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1、新概念英语第二册自学导读 Lesson 6Lesson 6自学导读 First things first课文详注 Further notes on the text1.1 have just moved to a house in Bridge Street我 刚刚搬进了大桥街的一所 房子。move 常用的意义是 “动”、 “移动”。在这句话里它的意思是 “搬家”、 “迁 移”为不及物动词。在表达 搬家”这个意思时move能够单独使用,也能够组 成短语 move to, move into, move in,move out 等:Jack has moved out. John will mo

2、ve in the day aftertomorrow.杰克已经搬走了。约翰后天搬进来。2. He asked me for a meal and a glass of bee(r. 他问)我要一顿饭和一杯啤 酒。在表示请求时,能够用 ask+ sb.+ for + sth.,也能够直接用askfor:Dont always ask others for help.别总向他人求助。He never asks his parents for money.他从来不向父母要钱。3. in return for this, 作为报答,作为交换。in return 能够单独使用,也能够加介词 for 说

3、明原因: You lent me this interesting book last month. In return(for it), Ill show you some picture books.你上个月把这本有趣的书借给了我。作为报答,我将给你看一些画册。In return for your help, I invite you to spend theweekend with my family.你帮了我的忙。作为回报,我邀请你与我的家人一起过这个周末。4. Later a neighbour told me about him.后来,一位邻居告诉了我他的情况。介词about能够和

4、一些动词连用,以表示 关于(的)” 涉及的) ”:Please tell me about the accident.请告诉我这次事故的一些情况。He spoke to me about his dog.他和我讲了讲他的狗。I have read about him.关于他的情况我以前读到过。5. once a month,每月一次。once表示频率时后面直接加表示时间的名词:Jane wrote to her parents once a week.简每星期给父母写封信。He goes back to the South once a year.他每年回一次南方。 The postman c

5、alls once a day.邮递员每天来一次。语法 Grammar in use1. a, the与some的用法当表示不确定的某个人或东西时,用不定冠词 a/an:He bought a book this afternoon.今天下午他买了本书。There is a man in front of your car.你的汽车前面有一个男人。当表示不可数的名词时,则需要由不定冠词加量词组成词组: coffee, please.请给我来一杯咖啡。I need a sheet of paper.我需要一张纸。当表示一类事物的性质、状态时,能够用下列方法表示: dangerous animal

6、.老虎是一种危险的动物。Tigers are dangerous.老虎是危险的。Salt is necessary for/ to us all. 我们大家都需要盐。some 用于表示不确定的某些人或东西,可数和不可数都能够 books on the desk.他把一些书放在了桌上。Some students are absent today. 今天有些学生缺席了。A cup ofA tiger is aHe put someI like to put some sugar in the soup. 我喜欢在汤里加些糖。如果指某个确定的人或事物或者上文已提到过的人或事物,则要用定冠词the (

7、有时相当于this/ that):The man has just left.那人刚走。Do you still want the ticket?你还想要这张票吗?Yesterday I saw a beautiful skirt in a shop. But theskirt was too expensive.昨天我在商店看见一条漂亮的裙子。但是那裙子太贵了。 在姓名、地名、国名(非复合词)以及月份、星期等前面不加任何冠词:Tom is in Germany now. He studies physics in Berlin. Hehas a house in Bridge Street.

8、汤姆现在在德国。他在柏林学习物理学。在大桥街他有一所房子。 April is a pleasant month.4 月气候宜人。He has classes on Monday.他星期一有课。冠词的用法比较复杂,需慢慢积累。2短语动词 (Phrasal verbs)很多动词加上介词或副词后就会改变词义,所以需要记住整个短语,并根 据上下文的意义判断动词在句子中的意思。常见的短语动词有: put on (穿上, 戴上),take off (脱掉,摘掉),look for (寻找),look after (照顾,照 料):Dont put the cup on the table!别把杯子放在桌上

9、!It is cold outside. Put on your coat. 今天外面冷。穿上外衣。Someone has taken my pen. 有人把我的钢笔拿走了。Take off your wet shoes, please. 请把你的湿鞋子脱掉。She looked at the picture carefully. 她仔细地看着那幅画。What are you looking for? 你在找什么?She looked after the sick baby for three days. 她照顾了那个病孩子 3 天。词汇学习 Word study1 knock(1) vi.敲

10、门:Someone is knocking at the door. 有人在敲门。I knocked, but no one answered. 我敲了敲门,但是没人答应。(2) vt., vi.碰撞:You always kn ock thi ngs off the table 你总是碰掉桌上的东西。Jim was knocked over by a bus this morning.今天上午吉姆被一辆公共汽车撞倒了。She has knocked a cup over again.她又碰倒了一个杯子。(3)vt.把(某人)打成状态:Bob is very stro ng. He knock

11、ed Tom out yesterday鲍勃很强壮,他昨天把汤姆 打昏过去了。(4) 与off连用时有一些特殊的含义。一般用于口语。A vt.(价格上)减 去,除去,打折扣:They knocked five dollars off the price of the coat.他 们把这件上衣的价格降低 了 5 美元。B vi.下班,停止,中断(工作等):When do you usually knock off?你一般什么时候下班?He knocked off for lunch at half past eleven.他 11 点半休息吃中午饭。2call(1)vt., vi.叫,喊:I heard someone calling.我听见有人在喊叫。( 2) vt. 呼唤,召唤:Lucy is sick. Please call a doctor. 露西病了。请去叫个医生来。(3) vi.访问,拜访;(车、船等)停靠:Amy called(at our house) yesterday. 艾米昨天来(我们家)了。I have just called on Mr. Frith. 我刚刚去看望过弗里斯先生。The train calls at large stations only. 这列火车只停大站。#/ 7


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