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1、 无固定期限劳动协议范本与格式 人力资源部X经理: 您好! 本人XXX(身份证编号XXXXXXX),由XXXX年XX月XX日第一次签定劳动协议至今,已供职X年X月,续约X次,按照劳动法律法规,已经符合签字无固定期限劳动协议规定.特此申请,请予以同意为感! 申请人XXXXXXX年XX月XX日资料:劳动法第二十条规定,劳动协议期限分为有固定期限、无固定期限和以完毕一定工作为期限。劳动者在同一用人单位持续工作满十年以上,当事人双方同意续延劳动协议,假如劳动者提出签订无固定期限劳动协议,应当签订无固定期限劳动协议。 许多人去外企应聘都要做英语自我简介,想要应聘成功不是靠英语自我简介范文就可以,要掌握技

2、巧才能随心运用,下面我们就去看看英语面试技巧范文,相信对你有协助,欢迎浏览。 1 个人资料 Personal Data Q: What is your name, please? Can you tell me your name? May I have your name, please? Are you Miss(Mr.)…? What is your surname? What is your full name? How do you spell your first name? Please give me your name? May I ask your name?

3、 I believe youre Mr.(Miss)…,arent you? Your name, please. How do you do? And you are…. Miss…,I presume? Would you give me your name? A: My name is… Yes, Im… My surname is… My full name is… Yes, Im… How do you do? Im… Q: What kind of pers

4、onality do you think you have? What kind of person are you ? What types of people you like to work with? What types of people you do not like to work with? Do you enjoy working under your own supervision? Why would you prefer not to work under your own supervision? Do you think you are introverted o

5、r extroverted? Would you like to describe yourself as what king of person you are? Do you get angry easily? Would you like to tell me your weak points and strong points? What do you think is the most important thing for you to be happy? Do you have any people youd call really close friends? What bas

6、ic principles do you apply to your work? What do you think a job is? A: I think Im honest and reliable. I believe Im extroverted, easy to approach and friendly to everyone. I feel that Im initiative and aggressive, responsible in doing things. To tell you the truth, I think Im imaginative and creati

7、ve. Frankly, I think Im quite outgoing and I enjoy mixing and doing things with others. I like to work with the extroverted persons. I like to work with the imaginative and creative persons. I do not like to work with the introverted persons. I would like to work under the pressure. I wouldnt call m

8、yself introverted though sometimes Im inclined to think independently and enjoy staying all by myself, often and often I like sharing activities with others. I approach things very enthusiastically, and I can take on jobs that bother other people and work at them slowly until they get done. No, I kn

9、ow how to control my temple. I only get angry if I see someone hurting somebody else. Im not very outward-looking. I dont try to go ahead of people and lead them. Id rather cooperate with everybody else, and the job done by working together. Im a bit shy around people, but I have an inquiring mind.

10、I think it is the most important to work. Yes, I have several of really close friends. Dont put off till tomorrow what should be done today. Q: Do you have any special interests other than your job? What do you like to do in your spare time? What are your hobbies? What other interests do you have? W

11、hat community activities have you been involved in? What kind of recreation do you most enjoy? What do you do when you are not working? How do you spend your free time? How do you entertain yourself after work? A: Yes, my chief interest is…… Yes,… is my special interest. I like

12、to read books. On weekends I sometimes go mountain climbing with my classmates or fishing I enjoy sports. I like dancing. I am a member of choir. Q: What is your marital status? Could you please tell me something about your family? Do you spend much time staying with your family? Are you 30 years of

13、 age? You look very young. How old are you? A: I am not married, and I am still a single. I have been married for 10 years and have a daughter. She is 6 years old. I usually get together my family on weekends, because we are all busy. Yes, I am. Thank you. I am 25 years old. 2.教育状况 Educational Backg

14、round Q: What is your educational background? What degrees do you have? What about your education? What university did you graduate from? Have you received any degree? What is your speciality? What research would you like to do? What is your major? What are your major subject and minor subject? Tell

15、 me about the courses you completed at university, please. What subject do you like best? Do you speak any language? What about any exams youve taken? How were your scores? What was your graduation thesis on? What did your Ph.D thesis concern with? What research are you presently pursuing? How many languages can you spea


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