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1、关于爱国主义的英文演讲稿下面是小编为你精心编辑整理的关于爱国主义的英文演讲稿,希望你能喜欢,更多精彩内容,请点击上方相关栏目查看,谢谢! dear all, more than 10 yars ao, our neihbor aan, through th meiji esoation of roa leading ot the rgoi,tan theorll naiol strngth of hina. tus, oc te chine sbda ar reoure-poo small countres begin covetcnse jianshn agniicent va terrto

2、y andaudatresources,heyain and againyorce agsion against china,wle ur onegrecontrya ths tmean oly be allwedo bul, cae of tei wea w sily ca nt cary out a poweful eyeitanc.foruatel, jsic wil enuallydfet eifro 137 945, ehiesepeople t a flligt yeas toe he militay aggesson of anse miitarsmhrd to combat,

3、frenzed apanes miai in oldarity th pepe andhe chinese all over teworldnt-fass front o te people of the countr hasto hetai an bowe hea tefe,we ca saytht anti-fasis r, win the er hineon are amajor vent i thehitory, it i the cinse peopesttledw, proudof thestart, but also thehisentn "sickman o eat

4、asiaqut; sins,r-sta th tion n he word foret eginin ufortnate, sc omiing strt d not g moothly. cvil ar,theutural revoluti, afte the r th hole wod eseialy in aia, uc fthe cnty#39;s ecnomic tke-of ou firstpportunity ised, hina&#;s develom as exprened tratins. alughur lives today and has iernatin stat a

5、nd ixty yearsago s qut differt,ut e aret on th tr manngof the "big conry&uot;, our cmprehensie ntna trengt witjapn still as big gap betwn. tis for tisreason, japan ha alwaysben an arognttttd towarschn, hesixtieth anniersry of thevitory ofthe nti-fastwaroa,tei gernes at a crevew o hstor h prem s

6、 stil ambiuous attitude,prime miner juchir koiumsreeae vss to asu shrine, mees of parlient openly deny th class w rimls cmescomrde, fellow stunts,please close yur eye, you herd igt,in the ar fr the country sarifced their livs or hesul ofthe odiehouted a, inte wr of 3500000冤死at the soul thepele c

7、rying . . thee sa famussaying goe:to rgive,t no o forget. onheon hn,in the cunty, ational and evenesoalrelans, ievancesing evrere, su the heart f noforivne, no reres frheir gievanes wil be tranateinopa rrd. on heothe han, he htricalfacts n shoud not ot h esson istory. hstoryln be easyto reat, th new

8、 famwok nternatiolrelations, tericl ltaism o ler he maket. butatthe aeime we ustreconize that thewr mor thn 60 earsao not far awayr us, wasthe reaon hy jpan and rancebaaadnton gresionagaistchina,becaue chnesere totalywak poo, econcaly ackwar, ad tdy, cause o ar dsser clturl gees, hearestil beneis-dr

9、ivn, people need o remanvigiant. at presnt, th thidtcholgicarevolutio i lsing, ep inhe dvelopmen of he world economy, inreangy clseontatwit hwold he chinese ae facing the estopportuty fooncdeveoment,hisoryells shat peaead stabilyi ordfoust seiz pprtutie hnxngf thecinee nation.on the occasio ofthesititaniversary f the ict of ar o rsisancagait jan, ihink f youteahe, collegue and tudent, said: ar ad rene wll not win o respect, uremitting,andthi sour vctory ocelebate, hod a memoral crem martyr, and bearg inmite hsor f th best wy!thanyou!



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