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1、名词性从句专练:1 The reason why we are late is _our car didt come. A.because B. that C. why D.for2 _he will come to the meeting or not is not clear. A.Whether B.If C. That D.What3 The house will be very cold. Make sure_the heater. A.you will light B. you light C.for lighting D. lighting 4._well succeed dep

2、ends on _we have enough courage. A.Whether,whether B.If, if C.Whether, if D.If, whether5.I have no idea_the book is _to your English study. A. whether, of much value B. if, of great value C.that, so valuable D. how, very valuable6._get such a book? A.Where do you think can I B. Do you think where ca

3、n I C.Do you think where I can D.Where do you think I can7.They told the policeman the fact _they had nothing to do with the murder. A.that B. which C. why D.how8.I know nothing about the accident_I read in the newspaper. A.except for B.except what C.except D. besides9.All agreed to his suggestion_a

4、 bridge across the river_. A.as, would be built B. which, should be built C.that, be built D.so that , built10.Word has come _some visitors will come for a visit to our school next week. A.what B. that C. whether D.when11.We found that they_the plan. A. have changed B. are changing C. had changed D.

5、were changed12._the experiment will be carried out is not known. A.whether B. If C. That D. /13._will win the English competition is _to many of us. A.who, interesting B. who, to interest C.whoever, interested D. whoever, interest14.He was reading a novel_the story reminded him of _he had seen in th

6、e last war. A.that, what B. when, what C. whose, that D.while,which15._ you do should be good for the society.A. No matter what B. Whatever C.No matter how D. However16._the child formed the habit of smoking made his mother angry. A.What B. If C. Whether D. That17.Please give the book to _wins the f

7、irst prize.A.who B.whom C.whoever D.whomever18.What he says and what he does _agree with the fact. A.are B. doesnt C. dont D.didnt19.The manager decided to give the job to _he believed had a strong sense of duty. A.whoever B.whomever C. who D. those20.The question came up at the meeting_we had enoug

8、h money for our research. A.that B. which C. whether D. if21.The home improvements have taken _little there is of my spare time. A. what B. which C. that D. whose22.Throughout the world _advance has been made in science and technology is due to education which brings forth scientists and inventors.

9、A.whoever B. what C. that D. whatever23.A computer can only do _you have instructed it to do. A.how B. after C. what D. when24.The day will come _the people all over the world will stop polluting the environment. A. that B. when C. where D. how25.I stuck in this matter ; you may ask_knows better tha

10、n I. A. whoever B.whomever C. anyone D. the one26.The boy dived into the water and after _seemed to be a long time , he came up again. A. which B. it C. what D. that27._the old mans sons wanted to know was _the gold had been hidden. A. That, what B.What, where C. What, that D. What, if28.I dont doub

11、t _he can finish the work on time. A.whether B. that C. what D. why29.Ill eat _ you give me. A.that B. which C. whatever D.no matter which30.Can you tell me _?A. who is that woman B. who the woman is C.whom is the woman D.that woman is31.The news_to Mount Tai during the summer holidays delighted us.

12、A. we would go B. which we would go C. that we would go D. would we go32.It depends on _we have enough time. A. if B. if or not C. that D. whether33._proves that my advice is right.A.It will happen that B. That has happened C. What has happened D. When it happens34.I believe _you have done your best

13、 and _things will improve. .Thank you. A.that,/ B. /. / C. what, that D. /, that35.Does it matter _he cant finish the job in time? A.Whether B. if C. that if D. why36.Where is my pen ?. Oh, its _ you left it. A.there B. where C. there where D. the place37.Thats_nothing has yet been organized. A.why

14、B. what C. where D. that38. It hasnt been decided _ the talk on healthy food will be given.A. when and whether B. where and whom C. when and where D.where and if39.The problem is _we can finish the work within such a short time. A. that B. why C. how D.when 40._is to do good to all ones life and never do anything bad.A. Whichever is hard B. No matter what is hard C. What is hard D. All what is hard41.Can you tell me _is the nearest way to t


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