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1、Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry(第1课时)一、学习目标知识目标:1、能够使用Make sb +形容词来表达自己的心情。2、掌握关键词:the more the more leave out friendship3、句型: Loud music makes me tense Sad movies make her want to leave能力目标:正确运用短语:be supposed to, should do something ,情感目标:本单元以谈论“习俗”为话题,了解各地不同的文化知识,从而让学生知道哪些是应该做的,哪些是不应该做的,要学会尊重不同的文化,

2、养成良好的行为习惯,培养学生的学习兴趣。二、自主梳理1. preparation for lessons before class.Do the exercise互动)知识预览。2. Look at the bulletin board and read about ways you could help people. Then list other ways you could help people.3. Listen to the tape about 1b, and complete the sentences.4 .Do 1c in pairs. Then check them.5

3、.Listen to the tape ,do 2a,listen again, do 2b, Check the answer in groups.6 .Do 2c, work alone, and check it together.7. Remember the grammar focus in pairs.三、重点领悟1. make 的用法 1)make+宾语+宾语补足语形容词做宾语补足语,表示宾语的特点,性质,状态等。Make sb +形容词使他忧伤 使她紧张 使他们放松 使我们困倦使我不舒服2)动词不定式做宾语补足语,表示宾语发出的动作,注意to 要省略。Make sb do st

4、h高亢的音乐使我想跳舞忧伤的歌使我们想哭她使婴儿停止哭叫3)变成被动语态,to要还原,把上面三句变成被动语态1)2)3)4)make sb sth , make sb +过去分词我们选他当小组长我讲英语不能使人听懂他无法使别人听到他说话 2. would rather do sth than do sth =prefer to do rather than do 这位老人宁愿独自居住也不愿和他们一起住我宁愿在呆在家里也不愿逛商场他不愿听摇滚乐四、探究提升Id rather you tomorrow A come B came C will come考点:would rather后跟从句时,要用

5、虚拟语气, 用一般过去时代替一般将来时2. I would rather at home than A stay, go out B to stay, to go out C to stay, go out D stay, to go out考点:would rathe dothan do宁愿做而不愿做” Loud music makes me tense Sad movies make her want to leave在我们所学过的单词中还有哪些是带省to不定式的?请列举出来五、巩固训练完成句子:1. I (宁愿)stay at home in such bad day 知识延伸 Id r

6、ather you tomorrow A come B came C will come考点:would rather后跟从句时,要用虚拟语气, 用一般过去时代替一般将来时2. I would rather at home than A stay, go out B to stay, to go out C to stay, go out D stay, to go out考点:would rathe dothan do宁愿做而不愿做” Page 103 Loud music makes me tense Sad movies make her want to leave3. She trie

7、d her best to make us (B) A happily B happy C to happy D happiness4.-How do you feel when the national flag go up? -It makes me (B) quite proud A to feel B feel C feeling D felt 5There was so much noise,the speaker couldnt make himself ( C )A hearing B to hear C heard D being heard完成句子:4. I am a tea

8、cher, (so is he.) (他也是)6. They had finished their homework, (so had we) (我们也完成了)7. Tom eats an apple every day, (so does Mary) (Mary也一样)8 Yang Yin didnt have breakfast this morning, (neither did Yanghao) (杨浩也没) The food is great, isnt it ?六、知识网络make的用法(1) make +n. 如:make food 做饭make a plane做飞机make t

9、he bed铺床make money 赚钱(2) make sb./sth. + adj. 使某人(感到),使处于某种状态 Soccer makes me crazy. 足球使我疯狂。Loud music makes me tense. 过大声音的音乐使我紧张可用到的形容词有:happy,pleased,surprised,angry,annoyed,sad,upset,unhappy,worried,anxious,excited,relaxed,stressed out,tense,calm,scared,comfortable,sick 分词作make的宾语补足语 I made myself understood by all the students. make+ oneself +done(3) make sb. / sth. + do 使某人做某事(带省to不定式)被动语态中要还原(4) make it 习惯用语,及时赶到,到达目的地七、学习反思能熟练掌握短语,背诵听力练习在学习的过程中同学们能牢记目标,全力以赴,享受英语学习的乐趣。但是,有一些同学不能跟上学习的进度。3



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