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1、新概念英语第一册 第一阶段测试题(Lesson 1-7)第二部分:口语部分 (总分100分)一、大声朗读下面的单词,要求发音清晰、准确(40个,每个1分,共40分) excuse thank here this you pardon sorry number handbag pencil book watch coat dress skirt shirt house umbrella car ticket suit school son daughter French German Japanese Chinese Korean Italian American English new stu

2、dent name meet teacher job engineer teacher二、朗读下面的单词,圈出粗体划线部分发音不同的选项 (共10分)bed handbag dress desk pen ten yes that sea teacher tree is tea meet this she this mother these thank 三、朗读下面的句子,注意语音语调 (10个,每个2分,共20分) Is this your handbag? Yes, it is. Are you French? Yes, I am. My coat and my umbrella pleas

3、e. Heres your umbrella and your coat. Sophie is a new student. She is French. This is Mr. Blake. Nice to meet you. Whats your name? My names Sophie. Whats your job? Im an engineer. What make is it? Its an English car. What nationality are you? Im Italian.四、情景会话 (3题,每题10分,共30分)l A在路边发现一个手提包,问路人B是不是他的,B说是的,并表示感谢。要求用到excuse, pardon, thank等用语,及Is this的句型。l A与B各是两位新同学。A向B介绍自己(学生的身份,姓名),B再向A介绍自己,同时互问国籍,及职业。要求用到Nice to meet you等用语,及my names Are you ? 一般疑问句及what 引导的特殊疑问句。l A和B相互问候早安,然后A向B介绍C,杨女士,介绍其职业和国籍。要求会用this is 句型,及主格she开头的陈述句。


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