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1、第二部分 CET听力必备词组A1.a big shot 具有影响力的人;要人;大人物;大亨 an important or influential person1).Mr. Jefferson is really a big shot. He held a press conference yesterday. 杰弗逊先生可真是个大人物。他昨天举行了记者招待会。2.above all 最重要的是,特别是,尤其most important of all; especially1).Above all, they knew how to use their brain. 最重要的是他们知道如何去独

2、立思考。2).He was above all a good and tireless writer. 他首先是位优秀的、不知疲倦的作家。3).Above all, they reminded America that elderly people are valuable and energetic citizen. 最重要的是他们提醒了美国,老年人是有价值的、精力充沛的公民。3.a case in point 一个恰当的例子a good example1).The exploitation of tourism is bound to destroy some and natural re

3、sources and scenic areas. Environmental pollution is a case in point. 旅游开发肯定会破坏某些自然资源和风景区,环境污染就是一个很好的例子。4.access to 途径;使用的机会means of approaching; opportunity to get1).The only access to the park is across the bridge. 这座桥是通向公园的必经之道。2).Students must have access to a good library. 学生们必须有机会利用好的图书馆。5.acc

4、ompany somebody while somebody sing 为某人伴舞play piano or violin for a singer1). Can you accompany while I sing? 我唱歌的时候你能替我伴奏吗? I dont play well, but I will give it a try. 我弹得不太好,但我要试一试。6.account for 占;解释have a percentage or proportion of ; explain1).Today, paper accounts for about half of the wastes c

5、ollected. 当今纸废料约占全部废料的二分之一。2).Peter must be ill; its the only thing that will account for his unusual behavior. 彼得一定是病了,只有这点可以解释他的反常举动。3).The danger of motorcycling also helps account for many peoples low opinion of the sport. 驾驶摩托的危险性也可以用来解释为什么很多人对这种运动评价不高。7.acquaint with 熟悉,了解be familiar with, lea

6、rn1).Are you acquainted with the works of Hemingway? 你熟悉海明威的作品吗?2).His family took him, as a boy, to frequent hunting and fishing trips and so acquainted him early with the kinds of virtues, such as courage and endurance. 他的家人在他小时候经常带他去打猎、捕鱼,因此他很早便了解了诸如勇气和毅力这样的品质。8.add to 增加到increase in extent or qu

7、antity1).Finally, in 1920, fourteen years after Susan Antonys death, an article was added to the Constitution. It gave all American women the right to vote. 最后,在1920年,也就是苏珊安东尼去世了14年之后,一项新的条款被加进宪法之中。这项条款赋与所有美国妇女选举权。9.a discount 提供(享受)折优惠to sell or buy something with a lowered price1).These shoes are

8、$40 a pair and three pairs make a total of $120. But today we offer a 10% discount. 这些鞋每双40美元,三双一共是120美元。但是今天我们提供九折优惠。2).Students can get a discount of 50% on these tickets. 这些票学生可以享受半价优惠。10.(be) admitted to 被承让或录取be accepted; be enrolled1).In 1863 these counties were admitted to the Union as the st

9、ate of West Virginia. 1863年,这些县被联邦政府接纳为西弗吉尼亚州。2).I was admitted to MIT in 1984. 1984年我被麻省理工学院录取了。11.a fraction of 一小部分a minute part of1).Every month a fraction of my allowance is spent on roses. 每个月我用零花钱中的一小部分买玫瑰花。12.after all 毕竟,终究;到底in spite of everything; on earth1).I felt tense and shaky. It was

10、 the first time, after all. 我感觉紧张并且浑身发抖,这毕竟是第一次。2).What is diamond after all? 钻石到底是什么呢?13.after/when all is aid and done经过慎重考虑之后,经过深思熟虑之后after all the various opinions, arguments, etc., have been taken into account; when every thing has been considered1).Although they experienced several times of fr

11、ustration in their family life; after all is said and done, Sam and Sally determined to maintain their marriage. 虽然他们的家庭生活也经历了几次挫折,但是经过慎重考虑之后,山姆和萨丽还是决定维持他们的婚姻。14.agree on (upon) (双方或多方)就取得一致意见;达成协议(both or more sides) reach an agreement1).Government representatives failed to persuade the union and t

12、he employers to agree on new wage plan. 政府代表们没有说服工会及雇员在新工资计划方面达成协议。15.agree with (食物、气候等)不适于某人not accustomed to (food, climate)1).My stomach aches. Maybe the seafood doesnt agree with me. 我的胃在痛,也许我不适应这儿的海鲜。2).The climate here doesnt agree with him. 他不适应这里的气候。16.air crash/plane crash 空难,飞机失事air disas

13、ter1).Have you heard about the air crash that occurred last Wednesday? 你有没有听说上星期三发生的空难?2).The time is 7 oclock, and this is Amily Brown with the news: The German authorities are sending investigators to discover the cause of the plane crash late yesterday on the Island of Tenariff. 现在是七点整由艾米丽布朗播出的新闻

14、:德国当局正派出调查人员去调查昨天晚些时候在特纳里夫岛发生飞机坠毁事件的起因。17.alcohol (drug) abuse 酗酒(吸毒上瘾)frequently get over drunk or take drugs1).Brain scans show alcohol abuse kills brain cells. 大脑扫描结果表明酗酒能杀死脑细胞。2).Drug abuse has been a serious social problem for many years. 多年以来吸毒一直是一个严重的社会问题。18.alienate from 隔离,疏离separate from;

15、not belong to particular surroundings1).Hemingway became part of a group of Americans who felt alienated from their country. 海明威和他周围的一群美国人都感觉硫离了自己的祖国。19.all ears 侧耳聆听;全神贯注地听keen to listen to what is about to be said1).When the singer started to sing, the audience were all ears. 歌手一开口唱歌,观众们都侧耳倾听。20.allergic to 对过敏oversensitive to something1). The chocolate is especially good. 这种巧克力特别好吃。 Thank you. Im allergic to sugar. 谢谢你,我对糖过敏。21.all sorts of 各种各样的all kinds of, a great variety of 1).In the reference room youll find all sorts of reference books. 在参考书阅览室里你将找到各种各样的参考书。22. all the same 仍然,照样,


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