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1、22春社区服务综合作业二答案参考1. At their _ to the house the little boy ran away and hid.A. plungeB. appointmentC.At their _ to the house the little boy ran away and hid.A. plungeB. appointmentC. approachD.politeness参考答案:C2. 在三大模式的权力结构导向中,地区发展模式将权力结构当做:( )A、斗争对象B、服务对象C、合作者D、出资人参考答案:C3. I _ a note under Louise s d

2、oor.A) slidB) decreasedC) descendedD) slippedI _ a note under Louise s door.A) slidB) decreasedC) descendedD) slipped参考答案:D4. Today, young people s health is deteriorating and some even suffer from blood_Today, young people s health is deteriorating and some even suffer from blood_ in their twenties

3、.A) clotsB) donationC) testsD) transfusion参考答案:A5. He can only recall some( ) (零碎的) pictures of that accident now.A、fragmentaryB、fragileCHe can only recall some( ) (零碎的) pictures of that accident now.A、fragmentaryB、fragileC、fractiousD、fragrant参考答案:A6. The protests were part of their _ against buildi

4、ng developmentin this area.A) aThe protests were part of their _ against building developmentin this area.A) advertisingB) arrangementC) campaignD) consumption参考答案:C7. 社会工作的价值观包括:( )A、每个人都应该受到关怀和尊重B、人与人之间应该互助、理解和尊重C、相信每个人都有人类共同的需要,也有自己独特的需要和特征D、社会应该提供资源和服务,以满足人们的需求,免于饥寒、病苦、歧视等参考答案:ABCD8. 10% of the

5、data was as unreliable.A) disobeyedB) disrespectedC) discardedD) disguised10% of the data was as unreliable.A) disobeyedB) disrespectedC) discardedD) disguised参考答案:C9. Please accept my _ apologies for not having informed you of the changesof textPlease accept my _ apologies for not having informed y

6、ou of the changesof textbooks in advance.A) obsessiveB) specializedC) lifetimeD) heartfelt参考答案:D10. 将枪支(含仿真枪)、弹药或者易燃、易爆、有毒等危险品擅自带入学院,造成严重公共安全隐患的。或在将枪支(含仿真枪)、弹药或者易燃、易爆、有毒等危险品擅自带入学院,造成严重公共安全隐患的。或在重点防火部位或场所擅自使用明、 暗火,造成严重公共安全隐患的,至少给予A.严重警告处分B.记过处分C.留校查看处分D.开除学籍处分正确答案:B11. 请简要叙述一下“三大模式”当中关于“个人行为”假设(动机)的异

7、同参考答案:地区发展模式认为人是理性的,个人倾向于团结、合作、愿意沟通交往,参与民主,并在集体活动中只要满足一定条件,个人愿意为集体作出贡献。(倾向民主);社会计划模式认为人是理性的,但是个人的行为是为了追求其认为的利益最大化,并且,人的理性自私的动机会带来社会的混乱和人际的冲突斗争,所以必须加以管理和规矩,才能带来秩序和合力。(倾向精英决策);社会行动模式认为人无所谓理性和感性,在行动中人即有可能理性也可能感性,认为冲突并不容易通过协调或正规渠道得到缓和,冲突只有用对峙和争取的方法才能解决。(倾向于冲突和对抗)12. For his health, he undoubtedly needed

8、 a _ in his heart assoon as possible.A) sFor his health, he undoubtedly needed a _ in his heart assoon as possible.A) surgeonB) surgeryC) surfaceD) supplement参考答案:B13. As a Prime Minister, he lacked the strategic _of, say, someone likeChurchillAs a Prime Minister, he lacked the strategic _of, say, s

9、omeone likeChurchill .A) specialtyB) motivationC) competenceD) vision参考答案:D14. Although he underwent such a huge disaster, he managed to _ his courageand goAlthough he underwent such a huge disaster, he managed to _ his courageand go forward with his life.A) take upB) pick upC) use upD) pick from参考答

10、案:B15. In Aristotle s view, the core of art is _.A、imitationB、emotionC、truthIn Aristotle s view, the core of art is _.A、imitationB、emotionC、truth答案:A16. He conducted these instructional sessions with ( )and humor.A、animationB、animalC、advanceDHe conducted these instructional sessions with ( )and humo

11、r.A、animationB、animalC、advanceD、anxious参考答案:A17. What he said was so complicated that I _ after the first couple ofsentences.What he said was so complicated that I _ after the first couple ofsentences.A) kept trackB) lost trackC) signed upD) fell into参考答案:B18. Here is $10; that should _ all your exp

12、enses.A)exploreB) competeC) coverD) expanHere is $10; that should _ all your expenses.A)exploreB) competeC) coverD) expand参考答案:C19. Kitchen utensils should be _ as well as functional.A) expensiveB) extensiveC) attKitchen utensils should be _ as well as functional.A) expensiveB) extensiveC) attractiv

13、eD) massive参考答案:C20. _ care whether they have passed the entrance examination or not.A. Does he little_ care whether they have passed the entrance examination or not.A. Does he littleC. Little he doesB. Does little heD. Little does he参考答案:D21. The plants make unwelcoming smells to ( )(击退) their enem

14、ies.A、implyB、spellC、compelD、repThe plants make unwelcoming smells to ( )(击退) their enemies.A、implyB、spellC、compelD、repel参考答案:D22. Ecommerce is presenting a lot of new jobs at level.A) entryB) entranceC) entrenchmentE-commerce is presenting a lot of new jobs at level.A) entryB) entranceC) entrenchmentD)entrust参考答案:A23. He is finally determined to quit smoking for he knows that it may_ hishealthHe is finally determined to quit smoking for he knows that it may_ hishealth.A



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