【精校版】高二英语人教版必修5课时作业:Unit 5 First aid 9 Word版含解析

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1、人教版精品英语资料(精校版)课时作业(九)Section Warming Up & Reading.单词拼写1His lectures ranged over a _(多样)of topics.2The crime rate is a _(征兆)of social unrest.3Do keep the _(毒药)away from your children.4The police play a _(至关重要的)role in our society.5It is necessary to build first _(帮助)centers in the coal mine.6She cut

2、her finger on a piece of glass and it was _(流血)7Heart is one of the most important _(器官)for man,birds and animals.8When he was reading at nine pm.,the _(电)light suddenly went out.9You cannot work out such a _(复杂的)problem in just a few pages.10The young man often _(榨出)money out of the pupil.答案:plex10

3、.squeezes.完形填空On May 27,1995,our life was suddenly changed.It happened a few minutes past three,_1_ my husband,Chris,fell from his horse as it _2_ over a fence.Chris was paralyzed(瘫痪)from the chest down,_3_ to breathe normally.As he was thrown from his horse,we entered into a life of _4_ with lots o

4、f unexpected challenges(挑战)We went from the “haves” to the “havenots”Or so we thought._5_ what we discovered later were all the gifts that came out of _6_ difficulties.We came to learn that something _7_ could happen in disaster,All over the world people _8_ Chris so much that letters and postcards

5、poured in every day.By the end of the third week in a _9_ center in Virginia,about 35,000 pieces of _10_ had been received and sorted.As _11_,we opened letter after letter.They gave us _12_ and became a source of strength for us,we used them to _13_ ourselves.I would go to the pile of letters marked

6、 with “Funny” if we needed a _14_,or to the “Disabled” box to find advice from people in wheelchairs _15_ in bed living happily and _16_.These letters,we realized,had to be shared.And so _17_ we offer one of them to you.Dear Chris,My husband and I were so sorry to hear of your _18_ accident last wee

7、k.No doubt your family and your friends are giving you the strength to face this _19_ challenge.People everywhere are also giving you best wishes every day and we are among those who are keeping you _20_.Yours sincerely,Nancy Reagan1A.since Bbefore Cwhen Dwhile2A.walked Bclimbed Cpulled Djumped3A.ab

8、le BunableCsuitable Dunsuitable4A.disability BpossessionCconvenience Dexperience5A.So BFor COr DYet6A.sharing BseparatingCfearing Dexploiting7A.terrible BsimilarCwonderful Dpractical8A.wrote for Bcared forChoped for Dsent for9A.medical BpostalCexperimental Dmental10A.news BpaperCequipment Dmail11A.p

9、atients Ba familyCnurses Da group12A.effect BeffortCcomfort Dexplanation13A.encourage BexpressCcontrol Dtreat14A.cry Blaugh Cchat Dsigh15A.much Bnever Ceven Dseldom16A.bitterly BfairlyCweakly Dsuccessfully17A.here BthereCtherefore Dforward18A.driving Bflying Crunning Driding19A.technical BdifferentC

10、difficult Dvaluable20A.nearby Bclose Cbusy Dalive语篇解读:此文叙述的是Chris在骑马时意外受伤造成胸部以下瘫痪,生活对于他和他妻子来说发生了太大的改变,但他们每天都会收到来自世界各地的信件和明信片,鼓励他们,帮助他们,使他们充满信心并快乐地生活下去。1C解析:从此句结构看,这是一个非限制性定语从句。先行词为时间“a few minutes past three”。故答案为C。2D解析:句意:在那时,我的丈夫Chris在骑马跃过栅栏时,从马上摔了下来。jump over意为“跳跃;跳过”,符合题意,故答案为D。此句中的fence为提示词。3B解


12、:全世界有那么多人关注Chris,每天有大量的信件与贺卡,他们给了我们安慰和勇气。故选C。8B解析:根据此句句意可知。care for“关注;关心”。9A解析:由此句的时间状语可以知道:此时Chris仍然在医治中。故答案为A。10D解析:由此段的第三句话可知。即:每天有许多的信件与贺卡。11B解析:从此句中的主语we可知是我们一家人每天一封一封地打开信件。故答案为B。12C解析:句意:它们(那些信和卡片)是给我们安慰和力量的源泉。故答案应为C。A项:“影响,效果”;B项:“努力”;D项:“解释,说明”。13A解析:句意:我们用它们来鼓励我们自己。故选A。14B解析:句意:如果我们需要快乐,我们


14、20D解析:从此句的意思可知。即:人们每天都会给你美好的祝福,我们也是他们中的一员,来让你精力充沛地生活下去。故选D。.阅读理解How can fire or hot things be a danger in the house?Matches,of course,are always dangerous in the hands of young children.A wind comes,sparks are blown on to the roof of a house,and the whole building may be burnt to the ground before you can even call the Fire Brigade.Kerosene lamps,too,can be very dangerous.Quite recently there was a bad accident in a village house.The mosquito net over a babys bed was blown ag


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