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1、人教PEP版六年级英语上册单词拼写专项训练班级:_ 姓名:_1. 按要求写出单词。1foot(复数)_2have(第三人称单数)_3thin(比较级)_4become(现在分词)_5ride(过去式)_6plan (过去式)_2. 按要求写单词。1. leaf(复数) _ 2. before(反义词) _3. tooth(复数) _ 4. lose(过去式) _5. will(否定形式) _3. 按要求写词。1safe(名词)_2cross(第三人称单数形式)_3drive(名词)_4must not(缩略形式)_5cannot(缩略形式)_6stop(第三人称单数形式)_7go(动名词)_8

2、take the bus(同义短语)_9busy(反义词)_10easily(形容词)_4. 按要求改写单词。1. she_(宾格) 2. country_(复数)3. close_(现在分词) 4. three_(序数词)5. China_(形容词) 6. I _ (名词性物主代词)7. paper _(复数) 8. swim _(现在分词)9.photo_(复数) 10.mouse_(复数)11.mango_(复数) 12.make_(现在分词)5. 根据括号中的中文意思,完成下列句子。1The room is_(肮脏的) and_(凌乱的).2His shoes are_(干净的) to

3、day.3Tom_(参观) a zoo yesterday morning.4It wasnt_(下雪的) here last year.5The students_(听) to music yesterday.6. 按要求写单词。(1)Id ( 完全形式 )_(2)shop ( 现在分词 )_(3)buy ( 同音词 )_(4)want( 单三形式 )_(5)their ( 同音词 )_7. 排列顺序。(1)Thelioncaughtthemouse.(2)Thelionandthemousebecamegoodfriends.(3)Thelioncouldnotgetoutfromthen

4、et.(4)Themousewokethelionup.(5)Thelionletthemousego.(6)Themousehelpedtheliongetout._8. 根据句子意思及首字母填空。1. Childrens Day is on the f_of June.2. There are t_months in a year.3. Teachers Day is on the t_of September.4. Mid-autumn Festival is on the fifteenth of A_in lunar calendar.(农历).5. Christmas is on

5、D_9. 根据所给单词首字母及句意完成单词,使句子意思完整正确。1.M is the thirdmonth(月份) ofa year (一年).2. Look, Wang Bing iss David. Hes in front of David.3. Wheres your handkerchief? Its in myp .4. What does this sign mean? It means “D”. We shouldnt touch it.5. Today is the Childrens Day. Everyone is verye.10. 单词拼写。(1)去滑雪_ 超市_(2

6、)错误的_ 怪兽_(3)最后_ 得到的过去式_(4)课_11. 根据首字母填空。1The man can m_magic clothes for the king.2The boy is very c_.His Maths is very good.3It r_just now. I was all wet.4It was r_yesterday. We had to stay at home.5There w_a lot of people in Tiananmen Square this morning.12. 写出下列单词。1.体育馆_ 2.如果_ 3.记者_4.使用_ 5.打字_ 6.秘书_13. 看图片填单词。1_2_3_4_5_6_7_8_14. 根据所给示范写出下列单词。Example gogoing goes(1)make_(2)grow_(3)sell_(4)catch_(5)finish_(6)fly_(7)put_(8)write_(9)go_15. 单词拼写。(1)响铃_ 潮湿的_(2)出故障的_ 挂断电话_(3)帮助_ 拥抱_页码 / 总页数


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