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1、2018年湖北省咸宁市中考英语试题及答案注重理解 导向性强 点评人:温中英语教研组全体老师 今年英语试卷难度与去年持平,题型有所变化,阅读理解难度大。整张试卷适应城乡考生,涉及话题广泛,内容关注社会热点,具有导向性和时代感。Dq63p5NFWr 本次中考单选和填空题难易适中,在平常的习作中很常见,学生容易拿分。阅读理解是整张试卷的难点,词汇量大、注重考察学生的英语阅读能力。平时词汇能力强的学生,本次阅读就能取得好成绩。作文题重点突出地方特色,思维开放,学生很容易把握主题。Dq63p5NFWr温泉中学英语教研组老师介绍,今年中考的英语阅读理解难度最大,与武汉中考的英语试题接近。学生不仅要夯实课内

2、知识,更要广泛阅读课外英语书籍,扩大词汇量。整张试题题目很活,适应城乡考生,贴近生活、贴近社会、有地方色彩、有选拔性、有导向性、有时代性,让学生能学以致用。从本张试卷可以看出,今后我市的英语教学水平会越来越高,对学生的语言、词汇、写作、阅读等能力都会逐步加强。 陈志茹)Dq63p5NFWr第一部分 听力测试共30分)一、听对话选图每小题1分,共5分)1.A. B. C. 2.A. B. C.3.A. B. C.4.A. B. C.5.A. B. C. 二、对话理解 每小题1.5分,共15分)请听第一段对话,回答68小题。6. What are they talking about?A. A s

3、ports meeting. B. Their favorite sports. C. A class meeting.Dq63p5NFWr7. What is Steven interested in? A. Jumping. B. Running. C. Swimming.8. Who runs the fastest?A. Amy. B. Steven. C. Lily.请听第二段对话,回答第911小题。9. Where is Tommys Math book?A. Under the bed. B. On the table. C. On the dresser.Dq63p5NFWr1

4、0. How many things will Tommy need?A. Five. B. Three. C. Four.11. When will they meet?A. At 12. B. At 11. C. At 10.请听第三段对话,回答第1215小题。12. What does Lin Shuhao do?A. He is a football player. B. He is a volleyball player. C. He is a basketball player.Dq63p5NFWr13. Where is Lins father from?A. America.

5、B. Taiwan. C. Japan.14. How old was Laura when she became a skating champion?Dq63p5NFWrA. Four. B. Nine. C. Ten.15. What does the girl think of her grandmother?A. Hard-hearted. B. Kind and loving. C. Unfriendly.Dq63p5NFWr三、短文理解 每小题2分,共10分)16. What did the girl find while she was walking? A. Kangaroo

6、s. B. Rabbits. C. Birds.17. Why did the girl love the birds? A. Because the birds liked staying in the cage quietly .Dq63p5NFWrB. Because the birds greeted her every morning.C. Because the birds were hungry but very strong.18. What happened to the birds when the girl left the cages door open?Dq63p5N

7、FWrA. The two birds stayed in the cage.B. The two birds flew away.C. One of the birds flew out of the cage.19. What happened to the two birds at last?A. Both the birds died. B. Both the birds were free.C. One of the birds died and the other was free.20. How did the girl feel when the bird was flying

8、 happily in the sky?Dq63p5NFWrA. Happy. B. Sad. C. Worried.第二部分 笔试部分共90分)四、单项选择 每小题1分,共15分)21.What do you want to be in the future, John? I want to be _ fashion designer. It is _ amazing job.Dq63p5NFWrA. a ; the B. an; a C. a; an D. an; the 22.Do you like talking with your friends on the telephone o

9、r mobile phone? _. I enjoy chatting on-line.Dq63p5NFWrA. Neither B. Either C. Both D. None23.Mrs. Zhang was sent to teach English in a poor mountain village last year.Dq63p5NFWr She said she would never forget some pleasant _while working there.Dq63p5NFWrA. experiments B. expressions C. experiences

10、D. emotionsZ7itD4XGVl24.Zongzi _ to students for free in our dining hall on Dragon Boat Festival.Z7itD4XGVl Really? That sounds cool!A. offer B. have offered C. are offered D. will be offeredZ7itD4XGVl25. I think drinking milk every morning is good _ our health.Z7itD4XGVl Yes. I agree _ you.A. to; t

11、o B. with; to C. at; with D. for; with26. Tom, you _ play with the knifeYou_ hurt yourselfZ7itD4XGVlA. wont; cant B. mustnt; may C. shouldnt; must D. cant; should27.Jim, can you _ this word in Chinese? Yes, I can_ a little Chinese.A. speak; say B. say; speak C. tell; speak D. talk; sayZ7itD4XGVl28.T

12、hree _ injured students died in a hospital ineast Chinas Jiangsu Province last year.Z7itD4XGVl Sorry to hear that. But our government _ much about the school bus safety management.Z7itD4XGVlA. serious; did B. bad; didC. seriously; has done D. badly; was done29. We all like the story about the teache

13、r _ happened in our school last week.Z7itD4XGVlA. which B. who C. whom D. whatZ7itD4XGVl30.Are these CDs _? No, they are not mine. They belong to _.A. your; her B. yours; herC. you; hers D. yours; she31. I didnt see Lucy at the party last night. Do you know_?Z7itD4XGVlA. why didnt she come B. what h

14、appenedC. when would she arrive D. where she has been32. Drivers shouldnt be allowed _ after drinking, or they will break the law.Z7itD4XGVlA. drive B. driving C. to drive D. to be drivenZ7itD4XGVl33. Jack _ dislike the weather in Beijing in spring, because there is so much wind and sand. But now he _ it.Z7itD4XGVlA. is used to; used to B. used to; is used toZ7it


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