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1、06-06Expense research responsibility interrupt decay immigrant necessarilyI dontget along withher.Too much fat and sugar willruinyour health.What kind ofbenefit packagedo you offer?06-12Budget behavior emotional originate improper restriction figure concentrateChristmas isaround the cornerIt is impo

2、ssible for me to make it to the bar before 7.You are really resourceful.2007-6SeriouslyreservationcommercialregretadmissionassistantcrippleCelebrateShe wasdevoted toher family.Hedeclined to discussthe condition of his wife.The roof collapsed.2007-12Receptionfurnitureathleteefficientrecruitadoptioncr

3、isisinfluenceAdoptionhas much to do withthe love.If Paul were my son, I would just not worry.You must haveconfused me withmy twin brother Jason.2008-6AudiencereputationrevenuetechnologytediouscomparedisguiseconsultDontadmitanyone unless you have an appointment.Have youhad anycontact withJapan in you

4、r present job?You can also expect totake greater controlof your career2008-12ExtremelyabstractSearchprofitableresidentintelligenceculturalcommunityIve beenout of touch withmost of my old friends.Have youinquiredthe apartment complex down the street?But it does not really explain how children come to

5、 use language in particular ways.2009-06Confirm promotioncontractdepressedentertainobserveparticularsevereIn Hollywood, everybody wants to be rich, famous and beautifulHeconcentrated onstudying how quickly the human mind can remember information.She refused to go out with him until he apologized.200

6、9-12SecuritychallengeelementinstructionessentialeffectpromotionAdvancedIt seems that your effort haspaid off.Is that building behind theparking lot?The childs familyargued aboutthe about what medicine he should take.June 2010AssignmentschedulerequirementassemblyTheorychallengingpocket moneydistrict

7、managersHe was notgender sensitive.The worst way to complain is over the telephone.You should haveambitious goalsand be willing to put in long hours.Dec 2010feedbackexcessiveweightliftingregulationsdistinguishing markwritten applicationinformationopportunitiesSome people want to make and save money

8、to retire early.I was just a bitabsent-minded.Can you help me work out aphysical training program.June 2011Frequentlytutoring servicecounty scenerypermanentlyconvenientAffectionatecooperativeequipmentShe has to drive through veryheavy traffic jamto get here.She was injured in a car accident and is s

9、till incritical condition.There are manycommonly held beliefsabout eye glasses.Dec 2011performancesales managerprivacyresearch papercampinggenerousmaintaininginfiniteCertain values are shared by a large number of cultures.I always start by choosing too broad a topic when I am doing aresearch paper.J

10、apanese listeners sometimes close their eyes toenhance concentration.June 2012good impressionconsultantfashionablemanagementpromotionbackgroundparking lotcreativityYou must complete this form andpay a fee.Ibegin tofind friends inunexpectedpeople and places.Yourcreative imaginationis what you use to

11、make sense of your experiences.Dec 2012passive smokingpopular figuresparticipateinterdependenceComplicatedhuman behaviorconfusingresponsibleWhen you are first learning something, you arebetter offworking alone.The schoolssuccess or failuredepends on their decisions and their behavior.We dont choose

12、friendson the basis ofhow much money they have2013-06Academic calendarspectacularunhappinesscompetition particularSeriousness recognize evolution self-consciousassociate四六级使用率最高的580个词汇1.alterv.改变,改动,变更2.burstvi.n.突然发生,爆裂3.disposevi.除掉;处置;解决;处理(of)4.blastn.爆炸;气流vi.炸,炸掉5.consumev.消耗,耗尽6.splitv.劈开;割裂;分



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