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1、2022年考博英语-清华大学考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(含答案带详解)1. 单选题According to the “Geneva( )no prisoners of war shall be subject to abuse.问题1选项A.CustomsB.CongressesC.ConventionsD.Routines【答案】C【解析】固定用法。Geneva Conventions指的是“日内瓦公约”。2. 单选题As automation became popular in most factories, labor was made( ).问题1选项A.disincentiveB.re

2、dundantC.diverseD.discontent【答案】B【解析】形容词辨析。disincentive 妨碍活动的;redundant 因人员过剩而被解雇的,多余的;diverse 不同的,多种多样的;discontent 不满的。句意: 随着自动化在大多数工厂的普及,劳动力被 了。因此B项符合句意。3. 单选题The torch was( )by a famous athlete at the opening of the sport meeting.问题1选项A.implementB.deceiveC.exemplifyD.ignited【答案】D【解析】动词词义辨析。implem

3、ent实施,执行;deceive欺诈,误导;exemplify 举例证明;ignite点燃,引发。句意:一位著名的运动员点燃了火炬。选项D符合句意。4. 单选题The collapse of the Earths magnetic field which guards the planet and guides many of its creatures appears to have started seriously about 150 years ago, the New York Times reported last week.The fields strength has decr

4、eased by 10 or 15 percent so far and this has increased the debate over whether it signals a reversal of the planets lines of magnetic force.During a reversal, the main field weakens, almost vanishes, and reappears with opposite polarity (极).The transition would take thousands of years. Once complet

5、ed, compass needles that had pointed north would point south. A reversal could cause problems for both man and animals. Astronauts and satellites would have difficulties. Birds, fish and animals that rely on the magnetic field for navigation would find migration confusing. But experts said the effec

6、ts would not be a big disaster, despite claims of doom and vague evidence of links between past field reversals and species extinctions.Although a total transition may be hundreds or thousands of years away, the rapid decline in magnetic strength is already affecting satellites. Last month, the Euro

7、pean Space Agency approved the worlds largest effort at tracking the fields shifts. A group of new satellites, called Swarm, is to monitor the collapsing field with far greater precision. “ We want to get some idea of how this would evolve in the near future, just like people trying to predict the w

8、eather,” said Gauthier Hulot, a French geophysicist working on the satellite plan. “Im personally quite convinced we should be able to work out the first predictions by the end of the mission. No matter what the new findings, the public has no reason to panic. Even if a transition is coming on its w

9、ay, it might take 2, 000 years to mature. The last one took place 780,000 years ago, when early humans were learning how to make stone tools. Deep inside the Earth flow hot currents of melted iron. This mechanical energy creates electromagnetism. This process is known as the geophysical generator. I

10、n a cars generator, the same principle turns mechanical energy into electricity.No one knows precisely why the field periodically reverses. But scientists say the responsibility probably lies with changes in the disorderly flows of melted iron, which they see as similar to the gases that make up the

11、 clouds of Jupiter.1.According to the passage, the Earths magnetic field has( ) .2.During the transition of the Earths magnetic field ( ).3.The author says the public has no reason to panic” because( ) .4.The cause of the transition of the Earths magnetic field comes from( ) .问题1选项A.misguided many a

12、 man and animalB.begun to change in the opposite directionC.caused the changes on the polaritiesD.been weakening in strength for a long time问题2选项A.the compass will become uselessB.man and animals will be confused in directionsC.the magnetic strength of the Earth will disappearD.the magnetic strength

13、 of the Earth will be stronger问题3选项A.the transition is still thousands of years from nowB.the transition can be precisely predicted by scientistsC.the process of the transition will take a very long time to finishD.the new transition will come 780, 000 years from now问题4选项A.the movement deep inside t

14、he EarthB.the periodical reverses of the EarthC.the force coining from outer spaceD.the mechanical movement of the Earth【答案】第1题:B第2题:B第3题:C第4题:D【解析】1.细节题。文章前两段指出地球磁场开始发生变化,后来指出正在向相反的方向发生变化。故选B。2.细节题。根据题干关键词transition 定位至第三段。由此推测B项 “人和动物在方向上会混淆”正确。3.细节题。根据题干关键词public has no reason to panic定位至第五段。由此推测

15、B项 “人和动物在方向上会混淆”正确。关键词public has no reason to panic后面就讲了原因: it might take 2, 000 years to mature(可能要2000年才能成熟)。 故选C。4.细节题。根据题干关键词cause of the transition of the Earths magnetic field 定位至最后一段:changes in the disorderly flows of melted iron, 即原因是地球内部深处流动着液体铁,这种机械能会产生电磁。5. 单选题The changes in globally averaged temperature that have occurred at the Earths surface over the past century are similar in size and timing to those(1)by models that take into account the combined influences of human factors an



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