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1、初三英语专项复习之书面表达一、假设你是,是一位中学生,每晚你有许多家庭作业要做,而住在你隔壁的张先生总是把电视机开得很响,你写一张纸条给他,请他把声音调小些。Dear Mr Zhang,I am sorry to trouble you .I am a Middle School student .I have a lot of homework to do every night.My house is next to yours .But your TV set is always too noisy. Would you please turn it down ? Thank you v

2、ery much.Yours Tom二、请你要据以下内容写人份值日报告日期10月2日 星期四 上午天气晴到校情况除王芳外大家都到齐了(病假)上周主要活动校运会,取得第一名,大家十分高兴今天主要活动下午骑处行车去公园参观Good morning everyone ! I am on duty today ,October second Thursday.It,s sunny.Everyone is here except WangFang .She is ill.We won the first place at the school sports meeting.We were all hap

3、py.We,ll go to the park by bike this afternoon. Thank you very much.三、根据提示写一张病假条向你的班主任王老师请假,假设你是李平,得了重感冒,头痛、咳嗽,睡不好看了医生,遵医嘱,需卧床休息两天,因此,今明两天不能来上课,希望病情尽快好转,并且后天能够返校。Dear headteacher ,I,m sorry to tell you that I,m not feeling well today.I have got a bad cold .I have got a headache and a cough ,too.I di

4、dnt sleep well last night .I saw a doctor this morning .The doctor told me to stay in bed for two days .So I can,t go to school today and tomorrow.I hope to get well soon .I,ll come back to school the day after tomorrow .Don,t worry about me .Thank you very much!Yous Li Ping四、假定你是第一中学三年级一班的高峰,6月26日你

5、不慎将带有棕色小猴饰物的钥匙丢在操场上。请以高峰的名义写一则30词左右的寻物启事Lost June 26th I lostleft a key with a brown monkey on the playground on June 26th .Will the finder who found it please come to Class 1.Grade 3 of No .1 Middle School (or callring on)?Thank you ! Gao Feng五、根据提示,写出则“遗失启事”,要求如下:(1)遗失物品:自行车(黑色),一件上衣外套(2)遗失时间:5月30

6、日下午(3)遗失地点:学校操场(在打球)(4)失主:初三(2)班张明,电话:8755308LostI lost a black bicycle and a coat on the afternoon of May 30th on the ground when I was playing basketball.If you find them ,please contact Zhang Ming at 8755308 in Class 2 Grade 3.六、校门口张贴了一则“失物招领”。用英语告诉Mike (借读生)其中的内容。失物招领上周三,在电脑教室拾到书包一个,内有几本课本、笔记本、文

7、具盒和一串钥匙,请失主到校长室认领。电话:6801538FoundA schoolbag with some books ,a notebook,a pencil-case and a set of keys was found in the computer room last Wednesday.If the schoolbag is yours ,please go to the headmaster,s office and set it back .Tele:6801538七、Describe a person you like best(Words :30-50)You shoul

8、d writer: What he/she looks like What he,s/she,s interested in And explain what you like him /her best My favourite person is my English teacherMiss Gao.Although she,s a little short .She is very beautiful .Her eyes are big and she can speak English very well. She,s interested in teaching and singin

9、g .So she,s a good teacher .She often plays jokes in class and makes us laugh .The most important reason is that with her help we can learn English well .For these reasons I like Miss Gao best .八、Describe a gift you have received .(Words :30-50)You should Write :What it is When you got it Why you go

10、t itAnd explain how much you like this gift The gift I received in 2000 is from my mother .It was birthday .My mother bought the computer as a present for me .I liked it very much .I had a happy birthday .I want to be a scientist when I grow up .I will say thanks to my mother for the gift is very im

11、portant to me . 九、假定你是Sam,你在6月19日上午10点接到打给的电话,正好不在你接了电话,请根据通话内容,给留一张电话留言条。Jim: Hello ! Is that John ?Sam: Sorry,He isnt here now .This is Sam .Can I take a message ?Jim: Yes ,please .This is Jim .Lin Tao ,Kate and I am going to have a picnic at the West Hill this Sunday.Sam: Good idea ! When are you

12、 going to meet ?Jim; At half past seven .And we will meet at the school gate and go there by bus .We hope John can go With us .please tell him to bring some food with him and not to be late .Sam: Ok ! I,ll leave a message on his desk .Have a good time !Jim: Thank you very much .Goodbye !Sam:Goodbye

13、.TELEPHONE MESSAGEFROM : Jim To : John DATE : June 19th TIME : 1000 a.m.MESSAGE : Kate ,Jim and Lim Tao and Lin Tao want you to go to the West Hill with them this Sunday .They are going to have a picnic there .They will wait for you at the school .You,ll go there by bus .Please bring some food with

14、you .Don,t be late .十、Describe a Tv program you like (Words :30-50) You should write What is the name of the program What it is about When it broadestsAnd explain why you like it There are many programs ,but some are boring. I like the program called Umder the Same Sky .It is a program for us middle

15、 school students .In the program four people from different countries talk to each other in English .It broadcasts at 11:15 every Sunday .I can not only learn some knowledge but also improve my spoken English.So I like it .十一、根据中文大意,写出意思连贯,符合逻辑,不少于50字的短文。假设你是王明,昨天收到了笔友Dave的e-mail,得知他不久要到北京来学习中文。他想了解如何学好中文。请你用英文给他回复一封e-mail,介绍学习中文的体会和方法,提出你的建议,以及表达你帮助他学习中文的愿望。Dear Dave, I,m glad you will come to learn Chinese .Chinese is very useful ,and many foreigners are learning it now .It,s quite differe



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