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1、研究生综合英语考试试题PATACABULARY(20%)Part A Fil in each blank with ord or phasechosenfmbelw Chang he form here ncessay.(2%*5=10%)iprfectimeaner ebrae suander epoch emeits oop up 1.Edar Alan Po announcd hat “wehavea leng arriv at ht whn our lterur may anmst stnd n its on merisr all trough itown defts.”2.Ashe

2、beganto er heritag, she abe oarue gainst tse whcondeed th Cofucitraiti sbmissie3. Fro hi marriage-day ot, Alrp d been un the purse,an Sally had eldm kwn wha itwse rivilegd a dollar onon-necessities.4. tr in the tufy itle offi al day,Sharondeced to walk herath than tath crowded bu.5. If ouai t , ther

3、e are ome chans of yur ttig t; hreasif you aim at perfeo,there i nonPar B Dcton:chose the rd phrase that is closst i ening to heundline part f eachsnce (1*1010%)1. Digital cel hones offer more scuit, uthe downid s ht the haeles power comawith the tratonaltelephone. advantge egagement C.misenture . m

4、isfortun2. Shei wrrin abouttoo any things teday. Sheeleeds o cmmune wih he iensto eeve her far anworyA tlkth B. coorate wit C.aue it D. cope wth3. As fwerple livo Souh Isnd tan on orth Island, thosew rve soliue n prtine beas will b ma at ther luck hre.A.dsti B. deire C. dcend D eflate4. Ienjoyede cm

5、araerie onge team,which brouht mutual trst among te team membes To certanexten, ths was they oour succes.A. ausemnt B tust C. ovnece D friendship5. We ould tnscend oursels eore overcomin thedificlies, wic is y maximthruou mylife.A. cnqr . surass C. seze D. tackle6. min fro athearica faily, wasdestie

6、dr acareero th stage was xted obe n ctor.A. up be B. doed to be C.ae up fo D.derived from7. To her constenatio,he eaiz that ht sh had sid w tru,tha a wman culd no ide love.A. ok B.facinatn C. estmaton D ejoyme8. T bne f oordal d frndlytmophe frmhe benningt theend. lely B.rm C sad D. lovey9. Toughdto

7、r shuld thi of what patinsned or wa,soees theyneedto ve sme egreeoional tahmet. A. invlvement B. isoneton C. tacmnt D. sensitivty0Irer to finishhetask i tie, e wasout in ttrinalday and thisogt on a bd cold . suled in B.gaveup C. brougt u .resultd frmPARTRANG CPREHENION (2%* 100%)Par A ircin: ed thef

8、ollowng passae. nserth quets below bycoosn A,B,C DMak your anse o the ANS EET. (5=10%)Half th wods popuatonwil spaki or learinEglishby 015, esachers s Tobillio pep are expected o stat aing Enls within a ce ad thee ilio wi spak i,sys a Brth ouncestimate.Other languages, suchas French, rk becomng csut

9、e(伤亡)of this inusc glbalizain. Buthe boom wllbeover by200 andte Eglilanguag teahignduty will havbecoe a vicioftsown succes, ays avidrddol,author of threpot, Th Fue ofEngsh. Mr Gaddolssearch ws bsen a compe model develod to estiatedemd fo glish lnguaeteahing arund tword The lecrer, ho as woein ecao a

10、d laguag tdies at te Ope Univerty orthe pas 25eas,sd hemodelcharted lely studentnmber thrugh o2050. It ascompiledby lookng a various estiates fom the Ud Naions Education, SintificandCuluralrganiaon (neo)n eduatin poviion,emgrapi(人口统计的)pojecns, govenent ducationpicies and internationalsudentmobiity f

11、iures.The mpact euctonl nnovaiosan the eelments affectng the orld popuationincin theChinse goernmts pliyof one baby pr failwere also atore i. Bae on finings,Mr.Grdol ha pdce tht heworld s abotto be hit btidal ae of nglMany govenment,espeily in countriewhich hveeltvely rcntly gained ndependence,are introducing e eching fEnlih uner a utiliarian bnne.” But Englis predmitesin he usins worl, andor such cuntri to beable tocom r rk,including lcrai (proiabe) ouourcin conract(外包合同), Enlishisbi



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