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1、【精品复习】中考英语写作技巧名师教案教学目标:1 通过对sports 这一话题的讨论,带领学生复习有关运动 单词,短语及相关句子的 表达。 2 通过写作 “六步教学法”,指导学生完成关于人物传记的写作。教学重点: 如何通过“六步写作法 ”完成书面表达。教学过程:Step1 warming-up 1: show two pictures (emblem &mascots)of the 16th Asian Games.2: Show some other pictures to talk about the following questions:a. What is your favorite

2、 sport?b. Who do you often play with?c. When do you usually play it?d. Where do you often play it?(1. ask several Ss to answer the questions)(2. also ask one or two Ss to summarize the four questions and make up a short passage ,reading in class)step2 pre-writingbrainstorm(vocabularies and phrases)T

3、: When we mention sports, what vocabularies and phrases can we use?Step3 while-writing(1)书面表达:假如你在2010亚运会期间碰到外国朋友,请你根据下表的提示介绍进入NBA的中国球员易建联的情况。要求:主题鲜明,语句通顺,意思连贯,适当发挥,拼写正确,书写工整。80词左右。易建联生日1987.10.27出生地广东身高2.12m经历2003年成为大学生(college student)2004年1月选入国家篮球队(National Basketball Team)2007年7月进入NBA爱好喜欢听流行音乐、玩

4、电脑其他现在还在努力学习英语一、 审:人物介绍、一般过去时态、一般现在时二、 抓:抓要点,确定主要词汇篮球运动员(basketball player) 出生(be born) 被选入国家队(be chosen to play for the National Basketball Team)成为NBA 一员(become an NBA player)流行音乐(pop music)努力学好英语(try to learn )三 扩:扩展成句Eg :basketball player , be born,Yi Jianlian,a famous basketball player, is from

5、Guangdong China.He was born on October 27th,1987.2.be chosen ,play , the National Basketball Team, in January 2004He was chosen to play for the National Basketball Team in January, 2004. 3. become a player , in July , 2007 ,NBAHe became an NBA player in July , 2007. 四、连:连句成文(form a passage)本文应按时间顺序,

6、in 2003, in his spare time 常用连接词: because, so, but, until, when, since, before,after, on the other hand, on the contrary, so that, therefore, firstly、secondly、 thirdly、finally五、改:查漏改错中考书面表达常见错误一、名词的单复数:There are two hundreds student on the playground.There are two hundred students on the playground.

7、二.主谓一致:David with his little brother go to the park every Sunday.David with his little brother goes to the park every SundayDavid and his little brother go to the park every Sunday三.时态和语态:A thief is seen break a window to climb into an office of the factory last nightA thief was seen to break a wind

8、ow to climb into an office of the factory last night.四.逻辑性问题:She wasnt careful, but she fell into the river.She wasnt careful, so/and she fell into the river.五.词类错用:When I was happily, I played computer games.When I was happy, I played computer games.六.中式英语:I very like English.I like English very mu

9、ch.如何拿高分:1.灵活运用短语或词组他们在短时间内把火扑灭了.They _ the fire _.2.巧用连接词他吃了很多,虽然他说他不饿.He ate a lot , _ he said he wasnt hungry.3.句型活用不准在图书馆大声喧哗.1) You _ talk loudly in the library.2) You _ _ _ to talk loudly in the library.3) _ talk loudly in the library.4.用词生动 Jack went to the telephone.Jack rushed to the teleph

10、one 5.避难就易我最喜欢的科目是英语.My _ subject is English.I _ English _ _ any other subject.I _ English _.6.长短句交错运用The town in which my parents live is very beautiful. We all love it very much.Step4 while-writing (2)Give ss 5 minutes to write the passage .also ask one or two ss to write the passages on the Bb.St

11、ep5-postwriting Correct the passages on the Bb. Ask other ss to read their passages in class. Give them the example.Step6 summarize书面表达六步法 4 / 41确定文体及基本要素:2抓要点,确定主要词汇:3扩展成句一审二抓三扩四连五查六抄4连句成文5查漏改6抄写Step7 homework假如你是2010亚运会志愿者,有外国人向你了解广州的情况,请你用英语介绍广州的基本情况,内容如下:1.广州是一座古老(ancient)的城市。2特点:一年四季如春,繁花似锦,故有“花城”之称;“五羊”是广州的象征(symbol)。3.名胜:陈家祠、白云山、越秀公园、六榕寺Liu Rong temple等要求语句通顺、内容准确,80词左右



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