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1、初三英语模拟考二客观题部分(165题请做在答题卡上)听力部分(20分)I. 听小对话, 选择图片(共5小题; 每小题1分,满分5分)1. What is Dave looking for?A B C 2. What is the lantern made of? A B C 3. What was on last night?A B C 4. How is Bill feeling now? A B C 5. What might Jasons sister do? A B C . 听小对话,回答问题(共5小题; 每小题1分,满分5分)6. Whats the matter with the

2、boy?A. He has a toothache. B. He has a sore throat. C. He has a backache.7. What time did Gina go home yesterday?A. 8:00. B. 7:30. C. 6:30.8. What can the woman wear to the party? A. Shorts. B. Jeans. C. A skirt.9. How much money has been raised for the Childrens Hospital? A. $25,000. B. $50,000. C.

3、 $100,000. 10. What is recycled paper like? A. It has a strange smell. B. It looks dirty. C. It looks a little old. 听长对话,回答问题(共5小题; 每小题1分,满分5分)听下面一段较长的对话,回答第11至第12两个小题。11. Why did the girl come to China?A. To see her parents. B. To go travelling. C. To go to university.12. Where is the girl most pro

4、bably going to work after she graduates? A. In China. B. In England. C. In Japan.听下面一段较长对话,回答第13至15三小题。13. Which title of the news are Fred and Linda talking about? A. ELEPHANT HURT ITS KEPPER IN CITY ZOO.B. NEW ELEPHANT ARRIVING AT CITY ZOO. C. NEW CITY ZOO FINISHED SOON.14. What does Linda think o

5、f wild animals going back to the forest? A. It is good for the wild animals. B. The wild animals wont be able to live on their own after they leave the zoo. C. There will be nowhere for the children to see wild animals any more.15. What is Fred worried about? A. How the wild animals can make a livin

6、g out of the zoo. B. Visitors will lose their interest in the City Zoo. C. How the zoo keepers can have a safe life. . 听短文,回答问题(共5小题; 每小题1 分,满分5 分)16. What did Dick like doing very much?A. Listening. B. Speaking. C. Reading. 17. What exam would Jim take next Monday?A. English. B. Chinese. C. Maths.

7、18. Why did Jim go to Dick for help?A. He missed a lot of lessons. B. He was afraid to fail the exam. C. He wanted to get an “A”.19. How many subjects are mentioned in this passage?A. One. B. Two. C. Three. 20. Which is not true according to the passage?A. Dick had got an “A” in maths. B. There were

8、 a lot of books in Dicks room.C. Dick would like to help Jim at once. 笔试部分(90分). 单项填空(共15小题; 每小题1分,满分15分)21. Linda, help _ to some fruit. Thank you. A. you B. yours C. yourself D. yourselves22. Where is Mrs. Wilson? I saw her in the library _. Im not sure if she is still there. A. right now B. just

9、now C. at once D. so far23. When you have difficulty in English learning, you can _ Mrs Brown for help. Ok, I will. A. turn off B. turn up C. turn over D. turn to24. Do you know _ the Olympics are held? Every four years.A. how soon B. how long C. how often D. how far25. I cant send an e-mail .Would

10、you please show me _? A. what to do it B. where to do C. when to do D. how to do it26. Im not the _ of the cat. It could be Jims.A. owner B. teacher C. driver D. inventor27. He worked very hard. _ he got good grades in the final examination last year.A. By the way B. On the way C. In this way D. All

11、 the way28. Anna hasnt come to school today. I think she _ be ill. A. can B. has to C. may D. should29. Excuse me, may I use your dictionary?Sorry. I havent got _. A. it B. that C. one D. this30. The sign with the words “_” is often found in a hospital or a library. A. KEEP QUIET B. NO PHOTOS C. NO

12、PARKING D. STOP31. We must do everything we can _ waste water from running into rivers. A. keep B. kept C. to keep D. keeping 32. Can you stay here longer? _. I have to be back tomorrow. A. No, thank you B. Im afraid not C. It doesnt matter D. Id love to33. Would you like to go bike riding with us t

13、omorrow? - Sure, _ I am busy.A. since B. unless C. when D. until34. If you dont get enough sleep at night, youll have _ energy the next day.A. fewer B. much C. less D. more35. Im too nervous to give a talk before so many people. _, Maria. You can do it.A. Thats true B. With pleasure C. Come on D. Youre right . 完形填空(共15小题; 每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白


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