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1、搪玻璃反应釜Glass lining reactor1概述 1 overview)2应用范围2 application scope3维护保养 3 maintenance4保管方法 4 preservation methods5制作流程 5 process1概述搪玻璃反应釜是将含高二氧化硅的玻璃,衬在钢制容器的内表面,经高温灼烧而牢固地密着于金属表面上成为复合材料制品。所以,它具有玻璃的稳定性和金属强度的双重优点,是一种优良的耐腐蚀设备。1 overviewGlass lining reactor is to contain high silica glass, lined on the inn

2、er surface of the steel container, high-temperature calcination and firmly on the metal surface be composite material products. So, it has the double advantage of the stability of the glass and metal strength, is a kind of excellent corrosion resistant equipment.2应用范围搪玻璃反应釜广泛地应用于化工、石油、医药、农药、食品等工业Ran

3、ge of applicationGlass lining reactor is widely used in chemical, petroleum, medicine, agricultural chemicals, food and other industries3维护保养(1)每班(经常)巡回检查搪玻璃反应釜的釜内及夹套操作压力、温度、真空度等是否在设备许可的安全操作范围之内(尤其是反应釜夹套的使用压力不允许超压),搅拌在转动时要时常关注设备的运行声音,注意釜内温度计套管及搅拌的有否异常。(2)设备操作工及维修工检查设备要运用看、摸、听的手段,看外表、摸温升、听声音,判断设备运行是否

4、正常,有隐患应及时报告。(3)搪瓷反应釜定期维护保养根据搪瓷反应釜的维护保养周期规定,每年安排维护两次,时间一般定于春节前后与大修期间。每年春节前后只对搪瓷反应釜的温度计套管及进气管进行拆出检查。每年大修期间除了检查温度计套管及进气管以外,还必须完成对搅拌浆、釜内壁搪瓷检查,反应釜夹套试压,减速机换油,反应釜外部防腐,保温保冷检查maintenance(1) per shift (often) circuit to check the kettle inside of glass lining reactor and jacketed operating pressure, temperatu

5、re, vacuum degree is in the range of safe operating license (especially jacketed reactor pressure does not allow the use of overpressure), stir in turns to often focus on the sound operation of the equipments, pay attention to the kettle thermometer casing and stir for exceptions.(2) equipment opera

6、tor and maintenance man to check equipment to use means of see, touch, listen to, watch appearance, touch, listen to the sound, temperature to judge whether the equipment operation is normal, there are hidden dangers shall be reported in a timely manner.(3) enamel reactor maintenance on a regular ba

7、sis(1) according to the regulations of enamel reactor maintenance cycle, arrange maintenance twice a year, the time is due before and after the Spring Festival and the overhaul period.(2) before and after the Spring Festival each year only to enamel reaction kettle thermometer casing and inlet pipe

8、to check down.(3) every year during overhaul in addition to check the thermometer casing and the inlet pipe, must also complete the stirrer, kettle inside enamel, jacketed reactor pressure, speed reducer in oil, the reaction kettle external anti-corrosion, heat/cold4保管方法保管要妥善,应置于库内,如置于室外时,应有防雨措施,严防雨

9、淋,尤其寒冷地区,在冬季前必须清除罐内、夹套内、管内的积水、避免因结冰膨胀,引起玻璃面损坏,在保管内,应防止硬物磨擦、冲击、碰撞4Preservation methodsCustody shall be properly, should be placed in the house of the rolls, such as when placed in the outdoor, should be rainproof measures to keep out the rain, cold area in particular, must be removed before winter ta

10、nk, jacket, water pipe, avoid because of the freezing expansion, caused the glass surface is damaged, in custody, friction, impact and collision should guard against hard objects.5制作流程搪玻璃反应釜先用胎具将钢板压制成符合烧成要求的折流板,其横截面成类似字母“”形,折流板的宽度H为釜体直径的1/81/6,折流板顶面弧度半径R为:3R150mm,为折流板钢板厚度,侧面弧度半径r为650mm,然后根据反应釜体积的大小,

11、将折流板制成一层或多层,焊接在釜体内壁上,焊缝处处理圆滑过度后,进行搪烧,组装成成品,较好地改善了反应物料流动状态,提高了反应效率。搪玻璃设备运行中停车后的检验国内、国外高品质的制造商都选用高品质的钢板、焊条、瓷釉,钢板焊条含碳、硫、磷杂质低,钢板内晶格结构紧密并有微量元素以抑制制造过程中吸氢,瓷釉选用耐腐蚀性能好、耐温差急变性能优异、熔点低的瓷釉。搪烧时采用“低温长烧”、“搪烧后缓冷”的烧制工艺,一般在搪烧三次后就没有了气孔,以后的三到四次搪烧仅仅是瓷层的加厚,瓷层一半以上的厚度是致密不导电的,这样的瓷层耐腐蚀性能优异,腐蚀、摩擦、碰撞后即便瓷层厚度减薄也不会影响瓷层的性能。5 proces

12、sGlass lining reactor with milled out to meet the requirements of burning plate baffle plate, the cross section into similar letters form, the width of the baffle plate is H is 1/8 1/6 of the diameter of the kettle body, at the top of the baffle plate arc radius R is: 3 delta R 150 mm or less, or le

13、ss delta as the baffle plate thickness of steel plate, profile curve radius R is 6 50 mm, then according to the size of the reaction kettle, the baffle plate made of a layer or multilayer, welding in the kettle body wall, smooth weld with excessive, lining burning, assemble into finished products, i

14、mprove the material flow state reaction, improve the reaction efficiency. Glass lining equipment inspection after parking in the operation of domestic and foreign manufacturers of high quality is to choose high quality steel, welding rod, enamels, steel plate electrode containing low carbon, sulfur

15、and phosphorus impurities, steel lattice structure closely and trace elements to inhibit the absorption of hydrogen in the process of producing, porcelain glaze USES good corrosion resistance, heat resistance is poor zag performance, low melting point of the enamel.Technicians to burn when using low

16、 temperature burning long, slow cooling after technicians to burn fire craft, generally burn after three times no stomata in lining, after three or four times in China is just cook porcelain layer thickening, more than half the thickness of the ceramic layer is dense non-conductive, such excellent corrosion resistance of ceramic layer, corrosion, friction, collision even por



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