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1、英语教案课题 : Fuwa时 间:.1.1课 题:Leson Fuwa课 型:Newlsson授课内容:ewpassag教学目的: 1. astrimpotan wods andexressioaout yi aes 2 Lan owto express of Fuwalently. 3. Sudetshoud reizeo l our counry.教学重点: Epress th nmber correctlyand ster the wol ideaftheassae.教学难点: Mstr and understad wa wel.教 具 :ckbad mmedia教学措施:Let stu

2、ntlenth text following with quesios an tak教学环节: e1:Peparbeoreclas. (课前准备) Sep2: armup.(热身) 2分钟Enjoy the video. (欣赏视频)Sp3:Leading.(导入) 2分钟e lmicspirt: Higher ,Fater , Stger.ie ictuestoet udensgt the idea of he masots “Fwa”Sep: Lnnghe text(学习课文) 4分钟I. Listen tth rdio ad ay atenion to the “number” ithf

3、irstragrah (听录音)II.Lrin ac paragrap(分段学习)() aste how eadan ite number in he rs paaraph.Fin thetrcture & rammran maste them.(2)Firt mastethe bic noledge pint and then know th Fuwa crrecy b the gie pictres(3)Learn thright adimorteninghich ach mascot standsfr. Ad finis thets vn by the teaer.how th slgn

4、: ne world, ne reamIII Review and rememer th iortt kwlge.Ste5: ractice(练习巩固) 1分钟Nae: Journyo lymic Countr. The firt :Wat is theOlympcSpirit? Te seo: Fie noledge points.Th third: uess hicmascot it is?Th fouth:Fid out he on wordshe ifth: Watisheslogn ohe eijngOlypi Game?En: Choose out the bes grop nd

5、t bet student ofah ropand gie gift to encouragem.(鼓励)Ste6: Lisning he sogs.(欣赏歌曲) 分钟 Nameof thesog- Oneord ,one deam. enwhie show bautful pituresohelp udentsundsand t og l.Step7: Hook(作业布置) 1分钟Ta : Make a hand-witen ewspaper i goup.Ttle: Wh shulde d for he humanim Olympc ad the geenOlympic?板书设计: Fwa1 he Oympic spirit: igher , ater, Str. th soan: n worl , one dram.3. Group Soe CD 教后札记:


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