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1、2022年考博英语-山西大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题I was( )by their kindness and moved to tears.问题1选项A.preoccupiedB.embarrassedC.overwhelmedD.counseled【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项preoccupied“使全神贯注,抢先占有”;B选项embarrassed“使困窘”;C选项overwhelmed“(情感)难以承受”;D选项counseled“被劝告”。句意:我被他们的善良( ),感动得流下眼泪。overwhelmed“(情感)难以承受”和带有情绪色彩的move

2、to tear搭配使句子通顺。因此C选项正确。2. 翻译题FROM ENGLISH TO CHINESEHappiness is sometimes seen as a state of mind. But this is not how Aristotle regards it. “Well-being”, as we usually translate his term for happiness, is what we might call a state of soul, which for him involves not just an interior condition of

3、being, but a disposition to behave in certain ways. As Ludwig Wittgenstein once remarked, the best image of the soul is the body. If you want to observe someones spirit, look at what they do. Happiness for Aristotle is attained by virtue, and virtue is above all a social practice rather than an atti

4、tude of mind. Happiness is part of a practical way of life, not some private inner contentment.【答案】幸福有时被视为一种精神状态。但亚里士多德不这样认为。“幸福”,正如我们通常解释这个术语,我们可以看作为灵魂状态。对他来说,这不仅是个人存在的内在条件,也是一种特定的行为方式。路德维希维特根斯坦曾说过,人的身体是灵魂的最好图画。如果你想了解某人的“灵魂”,看看他们做了什么。对亚里士多德来说,幸福是通过美德实现的。美德首先是一种社会实践,而不是一种心灵态度。幸福是实际的生活方式的一部分,不是某种私密的内

5、在满足。3. 单选题He is not shy about naming the names of the famous women who have succumbed to his romantic( ).问题1选项A.wieldsB.wilesC.tacitD.tiles【答案】B【解析】考查词义辨析。A选项wields“拿着(武器、工具或设备);掌握(权力)”;B选项wiles“花言巧语;巧计;引诱”;C选项tacit“默许的,心照不宣的”;D选项tiles“(贴墙或铺地用的)瓷砖,地毯,地板;(覆盖屋顶的)瓦片”。句意:他毫不羞于说出那些被他浪漫的( )所征服的著名女性的名字。只有w

6、iles“花言巧语”和romantic“浪漫”可搭配,也符合语境。因此B选项正确。4. 单选题Do you find yourself checking Facebook as soon as you wake up in the morning? Even as you read this article, is your right index finger twitching on the mouse, just itching to click on something new? If so, welcome to the 21st century. Without even real

7、izing it, weve signed up for a life in which were all connected, all the time. Whether or not this is a good thing is the subject of Hamlets Blackberry, a new book by William Powers.Early in the book, Powers describes a scene that should strike many as familiar: He is standing at a crosswalk in the

8、middle of Manhattan, alongside five or eight other peopleall of whom are staring intently at some digital device. “Here I was in New York, the most fantastic city in the worldso much to look at, to see and hear, and everybody around me essentially wasnt present,” he says.Powers may question the way

9、we use our gadgets, but he certainly doesnt condemn it. He does, however, recognize the downside of constantly being flooded with new information or what he calls the “conundrum of connectedness.”Among the things that suffer from our over connectedness, Powers says, are relationships. “If were const

10、antly toggling between people on Facebook and texts and all these new ways of connecting all day long, and we never have a sustained connection,” Powers says. “Its sort of the opposite of connectedness.”But how are we of the 21st century supposed to cope with that problem? Powers has one suggestion

11、thats both utterly simple and almost impossible to imagine following: just disconnect. His family, for example, takes an “Internet Sabbath” every weekend. “We turn off the household modem, and we dont have smart phones the whole weekend. We cant do Web surfing.” he explains.According to Powers, the

12、positive effects of these technology breaks are felt long after the weekends are over. “Even when were connected, we can feel the benefits of having been disconnected a couple days ago,” he says. “Its just about that simple word, balance”.Not that he thinks up plugging your modem is necessarily easy

13、. “Its really hard to pull away. You have to know why youre doing it, and really believe” he says. “What Im about here is trying to convince people that its worth doing.”1.What William Powers describes in Paragraph 2( ).2.The word “downside” (Para. 3) is closest in meaning to “( )”.3.“Internet Sabba

14、th” means that on this day the authors family( ).4.The author thinks that the “Internet Sabbath”( ).5.The passage is most likely a( ).问题1选项A.makes little difference to our lifeB.is a common phenomenonC.rarely happens in other placesD.is what he has been looking for问题2选项A.confusionB.disadvantageC.cha

15、llengeD.secret问题3选项A.uses the Internet to call and textB.uses the Internet only for pleasureC.completely stops using the InternetD.cannot work without the Internet问题4选项A.is really worth takingB.is suitable for most familyC.is too hard for others to followD.is relatively easy to carry out问题5选项A.social surveyB.news reportC.technology updateD.book review【答案】第1题:B第2题:B第3题:C第4题:A第5题:D【解析】1.推理判断题。文章第二段主要描述了William Powers在纽约所见到的一个场景。由语段第一句“Powers describes a scene that should strike many as familiar(鲍尔斯描述了一个很多人都很熟


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