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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上 自信中英文演讲稿:自信是健康成长的翅膀 尊敬的老师们,亲爱的同学们: 早上好! Dear teachers and schoolmates, good morning! The topic of my speech today is Self-Confidence as the Wings of Healthy Growth. First of all, I want to tell you a story. A shepherd took his two sons to the field, a group of geese were flying in the

2、sky, and the first boy said, It would be great if I could fly. So the shepherd took his sons to the hills. The dad said, You will be able to fly, as long you really want it. The children dreamt of flying in the sky for many years. They were confident that if they followed their dreams they would fin

3、ally succeed. These boys were the Wright Brothers of the United States. One day, in December 1903, still with the dream of flying, they spread the wings of confidence and created the worlds first plane to ever fly in the sky. They realized the dream of every human that had ever lived: to fly! 这就是自信的

4、力量。在我们的健康成长中需要自信,在我们的学习生活中需要自信。那么,自信是什么呢? This is the power of confidence. We need to be confident to growup healthy. We need to be confident in our studies as well as in daily life. So, what is self-confidence? 自信是迈向成功的第一步! Self-confidence is the first step to success! 自信是课堂上的踊跃发言。不必紧张,不必害怕,勇敢发表自己的

5、见解,即使说得未必正确,也没有人会讥讽你;即使说得结结巴巴,同学们也会为你叫好。 Confidence in yourself is to speak in class enthusiastically. We neednt be nervous, we dont have to be afraid. We should be brave in expressing our views, even if theyre not perfect. No one will laugh at you. Even if you dont express yourself clearly, the cla

6、ssmates will cheer for you. Never be afraid to make mistakes, it is only through making mistakes that we can learn and grow as people. 自信是遭遇失败后的再次启程。爱迪生为发明电灯曾试验过1000多种灯丝,每次失败,他都不气馁,有人嘲笑他,他却自豪地说:我发现了1000多种物质不适合做灯丝。这是怎样的勇气和自信啊! Confidence in yourself does NOT mean to never fail. It means to start agai

7、n and continue trying even after your failure. Thomas Edison invented the electric lightbulb. Before he succeeded, he tested more than 1000 kinds of filaments and failed every time. He was not discouraged. When someone laughed at him, he said proudly, I have found more than 1000 kinds of material ar

8、e not suitable for filament. How courageous and confident! As the great South African leader Nelson Mandela said, Do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up. 同学们,在你们的背后有自信这一对翅膀吗?如果没有,就来听听我的建议,为自己也插上一对自信的翅膀。 Dear schoolmates, do you have a pair of confiden

9、t wings? If not, please accept my advice, wear a pair of confident wings for yourself. 首先,我们要认识自己的长处和优点。没有人是完美的,但是每个人都有自己优秀的地方。为你拥有的特长和优点感到自豪,多替自己加加油,说声:其实我也很棒! First of all, we have to know our strengths and advantages as well as our weaknesses. No one is perfect, but everyone has their good aspect

10、s. Be proud of your special hobbies and advantages and often remind yourself that: In fact, I am great! 其次,设定目标,做好准备。要经常鼓励自己,展现自己优秀的一面,让别人认可你,你的自信就会慢慢提升的。培养多一些爱好,多交一些良友,让你变得自信满满。 Second, set a goal and get ready. Encourage yourself often. Show your good side, let others recognize it and your confide

11、nce will improve slowly. Develop new hobbies, make some good friends, and allow yourself to become confident. 富强的中国奠定了我们自信的基础,学校和老师给了我们自信的底气。同学们,让我们插上自信的翅膀,让自信之心充满整个校园,让自信之声响起来,让自信之手挥动起来,提高我们的自信心吧! Our parents and our early successes have laid the foundation for our confidence. The school, our class

12、mates and the teachers help us to grow that confidence. Dear schoolmates, I say to you, let us wear the wings of the confidence, let self-confident hearts fill the whole campus, let confident hands lift each other up and improve our self-confidence! 我的讲话完了,谢谢大家! Thats all, thank you for this opportu

13、nity to speak. 老师们、同学们,大家上午好。我是来自高二(11)班的李艳霄。 今天,我想和大家谈谈关于文学。水墨江南,诗画十中,诗性教育熏陶下的我们,走出来总能随手写下几段诗,几首词。有的人说,法文是世界上最美的语言,有的人说,俄语是世界上最美的语言争议颇多,但都基于一种特殊的感情,或者是热爱,或者是依恋。在我看来,中文是世界上最美的语言,从远古款步而来,又预备着,向未来迈步。 中文的确是最美的,华章之中有法文念不出区别的时光、光阴、年华、岁月;又有英文所无法表达的金钗、豆蔻、碧玉、桃李。 文字实在是一样有魅力的东西。也许,是因为实在不擅绘画,所以改道追寻美的文笔,寻找字里行间的

14、水墨诗画,寻找字里行间的古韵悠然。 许多人觉得,文学实在是一样离日常生活太远的东西,我既没有一身小清新的文艺范,也没有左手一本目送,右手一本沉思录的耐心,那些属于文学巨匠的东西,实在和我没什么相关。这样的想法可能有些偏激,但大家多多少少会觉得,文学这东西,终归是太高大上了,只是和自己偶尔握手的泛泛之交,至多在考场上才会狭路相逢。但事实上,文学她呀,几乎溶入你生活的每一个点滴,你教科书上请背诵的全文,你平时交谈时的语言,你日记里的随笔但凡沾染了你心情的东西上,总有她的影子。 不久之前,我曾有幸去南京参加苏教国际杯的省决赛,作文云云,不多提了。那是我第一次去南京,觉得城市环境和苏州相差并不大,并没

15、有到了陌生环境的不安感。但终究还是能发现些不同的,出租车外的风景一桢桢向后退去,我留意到,南京的古建筑要比苏州的色调更亮,看起来给人的感觉完全不同,六朝古都的繁荣沧桑和苏城小景的精致古朴,算是各有千秋,难较高下。这也是一种文学的体现,古建筑日渐更新,保留它古韵悠长的色彩,又被世人添上几分属于当代的个性,世世代代的翻修,世世代代的传承,古建筑依旧屹立不倒,文学依旧细水长流。 像是生物进化论里的物竞天择,适者生存是一样的,文学之所以跨越千年,独占当代的舞台,也是有她的缘由的。一来,我们的生活是离不开文学的,她像是空气、水、食物一样重要,我的五样之中,毕淑敏一样样的划去生命中最宝贵的四样东西,最后留下了笔,在她的世界里,哪怕是生存的必要条件,也不敌文学重要,她不甘愿让生命变得枯燥乏味而又毫无意义;二来,文学实在是美的让人上瘾,信手几行的文字也许就要作者斟酌上许久,精巧细腻的笔触又能随性的勾勒出一段传世佳话。 每个人都有自己心目中的英雄,只有看着目标才能走最直的路,文学的力量让你在十年之后不忘十年前的初衷,让你成为一个,你最想成为的自己。 最后,仍旧是老生常谈的推荐大家还是要多读书,读好书。就像某位哲人说的:作家当然必须挣钱才能生活,写作,但是他绝不应该为了挣钱而生活、写作。 文字还是十分有意思的,只要你静下心来阅读,静


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