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1、粉猪妹(粉红小猪妹 Peppa Pig) 第四季 16集 Crampy Rabbit s Dinosaur Park 的字幕: 开头部分(每集都一样)Im Peppa Pig.This is my little brother George.This is Mummy Pig.And this is Daddy Pig.Peppa Pig.Crampy Rabbit s Dinosaur ParkToday is Freddy Fox s birthday and all the children are goingon a big adventure.Where are we going f

2、or your birthday, Freddy?I don t know, but I can t wait to get there.Were here!Welcome to Crampy Rabbit s Dinosaur Park!Woo!Dinosaur! Grr, George loves dinosaurs.Are there really dinosaurs here?No, just pretend ones.Phew!Real dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago.Edmond knows a lot about dinosaurs

3、. He is a clever-clogs.But we ve got better than real dinosaurs. Weve got singingdinosaurs.We are the dinosaurs, the dinosaurs, the dinosaurs.We are the dinosaurs. Listen to us sing.They are a bit small.Yes, aren t dinosaurs meant to be big?Ah, yes! We do have a big dinosaur. A real vampire. Erm, wo

4、uld you like to meet it?Yes, please.These are its footprints. We just have to follow them.Woo!These footprints look very real. Are you sure there is no living dinosaurs about, Grampy Rabbit?Quite sure, Daddy Pig.Over the botus ( 这里我怎么也找不到那个单词,即使有画面我也不知道,晕 ), everyone. Across the bridge.Through the c

5、ave.Oh, the footprints have stopped.Look! There are some green steps.It s a big slide. Wee! Wee! Wee! Wee!Wow! It s a big dinosaur.Yes, it s my mopping ginormous dinosaur slide. Aha ha ha.That is some dinosaur.He is a Plateosaurus.Actually, the correct name is Apatosaurus.You are a bit of a clever-c

6、logs, aren t you?Yes.All right, my little explorers. Are you ready for the next bit of adventure?Yes, Grampy Rabbit.We have to find an egg.An egg?But eggs are little. It could be anywhere.Leave it to me. Foxes love hunting for eggs. Freddy Fox has a very good sense of smell.Wow! What an egg!It s hug

7、e!Why is the egg so big?It s a dinosaur egg.Is it real?No, it s better than real. Its pretend. Watch this!Happy birthday! Happy birthday!The dinosaur egg has a birthday cake inside it.Hooray!It is not a pretend cake, is it Grampy Rabbit?No, the cake is very real and very tasty. Who wants some? Me! M

8、e!Birthday boy first! Here you go, Freddy.Happy birthday, Freddy.Time for the beaten song and dance. Everyone, copy me. To the stomp.To the dinosaur. Stomp!To the roar!To the dinosaur roar!Stomp! Stomp! Stomp!Roar! Roar! Roar!To the dinosaur stomp!Stomp! Roar!This is my best birthday ever.To the sto

9、mp.To the dinosaur. Stomp!To the roar!To the dinosaur roar!Stomp! Stomp! Stomp!Roar! Roar! Roar!To the dinosaur stomp!Stomp! Roar!粉猪妹(粉红小猪妹 Peppa Pig) 第四季 17集 Bedtime Story 的字幕: 开头部分(每集都一样)Im Peppa Pig.This is my little brother George.This is Mummy Pig.And this is Daddy Pig.Peppa Pig. Bedtime StoryI

10、t is night time. Daddy Pig is reading Peppa and George a bedtime story.And so the prince, the princess, the buggy and the frog all lived happily ever after. The end!The bedtime story has sent Peppa and George to sleep.Good night, my little piggies!Georges awake.Dinosaur! Grrr,George, you naughty pig

11、gy! Go back to sleep.George is not sleepy.George! Night time is for sleeping, not playing!I can tell you a bedtime story.Once upon a time, there was a little pig. His namewas George Pig. And he was off to make his fortune. Soon, he came to a forest.Do you like the story, George?Inside the forest was

12、 a little house. And inside the house was a bowl of porridge. George Pig was very hungry. So he ate it all up. Yummy, yummy, yum.But just as he finished, Baby Bear walked in, and said, “Oy, did you eat my magic porridge? ”George said, “Yes! ”Baby Bear said, “that was magic porridge. It will make you

13、 go very big. ”And then George Pig began to grow. He grew and he grew and he grew until he was taller than all of the trees in the forest.The end.Are you sleepy, George?No.Not even a little bit?No!OK, I ll do a bit more story.Baby Bear said, “there is a box of golden treasure at the end of the world

14、. But its too far for me to go because I am toolittle. ”George said, “I will carry you there.”So George Pig walked to the end of the world. He walked and he walked and he walked. Are you sleepy yet?No.He walked through forests, then across mountains, across seas.And are you sleepy yet?No!He walked a

15、ll the way to the end of the world and found a big box of golden treasure.Woo!And a big dragon!Grr,Yes! A big green dragon, with little wings, and breezing fire.Roar!Luckily it was a very friendly dragon. And he said, “you can have the treasure. ”But then, George Pig began to shrink. He shrank and he shrinked and he shrunk until he was the same little George Pig as he was before.“ How will we get back home now? ” said Baby Bear.“ I can fly you home. ” said the dragon.So George Pig and Baby Bear hopped on



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