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1、江苏牛津初二英语8A unit1 词组1 something to drink / eat 一些喝/吃的东西2 have some more food 再来点食物3 in your bowl 在你的碗里 a bowl of rice 一碗米饭4 share sth with sb 与某人分享某物5 nothing else 没什么别的东西6 an honest boy 一位诚实的男孩7 keep secrets / keep a secret 保守秘密8 make me happy 使我快乐9 share my joy 分享我快乐10 have problems 有问题11 have prob

2、lems (with sth / in doing sth) 某方面有问题/做某事有问题12 qualities of a good friend 一位好朋友的品质13 as slim as 与一样苗条14 have been best friends for a long time 成为好朋友有好长一段时间了15 be generous to sb 对某人大方16 be willing to do sth 愿意做某事17 be ready to do sth 准备做某事 /愿意做某事18 help people any time 在任何时候帮助人们19 give seats to peopl

3、e in need 给需要的人们让座20 travel around the world 周游世界21 grow up 长大22 poor eyesight 视力差23 because of (sth / doing sth ) 因为(某事/做某事)24 wear small, round glasses 戴着小而圆的眼镜25 make him look smart 使得他看起来聪明make sb do sth 让某人做某事26 a good sense of humour 好的幽默感 a good sense of 有的感觉27 feel bored / unhappy 感到(厌烦/不快乐)

4、28 tell funny jokes 讲笑话 29 walk fast 走得快30 walk past ( the desks ) 走过(课桌)31 knock off sth 撞翻某物32 be so funny 如此滑稽33 think of 想起34 read your advertisement 看你的广告35 straight , shoulder-length hair 长长的披肩发36 worry me 使我烦恼37 say a bad word about sb = speak ill of sb 说某人的坏话38 say a good word about sb = spe

5、ak highly of sb 赞扬某人39 vote for sb / sth 投票赞成某人/某物 vote against sb /sth 投票反对某人/某物40 more interesting 更加有趣 / more and more interesting 越来越有趣41 longer and longer 越来越长42 the tallest student of the six students 六位学生中最高的学生43 the most expensive printer 最贵的打印机44 not as /so as 与不一样45 both and 两者都46 outdoor

6、activities 户外活动47 sing for people 为人们唱歌48 listen to peoples problems 听取人们的问题49 help people solve problems 帮助人们解决问题50 make friends (with sb ) (与某人)交朋友51 be a social worker 成为社会工作者52 be happy to do sth 很高兴做某事53 my future plans 我的未来计划54 become a famous singer 成为出名的歌唱家55 be famous for 因而出名/闻名56 in the f

7、uture 未来,将来57 the boy on the left 左边的男孩58 agree with sb 同意某人的意见59 one of the nicest boys 最英俊的男孩之一60 have no friends 没有朋友61 give me some advice 给我一些建议/ a piece of advice 一条意见 62 feel (really) uncomfortable 感觉(真的)不舒适63 her bright , smiling eyes 她明亮的笑眼64 wear a smile on her face 她面带微笑65 answer question

8、s correctly 正确回答问题66 the most difficult activity of all 所有活动中最难的活动Unit 2 词组、句型 班级 姓名 1. why dont dogs go to school? 狗为什么不要去上学?2. whats school like? 学校怎么样?3. tell sb about sth 告诉某人某事4. find out 查明,弄清楚5. speak English 讲英语6. both and 和都 7. life in a British school 英国学校生活8. in Year 8 = in Grade 8 = in t

9、he eighth grade 在八年级9. a mixed school 一所混合学校10. have lessons together 一起上课11. do things for oneself 为自己做事12. cook healthy and tasty meals 做出健康美味的饭菜13. Reading Week 阅读周14. bring in books and magazine from home 从家里带书和杂志15. have to 不得不16. talk to sb about sth 和某人谈论某事17. near the end of 将近 结束时18. as wel

10、l 也 19. have driving lessons 上驾驶课20. drive sb to 开车送某人到21. play softball 打垒球22. spend on sth /(in) doing 花做某事/在 花23. enjoy a lot 非常喜欢24. learn all about 对 有全面的了解25. have a great time doing sth 高兴做某事26. talk to each other 彼此交谈27. on the way home/ on ones way to 在回家的路上28. an article by sb 某人写的一篇文章29. a special friend 一个特殊的朋友30. what does the word “hero” mean? 单词hero是什么意思31. admire very much 非常钦佩32. talk in class 课上讲话33. at the age of 在岁时34. more than 比多35. fewer than/less than 比 少36. kitty has the least money kitty有的钱最少37. be the same as 与 一样38. be different from



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