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1、Unit1 How often do you exercise? (Section B)教师寄语:Custom makes all things easy. 有个好习惯,事事皆不难。一学习目标(Learning aims)1巩固表示频率的副词及其用法。2运用频率副词及短语回答问题。二、教学重点和难点 -How often do you ?Most / many/ Some of 三、知识链接复习一般现在时态用法和How often do you ?句型四、学法指导:1) Role playing.2) Reading, listening ,writing, speaking .五、导学过程:

2、1Revise the words of Unit 1. Read and learn by heart.2. 预习课本pages4-6,会翻译,并完成5页课文3a and 3b.3、熟读5页3a 理解文章大意。4、找出pages4-6的重点短语。(1)垃圾食品_(2)想要做某事_(3)想让某人做某事_(4)对有益_(5)非常健康_(6)放学回家_(7)我的饮食习惯_(8)努力做某事_(9)当然_(10)一周两三次_(11)重视我的健康_(12)我的健康的生活方式_(13)帮我取得好成绩_(14)帮我学得更好_(15)与相同_(16)与不同_(17)区别是什么?_(18)有点不健康_(19)也

3、许我不太健康。_(20)有一个健康的习惯_(21)每晚睡九个小时_(22)在81页_(23)记笔记_(24)你做什么运动?_(25)保持健康_(26)尽量少吃肉_(27)有一个健康的生活方式_(28)其中一些单词_(29)尽某人最大努力做某事_5. want的用法:1)want sth.想要某物2)want to do sth.想要做某事3)want sb. to do sth.想要某人做某事want sth.中的sth.一般是名词,如apple, pencil, book, money等我想要点水。I want some water.我想吃一个苹果。I want an apple. 我想要两

4、本书。I want two books.want to do sth.其中的do是动词原形,表达主语想要做的动作。我想要喝点水。I want to drink some water. 我想要吃一个苹果。I want to eat an apple.我想要两本书。I want to have two books.want sb. to do. sth.其中的sb.是want的宾语,是主语想要这个宾语做某事。我想让我妈妈喝点水。I want my mother to drink some water.我想让你吃一个苹果。I want you to eat an apple.我想让我的老师买两本书。

5、I want my teacher to buy two books.67.8. health n.名词1. 健康U Smoking does harm to health. 吸烟有损健康。2. 健康状况U She is in poor health. 她身体不好。healthy adj.形容词1. 健康的;健全的 He looks healthy.The children look very healthy. 孩子们看来很健康。2. 有益于健康的That book is not healthy reading for a child. 对孩子来说那书不是本健康读物。healthy count

6、ry air 有益于健康的农村的空气9. pretty 形容词 a. 1. (用于女性、小孩及小物件)漂亮的;秀丽的;可爱的What a pretty house it is! 多漂亮的一栋房子! Shes so pretty. 她真漂亮。 2. 优美的;悦耳的;令人愉快的 Shes got a pretty voice. 她的声音很悦耳。 3. 副词 ad. 相当,颇,很,非常Her sister is still pretty sick.她的妹妹仍病得很重。 六、学习小结通过本节学习,你学会了哪些知识:_七、达标检测:一根椐题意和所给的字母提示或汉语,填入正确的单词。 1. Hamburg

7、er is a kind of j_ food. I hardly ever eat hamburgers. 2. I surf the In_every day. 3. Look! The old people are on the hill_(山顶).They climb the hills once a week. 4. Tom s_ English best in our class. 5. My grandparents exercise twice a week to st_ healthy. 6. Some students watch TV three or four t_ a

8、 week. 7. Does it make a big difference if you eat fruit _(每天)? 8. Its very important to have a good eating h_. 9. I never go shopping. I cant s_ shopping. 10. She often g_to the movies on weekends. 二.连词成句 1. what, usually, you do, on, do weekends?_? 2. how often, your brother, does, take, a, shower

9、?_? 3. I, nine , hours, sleep, every , night, for. _. 4. Betty, milk, drinks, every, morning. _. 5. some, students, once, watch, TV, or, twice, a, week._. 三.方框选词 hardly, cleaning, take, gave, try, to play, visiting, exercises, went , goes 1. I _ a shower every night. 2. My father _ ever watches TV i

10、n the evening. 3. Thanks for _ me. 4. Mary often _ to the movies on weekends. 5. Grandma is pretty healthy because she _ every day. 6. You must _ to eat less meat. 7. I like _ basketball. 8. What did you do in summer holidays?-I _ to Hong Kong with my parents. 9. My mother _ me a new bike on my birt

11、hday . 10.What are you doing? We are _ our room. 四. 根椐括号中所给提示词语,回答问题。 1. What do you usually do on weekends?( climb the hill)_. 2. How often do you go to the movies? ( once a year) _ 3. How often does your brother play soccer? ( three or four times a week)_ 4. What does your mother do at home? ( wat

12、ch TV)_ 5. Are you healthy? (yes) _ 五. 单项选择:1. Does the girl do _?A morning exercises B eyes exercises C math exercise D eye exercise2. Bill is in good _. Hes pretty _.A health, health B healthy, healthy C health, healthy D healthy, health3. _ are you away from school ? About two weeks.A How often B

13、 How long C how many D How old4._ friends do you have? Only one. A How often B How long C How many D How old5._ meat do you want ? One kilo.A How many B How much C How often D How thin6._do you go swimming ? Sometimes.A How often B How long C how many D How old7.Katrina watches TV once _ week. A a B the


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