying chimps, our group are all going to visit them in the forest. 我们一行人准备按照简研究黑猩猩的方法去森林里拜访他们。2) Watching a family of chimps wake up is our first activity of the day. 我们当天的首项任务就是观

11、察黑猩猩一家是如何醒来的。4. watch/see/notice/observe/look at/listen to/hear/feel/have/let sb do/doing1) He often watches boys playing/play (play) football. 2) He watched the wounded taken (take) to hospital.3) Little boys like to watch bikes being repaired (repair). 4) He watched (看) the train until it disappea

12、red.5. 1) a(n) bird/ monkey/animal in (介词)the tree 本身以外附在上面 2) a(n) apple /branch/flower/leaf/fruit on(介词)the tree本身长出6. family n. 动植物族科1)a cat family 猫科 2)a family of cats/ pigs 一窝猫/猪7. leave 听任,使处-状态,让-做1) Leave the door open (open). 2) Leave the boy crying (cry).3) Leave the work unfinished (unfi

13、nish). 4) Leave him to do (do) it himself.8. move off vi. 离开,离去,出发,启程;(汽车等)开动1) The troops moved off at dawn. 部队在拂晓时出发了2) Last night he moved off without saying goodbye to me. 他昨晚没有向我道别就离开了。3) The train slowly moved off. 火车徐徐开动。9.1) By then, he had learned (learn)1000 words. 2) By then, he was (be)

14、a famous doctor.3) By then, he could swim (can swim)in the river. 4) By now, he has arrived (arrive). 5) By now, he must have arrived(must arrive). 6) By now, he must be (must be)in Beijing,7) By tomorrow, he will be (be)all right. 8) By tomorrow, he will have arrived(arrive).10. The evening makes it all worthwhile.到傍晚时分我们觉得一切都值得。字面意思:那个夜晚使得一切都值得。时间名词做主语,实际上主语表明的是时间状语,真正的主语已隐去。突出了时间,文笔生动。(见B1U5)1) That day made his dream come true. 2)1949 saw the founding of the new China.3) Dusk found him lying in the street. 黄昏时分发现他躺在街上。11.the mother chimp/monkey/panda/ant 母黑猩猩/猴/熊猫/蚁


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