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1、陆羽英文介绍( Lu Yu English Introduction陆羽英文介绍 (Lu Yu English Introduction) 鲁豫“茶”是唐代茶文化的一个里程碑。茶总结其自然科学和人文科学双重内容的茶艺,儒、道、佛三行入茶,开拓精神中国茶道。茶后,大量的书籍,诗茶,”茶在”,“煎茶岭水”,“ Cai Cha”、“16 汤”。唐代茶文化的禅的兴起,茶的好处是沁人心脾的思想,生精止渴功能,寺院崇尚饮茶,茶周围种植树木寺庙,茶道的发展,茶的出现,第一。选举茶,茶事活动。中国的唐朝的形式茶道在宫茶,茶道,文人茶道.那时尚饮茶已遍及全国和茶因此赢得了地位全国饮料。在那一刻,鲁豫谁被誉为“茶

2、”,他的代表作茶的经文出现促进了中国茶文化的高度,以前从未达到的圣 人。这些不断涌现的杰出的茶业人士,推动了对茶、水、茶、茶的追求,达到了极 致的高雅、完美、精致和精致,陆羽,字鸿渐 ; 一名疾,字季疵。自号桑翁,又号竟陵子。生于唐玄宗开元年 间,复州竟陵郡人 (今湖北省天门县 ) 。开元、天宝年间号称唐朝盛世,国家富强, 域内安宁。但陆羽一出生便面临着种种不幸。据新唐书 陆羽传 和唐才子传记载,陆羽是个弃儿,自幼无父母抚养,被笼盖寺和尚积公大师所收养。积公为唐代名僧,纪异录载,唐代宗时曾召积公入宫,给予特殊礼遇积公好茶,所以陆羽很小便得艺茶之术公元 775 年( 天宝十四年 ) 安史之乱爆发

3、,唐朝进入了一个动乱不安 的时期。二十四、五岁的陆羽随着流亡的难民离开故乡,流落湖州( 今浙江湖州市 ) 。湖州较北方相对安宁。陆羽自幼随积公大师在寺院采 茶、煮茶,对茶学早就发生浓厚兴趣。湖州又是名茶产地, 陆羽在这一带搜集了不少有关茶的生产、制作的材料。 为潜心研究和写作,陆羽终于结束了多年的流浪生活,于上元初结庐 于湖州苕溪。经过一年多努力,终于写出了中国第一部茶学专著,也 是中国第一部茶文化专著 茶经的初稿,时年陆羽二十八岁。公元 763 年,持续八年的安史之乱终于平定,陆羽又对茶经作了 一次修订。他还亲自设计了煮茶的风炉,把平定安史之乱的事铸在鼎 上,标明”圣唐灭胡明年造”,以表明茶

4、人以天下之乐为乐的阔大胸 怀。陆羽的茶经,It is a comprehensive history of tea production history, origin, present situation, production technology, tea drinking skill and tea ceremony principle. It is not only a natural science book of tea, but also a monograph of tea culture.Tea consists of ten chapters, more than 700

5、0 words, consists of three volumes. The contents of the ten chapter are as follows: one source, two instruments, three innovations, four devices, five cooking, six drinks, seven, eight, nine and ten.One source, the main origin of tea Chinese overview and soil, climate and environment for the growth

6、of tea, and performance function; two, said the production and processing of tea; three, tea production process; the four is about tea, five tea utensils; cook, speak tea making process, six skill; drink tea, tea appreciation method about seven things, speak; China tea history; eight, detailed recor

7、ds of the time of the tea tasting and Sheng, with records of the national state, more than 40 tea, for the eleven states not clear the tea of the nine also truthfully outjection; slightly, which is about tea utensils should be very complete, which omitted the mining field: what salary boiled tea, fi

8、re, etc., need not pay attention to the bed; water can save some water. But in a formal tea party, the cities, the door, twenty-four is a lack of tea waste.Finally, Lu Yu also insisted on the above content in the graph is plotted on the seat frame, Zhang Chen Yu, people drink tea tea, tea flavor, lo

9、oking at the map, and Ming Tea, and the purpose of God Wyatt, carrying a scoop a bowl, a few mouthfuls of irrigation, the mood naturally not the same.In a word, the five or six and 73 chapters reflect the spirit of tea ceremony and tea ceremony created by Lu Yu. The process of brewing tea is not onl

10、y artistic by Lu Yu, but also by using five elements, emphasizing the water quality and the quality of cooking. Tea famous tea to tender, refined, sealed, ready to use, do not make the essence of the more loose. The exergy wood carbon, wood, plaster and avoid failure strain. The water used in the Ru

11、quan, a river, from the city of wells. Boil tea, pay attention to three boiling, but also to enjoy its wavessurge surge of wonderful scene. Protect the Chinese, observe its color, taste its flavor.Lu Yu said: the days of everything to the wonderful, shelter house, house very fine; the author of clothing, clothing very fine; the full food, the food and wine are very fine, that is to say, all the basic necessities of life to show the aesthetic pursuit of noble.


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