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1、阅读中的长难句在四六级考试中,通过关键词可以定位到原文中的关键句,这些关键句就是我们所说的“链”。如何找到“链”-精准定位法;如何理解“链”-长难句剪枝法。精准定位法利用关键词(点)去寻找关键句(链)时,我们要运用同义转述原则。篇章阅读真题示例:精准定位法:题干中的关键词为accomplish和planet。由题干关键词定位到原文最后一段。定位段第一句说明,争夺资源会将我们的星球引向地狱,除非人类懂得分享。而随后一句指出,完成这一任务需要每个人都承担起责任,并且只有共同合作才能完成。可见,保护地球必须聚集众人的努力,选项D)中的pooling their efforts together是对原

2、文accomplished together with others的同义转述,所以D)为本题答案。信息匹配真题示例:精准定位法:题干中的关键词为the majority of和rival。由题干关键词定位到原文最后两句。定位句提到,由于美国在冷战中大获全胜,似乎我们的经济体制已没有真正的竞争对手。而一旦失去了国际竞争,我们就没有必要证明我们的体制能够为大多数公民带来利益。题干中的the majority of和rival分别是原文中的most of和competitor的同义转述,故答案为E)。长难句剪枝法长难句,顾名思义,即长又难,主要难在用词、结构等方面。掌握了刚才说的精准定位法后,如果

3、定位到的句子是长难句,这个方法就要排上用场了长难句剪枝法。先快速找到句子的主干,再掌握细节要素。1. 找主干,明结构即:拨开枝杈,直扑主干;排除干扰,确定结构;首先抓住中心内容。看到一个难句,不要被它吓住,首先要集中精力,找出句子主干。句子再长,主干不会长,根据谓语动词的特点,主干还是不难找到的。只要找到句子的主干,就能明确句子的结构(是简单句,还是并列句、主从复合句、倒装句、强调句等),也就明白句子主要讲了什么。下面是一些真题中的长难句,我们对主干部分进行了铺底:例1Inequality is dangerous, he argued, not merely because it doesn

4、t look good to have a large gap between the rich and the poor, but because inequality itself destroys upward mobility, making it harder for the poor to escape from poverty.例2While Wall Street executives used their expensive lawyers to ensure that their ranks were not held accountable for the misdeed

5、s that the crisis in 2008 so graphically revealed, the banks abused our legal system to foreclose (取消赎回权) on mortgages and eject tenants, some of whom did not even owe money.例3But for students who havent yet done enough research, or who are still constantly changing their minds on favorite schools,

6、the early-decision system needlessly and prematurely narrows the field of possibility just at a time when students should be opening themselves to a whole range of thrilling options.例4The shift, little noticed outside the medical establishment but already controversial inside it, suggests that docto

7、rs are starting to redefine their roles, from being concerned exclusively about individual patients to exerting influence on how healthcare dollars are spent.例5There are some very commendable characteristics of the CFLcompact fluorescent (荧光的) light bulb, yet the selection of any light source remain

8、s inseparable from the luminaire (照明装置) that houses it, along with the space in which both are installed, and lighting requirements that need to be satisfied.2. 理枝杈,明各层即:变长为短,层层理清;修饰成分,对号入座;仔细搞清各层意思。这里的关键就是修饰语和被修饰语要能对得起来,从而理清句子的层次,一层层地搞清楚句子的意思。还是以上面5个真题长难句为例:例1Inequality is dangerous, he argued, not

9、 merely because it doesnt look good to have a large gap between the rich and the poor, but because inequality itself destroys upward mobility, making it harder for the poor to escape from poverty.剪枝法分析:用剪枝法先找到有引导词也有谓语动词的从句:两个由because引导的原因状语从句,并用关联词组not merelybut相连接。然后用剪枝法剪掉各个短语,并掌握这些细节信息:插入语he argue

10、d,补充说明全句的信息来源,介词短语between the rich and the poor作名词gap的后置定语,现在分词结构making it harder for the poor to escape from poverty作伴随状语,对原因状语从句进行补充说明。图解结构:参考译文: 他提出,不公平是危险的,不仅仅是因为贫富差异大看起来不好,更是因为不公平本身破坏了社会阶层向上提升的流动性,令贫困者难以摆脱贫困。例2While Wall Street executives used their expensive lawyers to ensure that their ranks

11、were not held accountable for the misdeeds that the crisis in 2008 so graphically revealed, the banks abused our legal system to foreclose (取消赎回权) on mortgages and eject tenants, some of whom did not even owe money.剪枝法分析:用剪枝法先找到有引导词也有谓语动词的从句: While引导的时间状语从句说明主句的时间;而该时间状语从句中又包含that引导的宾语从句充当动词不定式结构中en

12、sure的宾语,该宾语从句也是一个主从复合句,包含that引导的限定性定语从句,修饰说明名词misdeeds。然后用剪枝法剪掉各个短语,并掌握这些细节信息:to foreclose (取消赎回权) on mortgages and eject tenants为动词不定式作目的状语,而其中还包含一个介词of+whom引导的定语从句,补充说明之前的名词tenants。图解结构:参考译文: 当华尔街的行政长官雇用费用高昂的律师来确保他们在2008年金融危机所显现出的罪行中不承担任何责任时,银行就滥用了法律体系的权利来取消抵押的赎回权,并把房客驱逐出去,有些房客甚至没有欠款。例3But for stu

13、dents who havent yet done enough research, or who are still constantly changing their minds on favorite schools, the early-decision system needlessly and prematurely narrows the field of possibility just at a time when students should be opening themselves to a whole range of thrilling options.剪枝法分析

14、:用剪枝法先找到有引导词也有谓语动词的从句:定语从句when students should be opening themselves to a whole range of thrilling options,修饰时间状语中的名词time;两个并列定语从句who havent yet done enough research和who are still constantly changing their minds on favorite schools由连词or连接,修饰students。然后用剪枝法剪掉各个短语,并掌握这些细节信息:just at a time为时间状语;介词短语for

15、 students置于句首,强调描述的对象和范围。图解结构:参考译文: 但是,对于那些没有做足够功课的或者是在自己喜欢的学校上摇摆不定的学生来说,提前录取则没有必要,并且过早地缩小了他们可能的选择范围,而这个时候他们应该放开自己去面对所有令他们心动的选择。例4The shift, little noticed outside the medical establishment but already controversial inside it, suggests that doctors are starting to redefine their roles, from being co

16、ncerned exclusively about individual patients to exerting influence on how healthcare dollars are spent.剪枝法分析:用剪枝法先找到有引导词也有谓语动词的从句:that引导的宾语从句,作主句动词suggests的宾语;how引导宾语从句,作介词on的宾语。然后用剪枝法剪掉各个短语,并掌握这些细节信息:插入语部分little noticed outside the medical establishment but already controversial inside it作补语,补充说明shi



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