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1、英文求职信个人能力说明求职信英文coverletter在表述了自己申请职位的原因之后一般要针对招聘方的要求或 qualification表述自己哪些能力能与之匹配,进而胜任这一工作。这部分是招聘方对coverletter最为关注的部分,求职者的全部highlight要在这里展现。 如下是能力说明部分可借鉴的一些表述。during the past then yearsmy experienee has been concentrated in the masonry and plastering products supply industry with a building material

2、s firm.during my six years as general manager took an old line business,which had undergone several years of poor management,and reversed the trend.i upgraded the firms image,and customer and ven dor relationsAhich subsequently in creased the dollar volume and bottom line profits by 300% 0my employm

3、ent background consists of twelve years at the deaconess hospital,where i provide a wide range of administrativejinancial,and research support to the chief executive officer.i have a strong aptitude for working with numbers and extensive experienee with computer software applicationsSyou require: i

4、offer:a college degree a bachelors degree in english from long island universityfluency in italian and french fluency in italian,germannd frenchoffice experience experience as a receptionist at a busy accounting firmtyping skills accurate typing at 60wpmwillngness to travel willingness to travelmy w

5、ork experienee and my scholastic endeavors have thoroughly prepared me for employment in a firm that specializes in various segments of law.this fall and past summerj have been working for a small general practice firm where i am entrusted with a great deal of resp on sibility.i write appellate brie

6、fs, mem ora nda in corporate on tract,and criminal law,a nd i draft complaints and answers.i also actively participate in attorneyclient conferences by questioning dients and by describing how the law affects the clients suits回have excellent problem-solving skills and feel thatjf given the opportuni

7、ty would be an immediate as well as a Iong-term asset to your firm团 am prese ntly a senior in good standi ng at new york un iversityzdue to graduate in may.i am pursuing a bachelor of arts degree with a major in journalism and a minor in both economics and english literature am proficient in both wo

8、rdperfect and microsoft word for windows卫nd am familiar with both ibm and apple operating systems, i am presently working as a research intern for the economics division of tradewinds publishing in newark圄i have six years of experience,two as an apprentice and four as a licensed electrician,handling

9、 all kinds of electrical installations,working with electrical contractorsnd as a subc on tractor, prese ntly i am inv estigating new opportu nities in which to apply my education and experienee with a well established company.i am capable of working independently or as a member of a team and feel c

10、on fide nt of my ability to provide quality performs nee in any assignment that i undertake目during the past fourteen years,my experienee has ranged from senior auditor with keane & amp; co.peripherals to my curre nt position as vice-president/controller of a $90 million,multi-plant cd-rom man ufactu

11、ring operation.i believe that my expertise and en trepre neurial in sight can be utilized to the advantage of a growi ng en terprise with a n eed for effective and efficient financial management and cost control.0as you will note, have fifteen years of educa廿onal and media experiencei am proficient in the operation of a wide variety of photographivideo.and audio equipme nt.i am regularly resp on sible for processing,duplicati ng,and setting up slide presentations,as well as synchronized slide and audio presentations.分享让人快乐,欢迎下载使用


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