高考英语 历年高校自主招生英语试题集萃

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《高考英语 历年高校自主招生英语试题集萃》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高考英语 历年高校自主招生英语试题集萃(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、高校自主招生考试(英语)真题集萃一、(2009 年清华大学中英文综合)诗歌旅夜书怀(杜甫):“细草微风岸,危樯独叶舟。星垂平野阔,月涌大江流。名岂文章著,官应老病休。飘飘何所似,天地一沙鸥。”将其翻译成英文,并解释诗歌的背景意义。二、(2006 年清华大学)以“你理想中父母和孩子的关系”写一篇l50 字左右的作文。三、(2008 年上海交大)对贫富差距加大的现象谈谈看法,写一篇250 字左右的作文。四、(2009 年中国药科大学)Directions:Read the following essay and put it into Chinese.As supplier of most of

2、the food we eat and of raw material, for many industrial processes,agriculture is clearly an important area of the economy. But the industrial performance of agriculture is even more important than this. For in nations where the productivity of farmers is low, most of the working population is neede

3、d to raise food and few people are available for production of investment goods or for other activities required for economic growth. Indeed, one of the factors related most closely to the per capita income(人均收入)of a nation is the fraction(一部分)of its population engaged in farming. In the poorest nat

4、ions of the World, more than half of the population lives on farms. This compares sharply with less than 10in western Europe and less than 4in the United States.In short, the course of economic development in general depends in a fundamental way on the performance of farmers. This performance, in tu

5、rn, depends on how agriculture is organized and on the economic environment,or market structure, within which it functionsIn the following pages the performance of American agriculture is examined. It is appropriate to begin with a consideration of its market structure.五、(2006 年复旦大学)Passage 1An expe

6、rt suggested that certain criminals should be sent to prison in their own home. When the scheme was first put forward publicly, many people opposed it or hand serious reservations about it. One very experienced social worker opposed the scheme in a television interview. When asked to explain the bas

7、is for his opposition, he thought for a moment and finally confessed,Well,I guess, because its new. Thats my only reason. Advocates of the scheme pointed out that courts frequently sentenced first offenders to community service of some kind rather than send them to prison. The stigma of having a cri

8、minal record was an adequate deterrent, and nothing positive was achieved by sending some types of convicted people to prison.Some critics rushed to take extreme cases. If a murderer is allowed free in the community like this, what is to prevent him from killing somebody else? This argument ignored

9、the fact that nobody proposed to allow convicted murderers to use the bracelet system. One criticism putforward was that an offender could take off his bracelet and leave it at home or give it to a friend to wear while he himself wet off to commit another crime. The reply to this was that the bracel

10、et would be made so that the computer would immediately detect any attempts to take it off or tamper with it.A most serious objection to the scheme was that the harsh life of prison was intended to bepart of the deterrent to crime. A prisoner who was allowed to live at home would suffer no particula

11、r discomfort and thus not be deterred from repeating his crime.No immediate action was taken on the proposal. It was far too revolutionary and needed to be examined very carefully. However, the idea was not rejected. Several governments appointed experts to investigate the scheme and make recommenda

12、tions for or against it.1Peoples opinions are divided on the suggestion that .A. some criminals should serve their terms at homeB. social workers can express themselves on TVC. first offenders should be sentenced to community serviceD. old offenders should be imprisoned2A social worker opposed the p

13、roposal for the reason that .Ait is uniqueB. it is creativeC. it is novelD. it is out-of-date3. We can learn from the passage that the bracelet is supposed toA. keep the track of the offendersB. detect the offenders attempt of murderC. be worn for decorationD. be worn by offenders friends occasional

14、ly4. The supporters of the scheme will probably agree thatA. the hard life of prison may prevent some people from repeating a crimeB. the life at home is too comfortable for the prisonersC. high-technology should be deterrent to crimeD. imprisonment will not achieve much to some offenders5. The pros

15、pect of the advice is thatA. it will be put into practice immediatelyB. it will be declined by the governmentC. it will be further carefully looked intoD. it will be confirmed by appointed expertsPassage 2Dr Adams was tired and suffering from jet lag. His temper was not improved when he was told, on

16、 arriving more than three hours late at New Delhi, that his plane to Colmbo had already gone and that there would not be another until the next day. The airline staff were very sympathetic and assured him that they had already booked him into the best hotel in the city, to which the airline bus would take him straight away. In the meantime, they hoped that Dr Adams would take the op



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