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1、高中英语写作话题词句指导【科学技术】.话题单词1.digital adj.数码的2.machine n.机器3.program v.为(计算机)编制程序puter n.电脑5.control v.控制;管理6.newly-designed adj.新设计的7.practical adj.实际的8.fiction n.小说9.milestone n.里程碑10.design v.设计.话题短语1.test out 考验;试验2.of great use 很有用3.with the development of science and technology 随着科学技术的发展4.put into

2、use 投入实践e into being 出现;产生6.play a more and more important role/part 起着越来越重要的作用7.enable sb.to do sth.使某人能做某事8.at home and abroad 国内外9.fulfill ones dream 实现梦想10.make great progress 取得很大的进步.话题佳句1.Tom has a gift in designing robots,which made him well-known worldwide.汤姆在设计机器人方面很有天赋,这使他闻名于世。2.Many peopl

3、e are unwilling to embrace new technologies.很多人不愿意接受新技术。3.There have been advances in medical technology recently,which are breakthroughs for us.最近在医学技术上取得的进步对我们来说是重大突破。4.In the wake of developments in science and technology,man has become more capable of conquering nature.随着科学技术的发展,人们征服自然的能力也越来越强了。

4、5.Technologies significantly affect human as well as other animal species ability to control and adapt to their natural environments.科学技术极大地影响了人类和其他的动物物种去控制和适应自然环境的能力。【自然生态】.话题单词1.ocean n.海洋2.explore v.探测;探险3.seafood n.海鲜4.tide n.潮汐5.diverse adj.多样性的6.recover v.恢复7.resource n.资源8.environment n.环境9.u

5、nique adj.独一无二的10.valuable adj.珍贵的.话题短语1.national geography 国家地理2.natural environment 自然环境3.a variety of 各种各样的4.ocean circulation 海洋循环5.wind ones way from west to east 自西向东蜿蜒前行6.biological resources 生物资源7.treasure house 宝库8.global warming 全球变暖9.ecological balance 生态平衡10.coastal development 沿海开发.话题佳句

6、1.Currently,people in increasing numbers come to realize the forests fundamental role in sustaining ecological balance,and their damage will result in irreversible harm to the worlds environment.现在,越来越多的人开始意识到森林对于保持生态平衡所起的重要作用,而对森林的破坏将会对全球环境造成不可逆转的影响。2.The atmosphere of this natural setting can help

7、 us to awaken our inner feelings,and inspire us to seek a proper relationship between ourselves and the natural environment.自然环境的气氛可以帮助我们唤醒我们内在的感情,激发我们寻找我们与自然环境之间理想的关系。3.Chinas geography is highly diverse,with hills,plains,and river deltas in the east and deserts,high plateaus,and mountains in the w

8、est.中国的地理状况呈现高度的多样化,在东部有山区、平原和河流三角洲,在西部有沙漠、高原和山地。4.We will rectify and standardize order in the exploitation of mineral resources and develop and use marine resources wisely.我们将会整顿规范矿产资源开发秩序,合理开发利用海洋资源。5.China is a beautiful country,the cultural relic historical site everywhere,the natural scenery b

9、eautiful may meal,the traveling resources are rich.中国是个美丽的国家,文物古迹比比皆是,自然风景秀丽可餐,旅游资源丰富。【环境保护】.话题单词1.endanger v.危及2.extinction n.灭绝3.affect v.影响4.threathen v.威胁5.reserve n.保护区6.harm n.危害7.advocate v.倡导8.recycle v.再循环9.green adj.环保的10.surroundings n.自然环境.话题短语1.protect from 保护免于2.take measures 采取措施3.be

10、available to 可以利用的4.marine pollution 海洋污染5.be aware of 意识到6.contribute to 促进7.have an impact on 对产生影响8.renewable resources 可再生资源9.environmental-friendly 环保的e to an end 结束.话题佳句1.Many people worry that our energy resources will run out if we use them in an unchecked way.许多人担心如果能源的使用不加以控制的话,我们的能源将被耗尽。2

11、.Pollution is an issue that crosses national boundaries.污染是一个不分国界的问题。3.We have adopted effective measures to control water contamination in our area.我们采取了有效的措施来治理我们这个地区的水污染。4.New laws have been introduced to control air pollution in the city.为了控制空气污染,该市采用了新的法律措施。5.Accordingly/Consequently/As a resul

12、t,it is not difficult to draw the conclusion that people are more and more aware of the importance of environmental protection.因此,不难得出结论,人们越来越意识到环境保护的重要性了。【灾害防范】.话题单词1.survival n.生存2.security n.安全3.disastrous adj.灾难性的4.flood n.洪水5.drought n.干旱6.self-rescue v.自救7.precaution n.防范8.rainstorm n.暴雨9.acci

13、dental adj.突发性的10.catastrophe n.大灾难.话题短语1.natural disasters 自然灾害mon sense 常识3.make preparations for 做好准备4.defend against 防范5.prevent from 避免6.feasible advice 可行性建议7.in advance 事先8.public emergency system 处理公众突发事件系统9.be aimed at 目标是10.extreme weather events 极端天气事件.话题佳句1.Under the present science and

14、technology condition,the rainstorm could not permanently avoid,and how to prevent rainstorm disaster effectively and reduce economic loss is worthy to research.在目前的科学技术条件下,暴雨灾害还不能被根治,如何有效地防范暴雨灾害、减少经济损失是值得研究的。2.While economic construction produces wealth,it would affect environments and cause disaste

15、rs if we do not take precautions.经济建设在创造财富的同时,如不加以防范也有影响环境、导致灾害的负面作用。3.Natural disasters,conflicts and other emergencies threaten the lives and health of millions of people every year.自然灾害、冲突和其他紧急情况每年威胁着数百万人的生命和健康。4.The capability of the mankind to take precaution against natural disasters is progressing with the development of the social economics,science and technology.人类防御自然灾害的能力总是随着社会经济和科学技术的发展而提高的。5.China is also a country that is prone to earthquake disasters,and we fully



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