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1、2022年考博英语-北京科技大学考前提分综合测验卷(附带答案及详解)1. 单选题Without clear guidelines( ), executives of hospitals are sometimes at a loss about what to do.问题1选项A.in orderB.in placeC.in needD.in trouble【答案】B【解析】考查词组辨析。A项in order“整齐,秩序井然”,B项in place“适当,在恰当的位置”,C项in need“在危难中,在穷困中”,D项in trouble表示“处于不幸中”。句意:在没有明确的指导方针的情况下,医

2、院的管理人员有时会不知所措。因此B项正确。2. 单选题Customers in these markets of antiques are good at slashing prices.问题1选项A.accessingB.cuttingC.elevatingD.altering【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。slash表示“猛砍,削减”;A项access“进入,使用”,B项cut“切断”,C项elevate“提升,举起”,D项alter“改变,更改”。句意:这些古董市场的顾客很擅长砍价。根据句意可知B项正确。3. 单选题Strangely enough, an old man( )me an

3、d introduced himself, who turned out to be a friend of my fathers.问题1选项A.stood up toB.walked up toC.lived up toD.added up to【答案】B【解析】考查词组辨析。A项stand up to“经得起,抵抗”,B项walk up to“走近,走向”,C项live up to“不辜负,做到”,D项add up to“合计达,总共达”;根据空格前后关键词an old man(老人)和introduce himself(介绍他自己)可推断,空格部分表示“向我走进”。句意:奇怪的是,一个老

4、人走到我面前并做了自我介绍,原来是我父亲的朋友。因此,该题选择B项正确。4. 单选题Global warming poses a threat to the earth, but humans can probably ease the climate threats brought on by rising levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, global climate specialist Richard Alley told an audience at the University of Vermont, Alley said hi

5、s research in Greenland suggested that subtle changes in atmospheric patterns leave parts of the globe susceptible to abrupt and dramatic climate shifts that can last decades or centuries.Almost all scientists agree that increasing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere created as humans burn fo

6、ssil fuel is warming the planet. How to respond to the warming is a matter of intense political, scientific and economic debate worldwide.Alley said he was upbeat about global warming because enough clever people existed in the world to find other reliable energy sources besides fossil fuels. He sai

7、d people can get rich finding marketable alternatives to fossil fuel. “Wouldnt it be useful if the United States were to have a piece of the action. Wouldnt it be useful if some bright students from University of Vermont were to have a piece of the action,” Alley said.Alley said that Europe and part

8、s of eastern North America could in a matter of a few years revert to a cold, windy region, like the weather in Siberia. Such shifts have occurred frequently over the millennia, Alleys research shows. A gradual change in atmospheric temperature, such as global warming, could push the climate to a th

9、reshold where such a shift suddenly occurs, he said.Alley told his audience of about 200 people in a University of Vermont lecture hall Wednesday evening that he couldnt predict if, when or where sudden shifts toward cold, heat, drought or water could occur under global warming, but it is something

10、everyone should consider.“This is not the biggest problem in the world. The biggest problem in the world is getting along with each other. But its part of that because were not going to get along with each other if were not getting along with the planet,” Alley said.1. According to Alley the climate

11、 threats to the earth brought by global warming( ).2. Alleys research shows that dramatic climate changes may be caused by( ).3. The word “upbeat” (in Paragraph 3) probably means( ).4. What does Alley suggest people do in order to reduce global warming?5. Alley predicts that global warming could tur

12、n Europe and parts of eastern North America into( ).问题1选项A.can be easedtB.can be endedtC.will become worsetD.will last for decadest问题2选项A.abrupt changes in atmospheric patternstB.subtle changes in atmospheric patternstC.humans burning of fossil fueltD.increasing levels of carbon dioxidet问题3选项A.pessi

13、mistictB.optimistictC.worriedtD.insensiblet问题4选项A.To find other energy sources besides fossil fuels.tB.To start a political, scientific and economic debate.tC.To take action to burn no fossil fuels.tD.To call on people worldwide to protect our earth.t问题5选项A.a region like SiberiatB.a warmer and warme

14、r placetC.a tropical regiontD.a place like North Pole【答案】第1题:A第2题:B第3题:B第4题:A第5题:A【解析】第1题:细节事实题。题干意思是“根据Alley的说法,全球变暖给地球带来的气候威胁”。根据题干定位到文章第一段第一句Global warming poses a threat to the earth, but humans can probably ease the climate threats brought on by rising levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere

15、, global climate specialist Richard Alley told an audience at the University of Vermont(全球气候专家理查德阿利在佛蒙特大学的一次演讲中表示,全球变暖对地球构成威胁,但人类或许可以缓解大气中二氧化碳含量上升带来的气候威胁),由此可知A项“可以得到缓解”正确。B项“可以结束”和C项“会变得更糟糕”文中没有提及;D项“会持续数十年”,根据第一段Alley said his research in Greenland suggested that subtle changes in atmospheric patterns leave parts of the globe susceptible to abrupt and dramatic climate shifts that can last decades or centuries(阿利说,他在格陵兰岛的研究表明,大气模式的微妙变化使全球部分地区容易受到可能持续数十年或数百年的突然和剧烈气候变化的影响)可知,D项内容比较片面。因此,该题选择A项正确。第


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