牛津译林-八下-8B-期中复习试卷练习(无答案)(DOC 7页)

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《牛津译林-八下-8B-期中复习试卷练习(无答案)(DOC 7页)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《牛津译林-八下-8B-期中复习试卷练习(无答案)(DOC 7页)(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、牛津译林 八下 8B 期中复习试卷练习(无答案)8B 期中试题汇总一单词拼写1.The baby likes putting his f_in his mouth and sucking(吮吸)them.2. - Do you hear the sound? - It is the rain beating a_ the window.3. Time is money as k_ is power.4. There is a famous saying - Failure is the mother of _ (成功).5. It was i _that I was able to get a

2、 large room with a very generous bathroom for just 7 dollars a night.6. C ago, the British people started to plant tea tress in India.7. I am sad that hes _(拒绝) my invitation. 8.- It is raining heavily. We cant play outside. - Maybe we can choose an i_ game like badminton.9In France, you are not sup

3、posed to eat anything with your hands _(not including) bread. 10.My mother is so kind and generous that she is used to (提供) her help to people in need.11.Australian seasons are the o of ours.12.Try to pronounce all the worlds c if you want to speak English well.13.Reading is important, for it can op

4、en up an (未知的) world to us.二动词适当形式填空 1.- Turn off the TV, please. The baby is sleeping. - There is no need. He _ (wake) up.2.The novel is very popular and the publishing house _ (print) it many times.3. The boat will flow faster with the help of the_ (sail).4.After running an hour, you should have y

5、our legs _ (relax).5.He is too busy _ (prepare) for the coming test these days to see his sick uncle in hospital.6. Do you have any trouble _ (win) the game? If so, Id like to give you a hand.7. He always likes to start his compositions with famous . (say)8. All the passengers cheered when the plane

6、 landed at the airport. (safe)9. Stephen Hawking, one of the greatest , died on the morning of March 13 in Cambridge, England. He devoted (贡献) all his life to the study of (science).10. He felt that he was person in the world when he heard that he won the lottery (彩票). (luck)11. The Harry Potter ser

7、ies is_ (success) translated into over 70 languages .三单项选择( )1. The_ instructions on medicine are necessary for the sick. They explain_ whether the medicine is out of date. A. clear; clearly B. clearly; clear C. clearly; clearly D. clear; clear( )2. Keep the door _, my _ friend.A. close; closed B. c

8、lose; close C. closed; closed D. closed; close( )3.I want to pick some apples. Please get the ladder and place it _ the tree. Aagainst Bover Con Din( )4.The patient was warned hot food after the operation Ato eat not Beating not Cnot to eat Dnot eating( )5.- All of us thought _ dangerous for childre

9、n to ply with fire. - Yes. Its important _ to be safe all the time.A. it is; of them B. it; for them C. that is; of them D.its; for them( )6. You need to take notes at the meeting so make sure_ a pen and some paper with you. A. bring B. bringing C. to bring D. not bring( )7.- What great success he i

10、s as a leader! - Yes. But he doesnt have experience in teaching. A .the; / B. a; / C. /; / D. a; a( )8. I have spent on this job. I think I can finish it this afternoon. A .sometime; sometime B. sometimes; some time C. some time; sometime D. some times; some time ( )9. Mr. White _ his keys in the of

11、fice, so now he has to call his wife for help. A. has forgotten B. forgot C. has left D. left( )10. Hes a man of his words, but he didn t arrive on time yesterday. No words can fully _ my sadness.A. excuse B. explain C. express D. exercise( )11. - _, the man is a good policeman but not a good father

12、. - Yes, I agree with you. He spends too much time working and has no time for his family.A. By the way B. In the way C. In some ways D. On the way( )12. The universities started to the case (案件) as soon as they received the letter of accusation (检举信).A. look up B. look at C. look into D. look for(

13、)13. Would you please look _ the paper for me and see if there are any mistakes? All right. Im coming. A.around B. through C. up D. into( )14. Nobody is sure _.A. whether or not he would come back B. if or not would he come backC. if or not he will come back D. whether or not he will come back( )15. -How pleasant _ is to go fishing with my father! - Yes, parents and children should spend more time together.A.that B. he C. this


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