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1、2019年白云区一模试题、语法选择 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)Although he is one of Chin as most famous scie ntists, Yua n Longping con siders1 a farmer, for he works theland to do his research. In deed, his sun bur nt face and arms and slim, str ong body are just like those of milli ons of Chin ese farmers, for whom he has

2、 struggled ( 奋斗)2 the past fifty years. Yuan Longping grows what is called super hybrid( 杂种的)rice. In 1973, he became the first agricultural pioneer in the world to grow rice3 has a high output. Thisspecial strain of rice makes it possible to produce 20%, more of the crop in 4 same fields. Now more

3、than 60% of the rice produced in China each year 5 from this hybrid strain.Born in 1930, Yuan Longping graduated 6 Southwest Agricultural College in 1953. Since then, finding ways to grow more rice has bee n his life goal. 7 a you ng man, he saw the great n eed for8 the rice output. At thattime, hun

4、 ger was a disturb ing problem in many parts of the cou ntryside. Yua n Longping9 for a way to in creaserice harvests without expanding ( 扩大)the area of the fields. In 1950, Chinese far mers 10 produce about fifty-six million tons of rice. In a recent harvest, however, 11 two hundred million tons of

5、 rice was produced. These in creased harvests mea n that 22% of the worlds people 12 from just 7% of the farmla nd in the world. Yua n Longping is now spreadi ng his kno wledge in In dia, Viet nam and many other13 developed cou ntries to in creasetheir rice harvests. Thanks to his research, the UN h

6、as more tools in the battle to rid ( 摆脱)the world of 14. Usinghis hybrid rice, farmers are produc ing harvests twice as 15 as before.1, A. heB. himselfC. himD. his2, A, forB, sinceC, inD, from3, A, whomB, whoC, whatD, that4, A, anB, aC, theD, /5, A, wasB, isC, areD, were6, A, inB, atC, fromD, on7, A

7、, LikeB, AsC, WithD, By8, A, to in creaseB, in creasesC, being in creasedD, in creas ing9, A, searchedB, searchesC, has searchedD, was search ing10, A, mayB,needC, couldD, should11,A, nearlyB, nearC, n earestD, n earer12,A, have fedB, were fedC, fedD, are fed13 A, leastB, mostC, lessD, more14, A hun

8、 gerB, hungryC, hun grilyD, hun gers15, A, largerB, largeC, largestD, the largest、完形填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)There was once a baby eagle. It lived in a nest which was located on a cliff( 悬崖)overlooking a beautiful valley. The baby eagle like the nest very much, as it was warm and 16 .It was the only w

9、orld he had everknown. And even better, he had all the food and atte nti on that a great mother eagle could 17. Each day, the mother would fly down from the sky and land in the nest to feed him delicious food. She was like a god to him. He had no idea where she came from or how she worked her magic.

10、 Gradually, the baby eagle grew strong and his visi on grew very sharp.One day, the mother eagle 18 at the top of the cliff with a big bowl of delicious food. She looked at her baby and said in a gentle voice, Here is some tasty food. All you have to do is come and get it How can I get it! said the

11、baby 19. He felt so hungry and soon burst out crying. However, the mother flew away, despitehis tears.A few days later, the mother flew down to the nest. Eat this. Its the 20 meal I shall bring you. The baby ate the meat and complained, Why? Youre really a terrible mother. Suddenly, she pushed him o

12、ut of the nest. The baby fell and picked up speed faster and faster. Im going to die! he cried. The gro und rushed towards him so quickly that he could clearly imagi ne his own 21Just at this mome nt, someth in g22 happe ned. The air 23 his wings and the n moved away from hisbody immediately, with a

13、 feel unlike anything he had ever experieneed. He looked down and saw the valley. He was nt mov ing towards the24 a nymore.What is going on here? he asked. Youre flyin g, said his mother n ext to him with a big smile on her_25You are brave and I am really proud of you.16.A. expe nsiveB. importa ntC.

14、 comfortableD, suitable17.A, provideB. con tainC. receiveD. produce18.A. turnedB, appearedC. returnedD. rema ined19.A. an grilyB. quietlyC. happilyD. patie ntly20.A. favoriteB. healthyC. greatD, last21.A. failureB. successC, deathD. improveme nt22.A. dan gerousB. funnyC. difficultD. stra nge23 .A. m

15、adeB, caughtC ,fixedD. checked24,A. skyB, n estC, groundD. mountain25.A.headB, faceC. heartD. body三、阅读(共两节,满分45分)第一节 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)AIt is late at ni ght, People in Cape Town, South Africa, li ne up to collect water from a spri ng ( 泉).One by one, they fill their plastic bottles. Each person can take up to 13 gallons ( 加仑).Policemen stand by to keep the rules. In a few mon ths, that nu mber will be cut in half.Cape Town is a city of four million people. It is running out o


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