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1、2023年let,s,go,sadayuki篇一:牛津英语第二课堂_let's_go3同步习题 天维美语 牛津英语第二课堂练习题汇总 牛津let's go 3天维美语Let's go试题册(内部学习资料,供参考学习用)学员班级_学员姓名_Study well and make success everyday学员姓名:_ 一Choose(找出划线部分发音不同的一项) 1 ( )2 ( )3 ( ) 4. (二Write the words(将下列数字从小到大排序)twenty twelve thirty thirteen fifteen fifty eight nine

2、teen five eleven三 1.Write the words.(写出下列单词)十 三十 五十 二十 七十 九十四十 六十 八十 一百 在.上面在.下面 在.里面 在.前面 在.后面 和.紧挨着 和对着2.Write the words.(写出下列动词的现在分词)do go wash watch wantsing study take play like三Choose the best answers.(选择)1-_apples are there? -Ten.-_are they ? -Eight yuan. A. How many How much B. How muchHow m

3、any C. How many How many2.-_are the students doing in the classroom?-They are speaking English.A.Where B. What C. Who3.My brother can _.Now he is_the piano.A.play the piano playing B.play play C.sing play4.-What _your mother _?-A teacher.A.do do B. does do C. is reading5.-Where is John?-He _his toys

4、 in his bedroom.A.is wash B.is playing C.play6.-Can you play with me now?- No,_.A.I am B.I cant C.I can7. After school David _his homework. A.do B.does C.is8. -Does she study English at school? -Yes,_.A.he does B.she does C.she doesnt四Fill in the blanks.(选词填空,不许重复)bedroom lunchroom classroom gym mus

5、ic room kitchen1.I go to piano class in the _. 2.I have lunch in the_.3.I go to sleep in the _. 4.I play soccer in the _. 5.I go to math class in the_. 6.I eat my dinner in the_.I.单词归类behind under paper sad hot circle squarerabbit bird library boys?room ribbon1.in_2.classroom_3.happy_4.dog_5.chalk_6

6、. rectangle_II.用所给词的适当形式填空1.-Can she _(make) a cake ? Yes, she _.(can)2. Let?s_go to the garden.3. What _(be) they _(do)? They_ -_(sing) in the room.4. Whose dogs _(be) these?-They?re Peter?s.5. What can you _(see)? I can see a butterfly.6.-What are _(that)? _balls.7. Who?s he ? _(he) Mis Wilson.8.

7、Where_(do) you live? I live _Hillsdale.9. Where?s the bed? It?s _the bedroom.10. There are _(lamp) behind the sofa. III. 按要求写单词 纸 剪子 毛线 颜料 丝线胶水 粉笔 胶带 正方形 角盘子 吹 教师 图书馆女卫生间 音乐室 体育馆 书 门 窗户 拼图 风筝 跳绳IV根据中文意思将句子填完整1._(谁的风筝) is that?2. _(有多少) eggs do you have/?3.Put the books _(在桌子上).4. The classroom is _(

8、在办公室对面).5. The ruler is not long. It?s _(短的)6. He has _(一些) paper.V.选择1.These are _balls. They are big.A. him B . he C. his2. -_your glue?- It is in my bag.A What B Where?s C. Where3.- How many _are there in the livingroom? -There is one.A. lamp B. lamps C. /4. Is there a sofa in the bedroom? No, _.

9、A. isn?t B. there is C. there isn?t5. -_watch is this ? It?s Eddie?s.溜溜球篇二:LET'S GO 2 家长指导 新希望语言学校 Lets Go 2家长指南备注:从2023年1月起,我校将对原来的家长联系手册进行改进,原先的家长联系手册在一定程度上发挥了作用,但是由于每课发一篇活页纸,极易丢失,而且有很多家长不予足够关注,我校将采取新的方式与家长进行联系及交流。方式1、每册书发放课程指南。内容包括每一课的教学目标、语法要点、课文按页进行翻译及练习册的翻译,学员在学习时如有不懂请家长参照家长指南予以指导。 方式2、当面讲

10、授、书信通知、学生成绩单情况和学生评价表。在每次家长会外教将继续向您介绍学生的学习情况,我校将在每次家长会前电话通知各位家长按时参加家长会,对于重点学员外教将根据情况与您进行书信联系以解决学员在学习中出现的问题,每次家长会后将发放学生成绩单。每单元学习后我们将对学员进行评价,评价表将张贴于各教室内,分别对每单元学习情况(包括歌曲对话、单词、语法、发音和句型),作业情况、上机情况(上机次数和上机表现)、课堂纪律进行评估。 方式3、每次家庭作业我校将打一张便条贴于练习册的封面,请家长认真监督学员按时完成作业。方式4、毕业证书。在每册书学完后,笔试及上机考试达到90者我校将颁发毕业证书。对于未达到9

11、0分以上者,助教与家长联系补课,补考过关者将补发毕业证书。请各位家长遵守我校纪律,我校设有两个休息室,楼上休息室为阅览室,请家长保持安静,喜欢聊天的家长请到楼下休息室等候。请家长不要在走廊内滞留,以保证学员的学习环境。开机动车的家长,请将车辆停在教学楼的正北侧,以免影响院内邻居停放车辆,骑自行车的家长请将自行车按序停在篮球架北侧。请勿以“马上就走”为理由停于院中央。由于学员年龄较小,请各位家长在学员上课及上机过程中 在校等待,由于学员家长不按时接送学员而造成学员走失我校无力承担责任。 Unit 1 第1单元教学目标:掌握名词的单复数。掌握字母组合at, an,ap 的发音和单词。语法要点:名词

12、单复数的一般形式名词+sWhat are these/those? Theyre 老师和家长需要向学生解释these这些/those那些表示一个以上的东西。 第2页Lets Talk 让我们说一说Hi, Scott. How are you? 嗨,Scott. 你好吗?Fine, thank you. 好,谢谢。Good bye, Scott. 再见,Scott。See you later. 一会儿见。第3页Lets Sing 让我们唱一唱The Hi Song 你好歌Hi, Scott. How are you? Im fine .Thank you. 嗨,Scott。你好吗?我很好,谢谢。 Hi, Jenny. How are you? Im fine .Thank you. 嗨,Jenny。你好吗?我很好,谢谢。 Hi, John. How are you? Im fine .Thank you. 嗨,John。你好吗?我很好,谢谢。 Hi, Lisa. How are you? Im fine.


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