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1、摘要指导老师:XX博士本文分析了人民币国际化的条件和现状,尽管人民币已具备了一定的区域化特征, 但由于我国经济实力还相对不足, 金融市场尚不发达, 资本账户尚未开放等原因, 人民币国际化还将经历一个漫长的过程。通过人民币国际化是中国对外经济贸易发展到一定阶段、为加强人民币的国际地位、平衡国际货币体系而必然进行的长期过程。为人民币的国际化勾画出了清晰的路径图。中国改革开放以来对外经济贸易的发展和对外开放程度的提高,人民币不仅实现了在国内的完全流通,也开始在境外市场慢慢流通,中国经济贸易的不断发展和政治地位的不断提高,因此人民币国际化成为一种发展趋势。人民币国际化是指人民币能够跨越国界,在境外流通


3、换条件的形成,而不是贸然实现人民币自由兑换。本文最后还关注了最近相关日元直兑人民币加速人民币国际化进程,这对人民在国际中的地位更加的突出,也是对人民币自由兑换进一步的加快了步伐。关键词:人民币国际化 条件 现状 自由兑换 进程分析AbstractAdvisors:XX This paper analyzes the RMB international conditions and the status quo, despite the yuan already have certain characteristics of regionalization, but due to the rel

4、ative lack of economic strength, underdeveloped financial markets, the capital account has yet to open and other reasons, the internationalization of the RMB will also experience a long process. By the internationalization of the RMB is Chinas foreign economic and trade development to a certain stag

5、e, the inevitable long-term process to strengthen the international status of the yuan, the balance of the international monetary system. Lays out a clear road map for the internationalization of the RMB. Foreign trade and economic development and the improvement of the degree of opening up in China

6、 since the reform and opening up, the RMB is not only to achieve full flow in the country, have begun to circulate slowly in the overseas market, the continuous development of the Chinese economy and trade and the continuous improvement of the political status, the yuan International has become a tr

7、end. The internationalization of the RMB is RMB able to cross borders in circulation outside the process of a generally recognized international valuation, settlement and reserve currency. Although the circulation of RMB outside does not mean that the RMB has international, expansion of RMB circulat

8、ing outside must ultimately lead to the internationalization of the RMB, making it the world currency. RMB to go out will be the gradual appreciation of the floating range of the RMB exchange rate may slowly enlarge. Yuan convertibility need much time to achieve, experts believe that unless the Chin

9、ese yuan not want to go out, to go out on the gradual appreciation. Unless the Chinese economy does not rise at home and abroad in recent years, some scholars believe that with Chinas economic development, the reform of the exchange rate system, the formation of the high foreign exchange reserves, t

10、he reform of state-owned enterprises and the implementation of the split share structure reform, China already has the conditions of free convertibility of RMB internationalization of the RMB freely convertible, it should be realized as soon as possible. analysis of the conditions of the yuan freely

11、 convertible on international , how the government should promote the free convertibility of the yuan conditions of formation, rather than rush the yuan freely convertible. Finally yen straight to accelerate the process of internationalization of the RMB against the RMB, which is more prominent on t

12、he status of the people in the international, but also on the RMB own exchange further speed up the pace.Keywords: internationalization of the RMB Condition Status quo Freely convertible Process analysis目录摘要IAbstractII目录IV图片目录VI第1章 引言1第2章 人民币国际化的进程分析12.1 人民币国际化的含义与条件12.1.1 我国具有实现人民币国际化的综合实力12.1.2 人民

13、币稳定的币值和良好的国际信誉12.2 人民币国际化的现状22.2.1 人民币跨境流通情况22.2.2 人民币在我国周边国家的计价结算情况22.3 人民币国际化的进程32.3.1 人民币国际化的理论基础32.3.2 人民币国际化的实现路径32.3.3 人民币国际化的具体方式42.4 人民币为什么要国际化42.4.1 在实现中国经济存量之保值42.4.2 人民币国际化示意图42.4.3 人民币国际化进程一览图4第3章 人民币自由兑换含义53.1 货币自由兑换的含义53.2 人民币自由兑换的进程63.3 人民币自由兑换6第4章 人民币自由兑换是什么74.1 人民币经常项目下可兑换的实现74.2 人民

14、币分步骤实现资本项目下可兑换74.3 人民币可自由兑换是一个渐进过程74.4 人民币自由兑换的必要性94.4.1 实现人民币自由兑换是塑造我国良好的对外开放形象94.4.2 实现人民币自由兑换是改善外商投资企业的投资和经营环境9第5章 人民币自由兑换 - 实现条件95.1 人民币自由兑换条件95.2 汇率浮动105.3 利率市场化105.4 完善的金融市场和成熟的金融机构105.5 审慎的金融监管体制105.6 稳定的宏观经济环境115.7 国内企业具有国际竞争力115.8 合理的国际收支和充足的国际清偿手段12第6章 人民币自由兑换 - 存在问题126.1 人民币汇率与利率均尚未实现市场化1

15、26.2 人民币完全自由兑换缺乏宏观经济基础136.3 人民币完全自由兑换缺乏金融市场基础136.4 正确认识我国目前高额的外汇储备146.5 国有企业改革尚未完成146.6 目前实现人民币自由兑换所面临的障碍146.6.1 人民币汇率、利率形成机制不够完善156.6.2 通货膨胀的压力依然存在156.6.3 国内金融市场不够完善156.6.4 微观经济主体缺乏活力15第7章 人民币自由兑换 - 影响167.1 人民币自由兑换167.1.1 实现人民币自由兑换是塑造我国良好的对外开放形象、增进我国与国际社会进行政治与经济交往的需要167.1.2 实现人民币自由兑换是改善外商投资企业的投资和经营环境167.1.3 实现人民币自由兑换有利于进一步增强国民对人民币币值稳定以及国家改革开放政策的信心167.1.4 加入世界贸易组织对我国的外汇管理体制提出了新的要求16第8章 人民币日元直兑加速人民币国际化178.1人民币正加快国际化进程178.1.1中日贸易的重要性188.1.2出口的下滑188.1.3美元低位的衰落188.2人民币国际化是一条漫漫长路188.2.1调整经济结构,推动经济的可持续性188.2.2推进人民币结算、清算198.



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