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1、5.m英 语试 题 本试卷共10 页, 三大题,满分 15 分,考试用时10 分钟注意事项: 本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第 卷(非选择题)两部分。2答题前。考生务必将自己姓名、准考证号填写在本试卷相应的位置。 .所有答案在答题卡上完毕,答在本试卷上无效。 第I卷第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分0 分)第一节(共 15 小题:每题 2 分,满分3 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、 和 D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A Toaievefther ucation, internatioal stdet mst tke standarizedtes f gls. Te

2、popr tsts are OEFL,OEIC,and ILT. er are sevrlntrodutios fo a stent appyin t a chol o ear which t th promreuies. TeTOE tet woklaomncatin TeI test sae i th 90s. h TEICi ased Enlshed in e wrace Butthest o no reuirekldg ofecia bus rdshe uestions come frmral stuations li atteni oanymeeting. S sas tht 14,

3、 oganizatins in10cone usethe TI. T TOEFL testEnglishud in te clasoom Thre r sevea ersis ofth TOEFL.Stent tae th Intenet-basd FL, or L BT, on computer My US. uvrtes rqui th TOEFL T rinenationastdenadmissins. othe OEFL is e par-based T, or TOEF IP.t i arofETSs stiutiol testig prram. TFL P is used ithn

4、 insittnfor turpose f place oroealte proress f udets t not acepted fo ntac to unverite.Fr youEish laners, thera to nw TOFts e TOEFJniorTst ooug pol betee11andyearsold.And h TOL Prma Test is forhos ovrte age oeight.IESttsacadic and genera languagekill he ETShas w form. TheLtni a ak sctn ehsaeorbotfor

5、m. I theRgandWritin ecti, howeer, tere are tdiffren tts. h AcaeicET ses topc an aterials overed undrgrauate,rae, orpoeional prgrams he Genera IE ustopicamateia r everyy books, esapersan mgazne. Whichkindof OE is usedithn nttutins or e purpose of lcementor t evluat proress ostudent?A.OEFLB. B.TOEFITP

6、 C. EFLJuo Test D.TOFLiarTest 2. cing t tepasge, hdescipton isNot igh?A. he TEI test inlude question oig fom rel itatis ik ttnding op meeing. Man. nirsiirurte TOELTor iterationlsundmssion C. The Acaemc ETS us tc and teial covere undeaate, rduate, or prfesiona ora D The Lsnin and iting setios ar he s

7、ae fo Te Academic IET andh GeerlIETS. Th rir wote th aricl lyo _. A ke an ntoducton abou thee pulr ts B. lc an avertset fortree opuar tet C.iv a bsine tlk abot eeoulartss D. give alessnon re pulartests BNA on Thursday annnced te svery fKepler-452b, he stEartlikeplane ever fd. ocaed ,00 ght-yea rmour

8、 ant, NSA called it “Earth 2.”, beaue s the firs paetver n t haitable one f stailar toour u. “ can thnk f Kler452 s ande, ier usi t Earh, proving an opporniy toundstn and rle nEath vlvi eronment,” saJ Jekns, he Kpler data lslead a ASsAmes Rserh Cnte. Th platis 5 prcent farte away fro t sta tha th s

9、th sun, ak foa sligtly le yearf35 days, but e similar lighteausetssun 20 percent briher thnor on.“h sshin romts sa wou el ry smlar toth sunsie from o tar,”Jeis tol reportes. ASA eie h plant s a mas aut five tmes mo sive an Erths, wth a rcky rfae blow hke atosphre than our wn. Gravity wold b about ti

10、ce s trg on Kel45b sisnarh, NASA d. planetis lin e Keler452 yem nthe onselato Cygnu(天鹅座) Iun aste smurface emprturea ouown, but as a dame thtis 10 prcet larger.hle NSA ientiss he no e ifKepler-452s atmospr oducivoife, hydnow thtthre s eplenty of tme orasmsto develop. “It awe-ispirin to conside this

11、plant spn bilion year in the habable ze of it tar, whc slonete age f te arth,” Jnki ad.“That is considable time n pouit rlife i owhere o is surfce or oceanif al theeesaryonditinfo ifeext on ths plaet.” 4. Th rsn wh NSA calldKeler-52b“ath 2.0” is ta_.A it s 5 ercnt artheaway ro ts tr nErt is sun B. it has a mas



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