2011届高考英语第一轮总复习高考满分练兵场 高二册Unit3

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1、2011届高考第一轮总复习满分练兵场高二册 Units3.单词拼写1The program is _(设计) to help people who have been out of work for a long time.2They are struggling to _(创造) a new social order.3The customer and the shop assistant are talking about their tastes and _(喜好)4What he said at the meeting _(铭刻) on our memory.5I cannot _(忍

2、受) waiting any longer.6Shes a very popular writer but I just dont like her _(文风)7The new railway is still under _(建议)8Before they moved into the new house, they bought a lot of _(家具)9With the _(发展) of science and technology, we live a happy life.10She went to Spain _(尽管) the fact that the doctor had

3、 told her to rest.答案1designed2.create3.preferences4.impressed5stand6.style7.construction8.furniture9development10.despite.完成句子(湖北专用)1The old pictures always _(回想起许多美好时光的记忆) in the countryside.(memory)2Gambling made me in debt. Up to now I havent _(还清所有的债务)(pay)3My boyfriend bought me a lovely neckla

4、ce _(中间有个大的蓝钻石)(with)4_(务必要安静) when you take Mrs. Lius class. She is strict with anyone.(quiet)5_(多么好的天气) we are having these days!(weather)6What are the qualities _(造就) her character?(make up)7The students _(允许查阅) the dictionary in the exam.(allow.refer to)8It _(那就太可惜了) if these birds are allowed j

5、ust to die off.(pity)9I _(遗憾地告诉) you that my friend is ill.(regret)10It was my fathers courage and devotion that _(激发下人) with the determination.(inspire)答案1bring back many memories of the good time2paid off all the debts3with a big blue diamond in the center4Do be quiet5What fine weather6that/which

6、make up7are allowed to refer to8would be a pity9regret to tell10inspired his men.单项填空1What do you think of Tom?He is not very clever, but I like him _.A. all the way B. all the bestC. all at once D. all the same2The house has been standing _ without use for months.A. empty B. stillC. quietly D. lone

7、ly3_ with the size of the whole earth, the highest mountain does not seem high at all.A. When compared B. To be comparedC. While comparing D. Comparing4Pop music is liked by many people, but it is not _ everyones taste.A. with B. inC. on D. to5It is _ for us to make our motherland rich and strong.A.

8、 very importance B. of great importanceC. of very importance D. great important6As far as he could see, not _ single piece of furniture was worth _ fivepound note.A. a; a B. /; /C. a; / D. /; a7He had some money in an account that hed _ for his kids.A. set apart B. set outC. set off D. set aside8Ori

9、ginally _ Mr. Smith, the house and surrounding farmland were seized in 1781.A. belonging to B. belonged toC. belong to D. having belonged to9You speak Greek. Will you _ as interpreter?Yes, with pleasure.A. perform B. actC. treat D. play10Our webpage is _ construction. Please contact us if you have a

10、ny opinion.A. under B. inC. over D. on11I cant stand people _ around me when Im eating.A. smoke B. to smokeC. smoked D. smoking12I will appreciate it if you email the answers to me when _ convenient.A. you are B. they areC. it is D. this is13When _ help, one often says “Thank you.” or “Its kind of y

11、ou.”A. offering B. to offerC. to be offered D. offered14The hurricane damaged many houses and business buildings; _, it caused 20 deaths.A. or else B. thereforeC. after all D. besides15(2010安徽合肥期末)The broken glass was _ that a burglary took place.A. evidence B. sureC. signal D. announced答案1D。all the

12、 same“尽管这样还是”。2A。stand后跟形容词作主语补足语,表示主语的状态。3A。“同相比较”用when compared with/to或compared with/to形式。4D。“适合某人的口味”应为短语to ones taste。5B。“of抽象名词”相当于其相应的形容词,“of great名词”相当于“very形容词/副词”。6A。furniture为不可数名词,指“一件家具”时,可用a piece of或an article of等来表示; a fivepound note“一张五英镑的钞票”。7D。set aside“省出,留出(钱或时间)”,符合题意。set apart

13、“使与众不同”;set out“动身,启程”;set off“动身,出发”。8A。belonging to在这里为动词ing形式作状语,belong to不能用于被动语态。9B。act as“充当,担当”。10A。under construction“正在修建,正在建造”。11D。cant stand sb. doing sth.“不能容忍某人做某事”。12C。表示“在某人方便时”应用it is convenient, it指代时间,convenient的主语不能是人。13D。非谓语动词作状语,首先主句主语one与offer之间的关系为被动关系,所以排除A、B两项,C项与when连用不能作状语

14、。When offered help, one often says.相当于When one is offered help, one often says.,本题属于状语从句的紧缩现象。14D。or else“否则,要不然”;therefore“因此”;after all“毕竟”;besides“此外,另外”。句意:飓风毁坏了很多住房和商店,此外还造成20人死亡。15A.完形填空(2009湖北重点中学联考)Compared with the children of a few decades back, todays children seem to be _1_: they enjoy better health owing to recent _2_ in medicine and in public health


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