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1、 Section Reading () (Lesson 4 &Communication Workshop) 新生词汇初识.匹配下列单词的词性及汉语意思1cottageAn.慈悲,怜悯,同情心2mercyBn.村舍,小屋3damp Cvi. 洗澡;沐浴4basementDadj.潮湿的5bathe En.结论;结束6garbage Fn.遗产7conclusion Gn.地下室8surround Hn.垃圾,废物9heritage In.委员会10committee Jvt.环绕;围绕;包围【答案】15BADGC610HEJFI.选择下列句中相应词组的汉语意思1I have always dr

2、eamed of starting my own company. 2At least 60% of us now bathe or shower once a day. 3I stared at everything as if I was looking at it for the first time. 4The horror movie made us hold our breath from time to time. 5We cant see Michael Jackson,but his music lives on. 6Its not the most exciting pla

3、ce,but even so I was having a good time. 【答案】16DCBFAE教材语篇细研第一步速读了解文章主题和段落大意速读P42教材课文,选择最佳答案The passage is mainly about Athe places where they lived before they moved to Mango StreetBthe life on Mango StreetCa dream house and a real house on Mango StreetDthe reasons why they moved to Mango Street【答案】

4、C第二步细读把控文章关键信息细读P42教材课文,选择最佳答案1What does “Each time it seemed thered be one more of us” mean?AIt seemed that we would move to another flat after we moved to a new one.BIt seemed that we liked to keep moving so we could know more people.CWe always needed one more room for our big family.DIt seemed th

5、at there would be another street more suitable for us to live.2Which is NOT true about the dream house?AIt has running water and they dont need to carry water over from the next door.BThe house is white surrounded by trees.CEveryone has a washroom of his or her own.DOther people can go into the yard

6、 if they want to.3In fact,the house on Mango Street Ais exactly the same as the dream oneBis nothing like the dream oneChas a garage for them to park their car Dhas no trees of its own4What do you suppose will most probably happen?AThe authors family will never move again some day.BThe authors famil

7、y will move again some day.CThe authors family will become used to living on Mango Street.DThe authors family will move back to Paulina.【答案】14CCBB第三步精读能力升华接轨高考根据P42教材课文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。The House on Mango StreetWe didnt always live on Mango Street.We moved a lot.The house on Mango Street is

8、1.ours(we),and we dont have to pay rent and worry about the landlord 2.being(be)angry.But even so,its not the house we thought wed get.We had to leave the flat on Loomis quick because the water pipes broke and so on.We had to use the washroom next door and carry water over.Thats 3.why we moved into

9、the house on Mango Street,far away,on the other side of town.My parents always told us that one day we 4.would move(move)into a house,a real house 5.that would be ours.And our house would have 6.running(run)water and a bathtub and pipes that worked.We would have a basement and at 7.least(little)three washrooms,a big yard and grass 8.growing(grow)without a fence.But the house on Mango Street is not the way they described 9.it at all.Its small and red 10.with narrow steps in front.Out back is a small garage for the car we dont own yet.


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