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1、Unit 4 CyberspaceLesson 4 Virtual Tourism说课稿 设计理念:我设计这节课旨在通过对Virtual Tourism这篇文章的阅读,让学生了解阅读的策略猜词及通过阅读标题预测文章内容,体验阅读策略,通过阅读教学,帮助学生逐步掌握一些阅读的技能,建立学习英语的自信心,培养他们的学习兴趣;并使学生逐步形成运用语言进行交流的能力。一、教材分析 本节课为北师大版高中英语必修2 Unit4 Lesson4,单元主题为Cyberspace ,而本节课主要任务是阅读题为Virtual Tourism的文章.本部分内容的学习,主要是通过图片和视频,让学生了解奥克兰和新西兰,


3、成为课堂的主体三、教学目标本课为阅读型课,主要是介绍庞奥克兰和新西兰。通过阅读使学生了解世界文化遗产,学会描述他们的起源、发展和保护等方面的情况。教师通过日志特有的阅读策略,让学生在听的基础上,归纳每一部分的关键信息并进行归纳比较,提高阅读技能。由于讲述的是国外文化内容,学生会感到陌生,为了引起共鸣,因此要把中外文化遗产结合一起讨论。要使学生学会如何谈论文化遗产和形成保护文物的意识。四、教法学法(一)教法使用任务型教学法,充分调动学生的积极性,积极参与到课堂教学中,通过师生互动,小组讨论的途径,完成各种任务,以达到完成教学任务的途径。(二) 学法高中的学生已具备一定的知识能力,有自己的观点教育


5、习。六、教学手段 黑板、多媒体七、 教学过程Pre-Reading1. Do you like travelling ? Have you been to New Zealand ? Now today, we are going to travel to New Zealand. Where is New Zealand ?Show some pictures about New Zealand2. Look at the photos and guess a few things about Auckland.Example: Auckland is near the sea.Readin

6、g1. True or False? Listen to the tape , are these statements true or false? 1) Auckland is the capital of New Zealand. 2) Auckland is located on South Island. 3) Sky Tower is Aucklands tallest Tower. 4) Maoris were the first people of New Zealand . 5) The climate in Auckland is wet and rainy. 6) Its

7、 the paradise(天堂) for water lovers.Answers: FFTTFT2. Read the text and complete the table below.Location It is _ North Island.FeaturesAn important center for _. The most exciting city for people with different _.History Maoris settlement: _ years;European settlement in _; Capital of New Zealand for

8、some time; In 1985, a center for _ in Asia-Pacific. Population_Famous sights _Climate Called “ city of _” for_ climate with plenty of _;Average temperature: _ in summer and _ in winter. 3. Match the topics a-f with the five paragraphs in the text. There is one extra topic.a) the history of the city.

9、b) travel linksc) things to see in Aucklandd) night-life in Aucklande) for water loversf) New Zealands largest cityAnswers: 25341Post-ReadingMatch this information with the words in blue in the text. These are called “hot words”. On a real internet page you can “click” on these words to get more inf

10、ormation.1 New Zealand produces iron and steel, machines and cars.2 The first people of New Zealand came from other Pacific islands.3 The capital of New Zealand is on the Cook Strait, which separates the two islands.4 This bridge is one of the citys most famous sights. It was built in 1959.5 New Zea

11、land does not allow nuclear materials anywhere in the country.1 business and industry2 Maori3 Wellington4 Auckland Harbour Bridge5 nuclear-free zoneSpeaking Imagine you have a weekend in Auckland. Choose places you would like to visit and things you would like to do. Then work in pairs. Plan a weeke

12、nd together in Auckland.ExampleA: Why dont we visit Auckland Museum on Saturday morning?B: Thats a good idea. Do you fancy going to the beach after that?Tell the class what you have decided to do.Homework:Write an E-mail to a pen friend who is from America about Hefei 1. Introduction/history Hefei l

13、ocated: general: modern/beautiful city population: almost_ history: .2: Things to see: Places to visit:3: Things to do: Sports: tourism:八、板书设计Lesson 4 Virtual Tourism Populationless than a millionLocationOn North IslandHistory*Maoris settled 650 years agoEuropean settlement began in 1840Famous sights*Mt Eden; * Parnell village;* Auckland Harbour Bridge;* Sky Tower; *Auckland museum;ClimateWarm, plenty of sunshine2



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