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1、APA论文资料引用格式包括文献引用(reference citations)与参考文献(reference list)两部分。1. 文献引用1.1 间接引用(citations): 间接引用需在论文主体部分引用作者姓名和文献出版年份。读者可以在references list中看到所引用文献完整的信息。A 如果引用文献只涉及一位作者的某本专著或文章,而作家的名字在自己的行文中没有出现, 将该作家的姓氏和所引用文献出版的时间用括弧括起来,放在句子结尾,注意该括弧算作句子的一部分,标点符号应放在括弧之后。例: It has been argued that teachers role is to p

2、rovide the students with optimal conditions which can facilitate learning so that students can achieve similar results (Bloom, 1976).B. 如果引用文献涉及的一位作者的名字在行文中已出现,隶属句子的一部分, 则只需在名字后加上括弧,将引用文献的出版日期放于此括号内。例:Gould (1988) attributes Darwins success to his gift for making the appropriate metaphor.C如果引用文献涉及到的

3、作者和著作的出版时间在行文中已出现,那就不再需要单独的夹注了。例:In a 1988 article, Gould explores some of Darwins most effective metaphors.D如果引用涉及到的著作是由两位作者合著,则每次引用时都需把两位作者的姓氏注出来,在夹注中用“&”,在行文中则用“and”连接两个作者。例:The disadvantages of the multiple regression analysis is that it cannot show the complex interrelations between independent

4、 variable (Bryman & Cramer, 1990). Bryman and Cramer also pointed out thatE如涉及到的作者超过两人,少于六人,第一次加夹注时,写出所有作者的姓氏,以后每次引用,只需写出第一作者的姓氏,其后加上“et al”即可。例:Scientists have isolated a gene connected to circadian rhythms in plants (Millar, Straum, Chory, Chua, & Kay, 1995) . . . . They identified the mutations t

5、hat activated light-dependent pathways (Millar, et al., 1995)F如果引用涉及到的著作由六位以上的作者合著,加注时只需写出第一作者的姓氏,其后加上“et al.”即可。例:Naiman et al. (1978)found a similar relationship, although I this case effort on the part of the learners was also associated with instrumental motivation (subsequent citations) (Ellis,

6、 1954).G 如涉及到的同姓的主要作者为两个或两个以上,即使引用文献出版日期不同,加注时需写出作者全名,名可用首字母缩写的形式写出。例:R. D. Luce (1959) and P. A. Luce (1986) also found.J. M. Goldberg and Neff (1961) and M. E. Goldberg and Wurtz (1972) studiedH 如果引用涉及到一位作者的多篇文献,只需用逗号来区隔作品的发表年份(最早到最晚依序排列)。若多篇文献在同一年内发表,则在年份后面加上a、b、c等标注。(按:abc的使用需与参考文献部分有所对应,而这些文献的编

7、排以标题名称的字母来决定。)例:A recent study found a possible genetic cause of alcoholism (Pauling, 2004, 2005a, 2005b). Pauling (2004, 2005a, 2005b) conducted a study that discovered a possible genetic cause of alcoholismI 如引用涉及到多位作者,多篇文献,根据上一个的规则,用分号将主要作者与其他作者分隔开,分号后写see also,再写剩下的其他作者,而这些作者的排序先依照作者姓氏的字母顺序,接着是发

8、表年份。例:(Minor, 2001; see also Adams, 1999; Storandt, 1997)J 原则上应引用已读到过的文献。如有必要引用未曾读过的文献(如下面例句中的“Grayson”),而其内容由你读到过的文献(如下面例句中的“Murzynski & Degelman”)转引,你需以下面的方式引用。参考文献中只需列出你已读过的文献。例:Grayson (as cited in Murzynski & Degelman, 1996) suggested K 如果涉及到出版于同一年的两份文献,需引用第一作者的姓氏,后面其余作者名字引用的个数应足够区分这两个引用,随后打逗号,

9、写出 “et al.”例:Bradley, Soo and Ramirez, (1994) and Bradley, Soo, et al. (1994)Kosslyn, Koenig, Barrett, et al. (1996) and Kosslyn, Koenig, Gabrieli, et al. (1996)L 如涉及到引用非英语作品的翻译本,需同时引用原著和翻译作品的出版时间。例:Laplace (1814/1951)M 如涉及到引用个人通讯(包括信件,邮件,电话采访),加注时需写出作者名字的首字母缩写形式以及姓氏,尽可能地精确到具体时间。由于个人通讯不是可以重新获得的信息,不需

10、要列在参考文献中。例:B. F. Skinner (personal communication, February 12, 1978) claimed . . . .注:如果引文作者是中国人,引文是中文,作者名字写姓的汉语拼音即可。其余格式符合上述规则。如:Liu (2005) said that .1.2 直接引用(Quotations)如果直接引用了某文献中的内容,需写出引用文献的作者,引用文献出版日期,以及引用部分在原文的页码。A如果原著作者的姓氏在自己的行文中没有提到,那你需要把作者的姓氏,出版时间和引文出自的页码用括弧括起,放在引文的后面, 引文用双引号。如果引文中原来就有引号,将

11、有引号的部分改为单引号。例:Conceptually, motivation is seen as “the combination of effort plus desire to achieve the goal of learning the language plus favorable attitude toward learning language” (Gardner, 1985, p. 10).Based on different findings, it is proposed that “the type of motivation and its strength are

12、 likely to be determined less by some generalized principle and more by who learns what in what milieu” (Laser-Freeman & Long, 1993, p. 174).B 如果你自己的行文中已经提到原著作者的姓氏,则只需在引文的后面用括弧加上页码即可。例:Gardner (1985) sees motivation as “the combination of effort plus desire to achieve the goal of learning the langua

13、ge plus favorable attitude toward learning language” (p. 10).C 如果直接引用所涉及到的作者有多位,除遵守以上A,B两条外,其他规则与间接引用相同。D 直接引文的字数如少于40英文单词或4行,引文用双引号括起来直接放到段落中,作为段落的一部分。例:Patients receiving prayer had “less congestive heart failure, required less diuretic and antibiotic therapy, had fewer episodes of pneumonia, had

14、fewer cardiac arrests, and were less frequently intubated and ventilated” (Byrd, 1988, p. 829).E 直接引文的字数如多于40英文单词或4行,引文单独成段,段落用“齐头式”,整个段落缩进5个空格 (如果引文还有第二段或更多段落,那么每一段第一行还需要再缩进5个空格),整个段落行间距是双倍行距,引文不需引号。如引文中已有引号,保留原来的引号。例:Raymond William explains that the word career has all but lost its original meani

15、ng. Career is now so regularly used to describe a persons progress in life, or, by derivation from this, his profession or vocation that it is difficult to remember, in the same context, its original meaning of a recourse and a gallopthough in some contexts, as in the phrase “Careering about,” these

16、 survive. Career appeared in English . . .F 引用诗歌, 如少于两行, 直接引入行文中,两行间用斜线分开, 行首的大写应保持,引用部分加双引号; 如超过两行, 则按直接引用规则E 处理。例:In his “Hymn to Intellectual Beauty,” Shelly personifies the immaterial, spiritual world: “The awful shadow of some unseen Power / Floats though unseen among us.” In “Song of Myself,” Walt Whitma


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